waiting for baby

  1. N

    Stuff I now worry about in "trying" mode

    While waiting to try, I had a specific set of things I worried about - timing baby's horoscope, saving money, how to talk to my SO to set expectations - and I got a lot of support from this group thinking through it. Now that I'm officially in trying mode (no more birth control, no more...
  2. W

    I just feel sick

    This feels like the 2016 election all over again. I’m afraid of not being able to access the healthcare I need. What if I eventually have a daughter? What will be left for her? I’m just spiraling y’all. Politico article with draft opinion that will overturn Roe v Wade
  3. N

    What vitamins to take while waiting?

    My husband (33) and I (29) are planning to try in 2-3 years because we’d like to save up a solid buffer fund and have my husband increase his income so that I can afford to stay home and we’d also like to go on more vacations and live it up a bit. That said, even though I’ve never been pregnant...
  4. C

    He changed his mind and I cried myself to sleep just to wake up more upset

    You’re the only people I feel would understand what I’m going through right now. The past year we’ve been NTNP but really not trying as we avoided possible O days. Last month I had a scare cause I miscounted my cycle days. I allowed myself to get excited. It didn’t happen and I was depressed. He...
  5. B

    Q+A Part 3: Fur babies!

    Thanks to /@le4069 for the questionnaire suggestion! How many pets do you have? What are they, how old and what are their names? If you could pick any animal to have as a pet, which would you choose? What’s the first pet you’ve ever had and their name? What is your favorite story about your...
  6. M

    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    TLDR: I've got anxiety about conceiving into my 30s so I've been researching my ancestry and there's been so many cases of having 9 or 11! One started at 30 and stopped at 47! With 2 years in betweenlike a real champ even though it was in the 1800s lol Long story: I'm a planner. But also a...
  7. K

    Will my short cycle make TTC hard?

    I’m booking an appointment with my GP soon as we will be TTC in January, but just wanted some anecdotes in the meantime. I have what is considered a short cycle, 23 days. I also have a tilted cervix, which makes BD uncomfortable and a bit painful 5-7 days after period ends and 3-5 days before it...
  8. P

    (24 F) Struggling with Baby fever

    Hi! Hopefully i've reached a subreddit where I can get some advice. my bf (30) and I have been together for 3 years, living together for most of it. Since the beginning we both wanted kids so that was never an issue. Our plan has always been to be more financially stable and have a house of our...
  9. C

    Birth preferences (C-section or vaginal)

    I've thought about this a lot and after doing a lot of research, I am sure that a C-section would be my preferred choice. This is primarily due to concerns about the excruciating pain and trauma which are normally associated with vaginal delivery. I also recently found out that any pregnant...
  10. P

    Has anyone else already written their birth plan?

    Is it a step too far to write your birth plan before you're actually pregnant? I'd really like to share mine with you and I would like to read other people's should you be willing to share it. I'm not pregnant and am still technically WTT and looking for new ways to scratch the baby itch...
  11. P

    I 22f & fiancé 21m, hoping to try in 2017, BUT..

    I just got turned to this sub today, looking for advice. Altering names, fiancé Reddit's and I'm sure has no clue this sub exists, also doesn't know my username, but who knows. We have been together for almost 5.5 years, and will have been for almost 7 by our wedding (Jun '17.) We've been...
  12. B

    Intro / WTT for a VBAC (baby #2)

    Hello! This is my first post in years, but I loved this board when I was WTT for my first kiddo! Well, now I'm back in baby-crazy mode but WTT for #2. Anyone else WTT to space out their pregnancies? Or just hoping to have a more ideal pregnancy/birth? My son was born via emergency C-Section at...
  13. T

    I want a baby so bad….but I can’t

    I am 29F and for the last few months, I’ve really been wanting to have a baby with my long term boyfriend “Kane” 36M. We’ve been together for 3 years, living together for 2 now, and are extremely happy together. We’ve been talking about getting married after I graduate school in 2026. Kane has...
  14. M

    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    Hello everyone, I am looking forward for some opinions of you. I am 21 years old and married to my husband (24) since july this year. We are together since October 2019 (4 years now) and have known each other since February 2019. We moved in our own apartment in april 2021 and moved to a...
  15. E

    When to come off the pill

    Hi, new to this sub but finding it very helpful! I (F 27) and my husband (M 30) are WTT, aiming to be TTC around winter 2024. I have been on the pill since I was around 15 (the three-week pill for a lot of that time but progesterone only the last couple of years). I get irregular bleeding and...
  16. L

    The "R&D" stage of waiting - my experience so far and a few questions for the Brain's Trust (Australia)

    My husband and I have always been on the same page about ensuring we had explored a range of medical questions before TTC. Our current plan is to start TTC in January (so close!). I thought this list might give others some tangible steps that you can take while waiting that should make the path...
  17. T

    Daydreaming about names… my top 5 C names

    Another post daydreaming about potential baby names. My husband’s family has a tradition where the first born has a C name and my husband once had a dream that we had a baby girl, so I’ve been contemplating names! I prefer more unique names and my husband leans more classic so it’ll be...
  18. E

    Tips for longing & feeling envious of others?

    I’ve wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember. At 6-8 years old I’d go through my mums old pregnancy book and look at how the baby grows, the bump and all the hand drawn pictures etc. Most of my favourite toys included pregnant Barbie, any baby dolls and any toy that came with babies...
  19. 7

    PCOS with High Testosterone - Should we start trying earlier?

    Me [F29] and my husband [M30] are planning when would be the best time to have kids. Ideally, we don't see ourselves becoming parents for another 2 years. But knowing that I have PCOS, I am a bit anxious if we are putting it off too far. I got some hormonal tests done during my annual this year...
  20. N

    How are you approaching stopping BC with Roe v Wade overturned?

    We wanted to start trying early next year so I was originally planning to get my implant out this summer so I can start charting a few cycles beforehand, but I’m a little concerned about getting it out sooner than strictly necessary given Roe v Wade getting overturned. Would love to hear how...