waiting for baby

  1. M

    "Pregnancy scares"

    I've seen a number of people here mention that they worry they'll have trouble conceiving because they've never had a "pregnancy scare." Honestly, I was on the pill 15 years and good about taking it, so it never really occurred to me to worry that I wasn't one of the 0.3% who got pregnant...
  2. B

    Is 9 months long enough to prepare?!

    I've been telling myself for years that I'm not allowed to collect baby things until I was actually pregnant. My husband surprised me saying that he's ready to start trying next month and suddenly my brain is flooded with "oh God there is so much to do!". We just bought this house in August and...
  3. N

    Fears around pregnancy & having a newborn due to chronic illness and pain

    Hi all, Does anyone else worry they won’t successfully manage their pregnancy and then a newborn while dealing with a chronic illness and/or chronic pain? I have a few conditions including, hypermobility spectrum disorder and a functional gut disorder which affect/limit my daily functioning...
  4. L

    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    *preface: I know it’s a lot going on here! Husband and I have been together for 10 years, we are so strong together. He’s kind and supportive. Financially we are solid. If I continue law school, I’d have $250k in loans. We travel internationally a lot and leaving law school would allow us to do...
  5. C

    Worried about setbacks

    After a very difficult 4+ years waiting for my husband to get ready and get other things in order, we are 10 days out from TTC on 1st Feb. We have discussed it thoroughly both months ago and last week, so we are both happy. Yesterday my husband got an email saying some of his company are being...
  6. S

    To wait or not to wait...

    Our date is Jan 2019. So close! I’ve been off of HBC for over a month and am a day or two from my first O-Day (at least, I think I am). We know we want a family, but I’ve never been particularly baby crazy. I’m 29, as is DH. And yet: I am having the strongest urge to just go for it now. It...
  7. T

    Financials and Fear

    I (29f) really want to have two kids between when I am 30-34. Does anyone else worry that once the baby is here, that life could becone financially worse off? I read the statistics but, do kids really cost that much in the U.S.? If I wait to save money to cover childcare the first 3 years, could...
  8. D

    How bad is 1.3 AMH?

    I just got my AMH test results after a bit of a journey. The fertility clinic I was going to hasnt been great at letting me know what was being done or explaining results and through a mix up I was on birth control when the AMH test was conducted. The nurse assured (and continues to assure) me...
  9. W

    UPDATE: How soon is too soon? i.e. should I make a baby or not?

    Original post I posted last week sometime and got some really great feedback. I went into my hole and did some thinking, so wasn't really around to thank and reply to everyone. Thank you so much to everyone who did respond though, it was so helpful. So, we talked and talked and have decided to...
  10. Y

    Everyone is getting pregnant!

    Honestly I’m surprised it took this long. I’m 30f and everyone around me is starting to get pregnant m, like on purpose! (Mostly) I’m so annoyed at myself for being jealous. My husband is the oldest of 4 siblings and the last sibling besides us just announced she’s (accidentally but keeping it)...
  11. W

    TTC Newbie

    Hi Y’all! I sent a message to your lovely mods about making this post. I’m the mod over on r/ttcnewbie, and I’ve invited many of our wonderful members from this sub! Basically, we’re a sub for WTT transitions, those newer and older to TTC, and pregnancy. It’s judgement free for those trying...
  12. L

    Fertility uncertainty - start trying now?

    Hey! I have had my AMH and FSH tested with at home pregnancy tests and they suggest I have low ovarian reserve. All my hormones seemed a bit out of whack but my period is regular, and my ovulation definitely seems to take place as I monitor my bbt. I’m 35 and my bf is 41 and we definitely want...
  13. M

    Help Interpreting Modern Fertility Results?

    I’m 23 and while I don’t plan on having kids in the near future, I know that I eventually want 3 or 4 and decided to order a Modern Fertility testing kit. Many of my results seem to be in an abnormal range, so I wanted to get some advice. My results are below: AMH: 2.71 ng/mL FSH: 9.79 mIU/mL...
  14. M

    Pre-pregnancy Blood Tests

    I had my annual physical a couple weeks ago, and my doctor gave me the lab requisition to get my testing done, which I kind of forgot about until the post @frederickmilles made last week about the Rubella reminder. I just wanted to do a quick rundown of the tests my doc ordered in case anyone...
  15. T

    My friend has been going to a fertility specialist - here are the list of supplements they recommend

    Direct from the document she shared with me: Optimizing your fertility can be challenging. Studies suggest that these supplements may be beneficial during your In vitro fertilization IVF treatment. Below are additional supplements that may be recommended for you to start 2-3 months prior to...
  16. J

    I want to be pregnant next year but don't know what month to give birth

    At first I wanted a spring baby, but w our living situation currently, it seems like nov-jan seems more ideal becuz my husband travels for work and they give them holiday leave and it's harder to find work during the winter time. So would take advantage of taking leave for 2-3 months. Another...
  17. M

    Low AMH. What now?

    Hi, My mom had early menopause (38 y.o) and so did my aunt (43). So I decided to get my amh tested. I'm 28 y.o and my AMH level is 9.9 pmol/l or 1.4n/ml. Iiuc this is the range of a 35 y.o woman. I wanted to assess my fertility to see if we have time to wait to try when I'm 33-ish. Anyone...
  18. L

    Insurance open enrollment- plan switch before TTC?

    I know you guys are planners like me, so I figured some of you would have done this research already. It's open enrollment at my company, and I'm wondering (panicking?) about potentially switching from a "regular plan" (with copays), to a high deductible plan. Hubs and I are planning on getting...
  19. K

    Worth buying something in advance?

    So my BIL and SIL are visiting with their 1yo soon and I need to have a pack n play and high chair for them at the house. I already picked up the pack n play because it was on clearance and inexpensive. The high chair could potentially be more expensive and it was suggested to me that since...
  20. M

    X-posted from r/tfab, who already has names picked out?

    Do most people wait until after they are pregnant,or have you already picked out names? I have a boys name sorted- Ash Eric For a girl I have lots of options- Elia, Evelyn, Emelyn, Eden, Briony or Amara. I am leaning toward Elia Amara.