waiting for baby

  1. A

    New Year, New Sub!

    Hey all! I'm so excited to have found this sub. I just wanted to introduce myself, and get to know y'all a bit. I'm 20, and my S/O is 21. We are planning to wait for at least 4-5 years, but I think we have both mutually adopted the mindset of "If it happens, it was meant to be." We have been...
  2. Y

    Pre-TTC preparations? (Cross post from r/tryingforababy)

    My So and I are at a point in life where we've been talking about starting to TTC in a year or so when our finances are in a better place. So, is there anything we should think about doing/getting in the next year to prepare for it? Is it too early to start slowly acquiring baby stuff or should...
  3. Z

    [VENT] Out of my control and PISSED

    Found out today I have a couple of MASSIVE fibroids that will require surgery. One measures 15cm. Probably too big for laprascopic surgery. Doc says "Yeah it would be dangerous for you to get pregnant now, with fibroids that size. And you'll have to wait 6 months after surgery to start...
  4. C

    So glad to find this sub! Am I doing things right?

    Hubs and I are going to start trying in April/May (we're both teachers and this gives us optimal timing w maternity leave). I came off BC in Sept and I finally got my period again (I PMSed for 2 months straight - it was fairly horrendous). We're using protection from now til then. Question is -...
  5. M

    Good things come to those who wait

    Hi all! I don't think I've made a proper introduction, I'm nearly 27, DH is 29, and have been married since August 2013. We've been together nearly 7 years, known each other for 9. I've had baby fever for a while now, I've always had the assumption that we would start trying after the wedding...
  6. M

    Shifting timeline for a friends wedding

    I know the title will make everyone say “don’t do it!” But hear me out. My fiancé and I have been together for 8 years and are getting married (finally!) in October. We waited on marriage to pursue advanced degrees, get settled in careers, etc. I was definitely getting impatient towards the...
  7. A

    My fiancé said we can try in January 🥰🥰

    I literally can’t go to sleep now haha. Maybe i can pursuade him to do a bit earlier then that 😆 but im grateful either way.!He’s the one who initiated it. We get married in May. I know it’s not that easy but at least i can prep mentally and do what i can do be my healthiest. Hoping that y’all...
  8. G

    I’m so happy for my friend who just announced her pregnancy but I’m sobbing because it’s not me

    We’re waiting until my job situation stabilises (i just started freelancing) and we’ve moved house and settled in, at the very least. This is proving more difficult due to the current crisis (less work available and some savings lost due to the crash). In the mean time, I’m starting to...
  9. V

    3+ Kids, Trying in our 30s

    Does anyone else want more than 3 kids but won’t be trying until their 30s? We’re also hoping to have all of our kids before 40 if possible 😬. 4 kids in 8-10 years is definitely possible, but I’m just worried about the chance of having fertility issues which would delay things. I have no concern...
  10. D

    Question regarding using FAM/condoms to prevent

    I know this is a totally subjective question, but for those using a combination of FAM and condoms to prevent, how many days do you wait after confirmed ovulation before having unprotected sex? I read that you’re no longer fertile 2-3 days after O (and I think that’s what TCOYF recommended, but...
  11. P

    Pregnancy spacing/timing planner tool?

    Y’all, I’m getting into the numbers of what age I’d be at which pregnancy by when I first conceive and when I’m ready for pregnancy 2 (or 3) and it’s getting complicated 🙃 also, I am bad at math. I am bumbling around with a poorly made excel spreadsheet. Does anyone know of a calculator or...
  12. D

    Imposible decision

    I’ve been waiting to try for 6 years now and we were together for 8 years before that. My husband always said he wanted kids and we’d had discussions years ago about me starting to take prenatal vitamins which I took to mean he was close to ready. 6 months ago or so he finally seemed ready and...
  13. I

    Trying to decide between three great options for our future... help please?

    UPDATE: I know this didn’t gain a lot of traction, but I still wanted to update because......... WE MADE A DECISION!!!!!! We decided to go with Option C. In the end, I realized that staying home with future babies is too important to me to willingly give up, and we realized that option c is the...
  14. R

    I see pregnant women. . . . E.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e

    Srsly they are everywhere! We were at ikea on sun afternoon, it was like there was a convention of women with their glorious bumps. It's funny cause I whispered to my hubby "they're everywhere" and he commented and pointed at some lil ones in strollers and I was like "no preg, they are...
  15. N

    WTT & Discord

    Hi everyone! Not to shamelessly self-promote much but I have started a discord group that was originally for a WTT book club that has become more of a digital hangout. If you would like to join here’s the link: https://discord.gg/vTwZ5Pn5 My question is how have people been enjoying the TTC...
  16. A

    COVID-19 and Why I'm Waiting

    I’ve seen a ton of different posts and discussions about COVID-19 lately, so I thought it would be interesting to create a thread that includes my reasons to wait. I’m a microbiology professor and have been a science educator for years, so this stuff is my bread and butter. Now, I personally...
  17. C

    Music Q & A

    What kind of music do you and your SO like to listen to, and how (if at all) will that change once you have little ones? For example, my husband and I mostly listen to alternative music. Other than removing a few songs with swear words from our rotation, I don’t anticipate that will change...
  18. P

    We got the go ahead!

    My first post was in a daily-chat thread link here, but I decided to give an update in post form. Bacground: My last pregnancy was completely unplanned. I got pregnant while on cerazette because of medicine cross effects from an anti-biotic I got for an infection. I lost one twin early on, the...
  19. R

    Vitamin B Complex PSA

    I know there are a few of us taking to take vitamin B6 to lengthen our LPs, so this is for anyone planning to start taking/switch to a B complex. I just switched from a B6/B12 combo to a B complex and noticed a strange side effect. TMI incoming... my pee was NEON YELLOW!! Apparently vitamin...
  20. L

    Suggestions for research into fertility and pregnancy health?

    2019 is my self-titled ‘year of self improvement’, before NTNP/TTC from December onwards. Problem is, my goals aren’t very specific yet: eating better (vegan weekdays to cut down on various ‘treat’ foods like cheese and chocolate), losing weight (20lbs to make me within the normal BMI healthy...