trying for a baby

  1. A

    Advice needed on mid cycle spotting

    I've been doing IVF since 2019 and TTC since 2016 with ZERO pregnancy. I did stims in the beginning of cycle and got cancelled due to poor response. Today is CD 15 and I started spotting last night and this morning. The blood is brown and red but it's not a flow. I can only see the blood when I...
  2. A

    When did you decide to use embryos vs continue to try naturally? TTC for 9 months, 1 mc. I’ll be 40 in 2 month

    I froze my eggs several years ago as I was single and wanted a backup plan. When my partner and I decided to try, we thawed and fertilized my eggs to see if/how many embryos we’d get. We have 3 euploid (healthy embryo, we did PGT-A testing). We’ve been trying naturally for 9 months - so not too...
  3. C

    Need Insights on My SA Results & Advice for Improvement on Clomid

    I’m looking for some insights into my sperm analysis results. I started taking Clomid on 12/17/2023 to address fertility issues, possibly related to my past exogenous testosterone use. After nearly 4 months on Clomid (110 days by the time of the second analysis), here are my comparative results...
  4. B

    So today I tried to explain to my husband how I feel..

    Backstory: We just started TTC. I had my IUD out in August and the Dr. warned me that my periods might revert to their previous horribleness (think of the Shining...yah it was like that). So I keep getting BFN (period was supposed to start Saturday) and he tells me to take it easy because we...
  5. T

    Help on when to track ovulation w irregular

    Hello everyone ! I purchased some ovulation strips a while back and had been struggling with irregular periods (could have been due to stress , still not sure ) . Anyway I wanted to know if anyone has been through this or has any tips ? My las period was the first week of December . Then I...
  6. C

    F-tube down, I repeat, we’re an f-tube down

    I went to the emergency room last Monday afternoon (happy labour day!) with excruciating abdominal pains. E X C R U T I A T I N G. Turns out one of my Fallopian tubes had ruptured from an ectopic pregnancy (that was a fun 3 hour wait in the ER, with blood pooling into my abdomen.. super fun...
  7. R

    Low sperm count & motility - is this fixable?

    hello fellow TTC friends, my husband just received his SA results and we're absolutely devastated: 0.7 million/mL sperm (Severe oligospermia, normal is 20-200 million/mL) 2.8 million total sperm count (>= 40m is considered normal) WBC = "few" (normal is none or rare) 5% motile sperm (low) poor...
  8. P

    9 yrs ttc for #1.

    Hey everyone: Ttc for last 9 years, I'm 30 and my husband is 31. We had unexplained infertility. Eventually found out my husband needed to have surgery (varicocele repair) due to having high white blood cells in his sperm. His samples are typically on the lower scale in all categories. My...
  9. A

    I don’t know if I can handle another close friend getting pregnant

    8 months in - you walk past your husband on his phone and notice he’s looking at a positive pregnancy test in a group chat. Overall feeling is excitement, maybe you’ll be pregnant at similar times? You find it a bit insensitive that the test was sent with the intention to confuse the boys group...
  10. H

    I broke the pact, I peed on a stick, then 3 more just to be sure..

    And the pix don't lie. BFP! I don't know what to do with myself. I'm somewhere in between of being really excited, to being 'nawwww SOMETHING IS WRONG, THIS IS TOO EARLY!!!" I'm only 8/9 DPO, can't be sure, because I missed my O date by accident!!! Here is the breakdown. I'm 31, my husband...
  11. D

    Sperm Analysis Results

    My husband (24M) and I (22F) have been trying for 18 months. My husband is due for his second sperm analysis on Wednesday, but the doctor didn’t seem concerned about his first analysis’ results. Can someone help me break down motility and SMORI? It just doesn’t seem right to me. Is this...
  12. W

    BFP one month after early m/c!

    Hi everyone, I posted on TFAB last month that I got a positive. It was our very first month trying (although I've been lurking here obsessively for months), so in that sense it was really unexpected. I miscarried at 5w2d, which was devastating - it's amazing how attached you get to the idea...
  13. W

    Any advice for [m]e towards my sister-in-law?

    So my brother and sister are trying for a baby, and they've been unlucky so far. She dealt with fibroids which needed removing and a follow up procedure to remove all scar tissue, and after trying for 6 months, nothing. My brother's sperm count is normal, but my S.I.L is 42. They just tried...
  14. M

    Ttc for about 2 years and I’m irrationally angry

    My husband and I have been ttc on and off for about two years now. I personally have gotten to the point where I am just irrationally angry all the time. I hate it. The problem is is im not necessarily mad at anything in particular. Im angry at the tests (like it’s their fault). im angry at...
  15. H

    What milestones were hardest for you on your TTC journey?

    My husband and I have been TTC for 8 months. We’ve tired/use preseed, OPKs, track BBT, both take vitamins, no & low drinking, healthy diet, workout regularly, “going on vacation and relaxing”, thinking minimally about TTC, and having positive attitude/manifestation- which lead to more...
  16. C

    BFP the day we moved into our first house! Plus a LOT of line porn

    So I've waited about a week to post because I'm still kind of in shock. I posted earlier this cycle about my confusion about my chart. I think I ended up missing my LH surge with OPKs. But I definitely ovulated, because I'm definitely pregnant! Some background info: 27, TTC #1. I took birth...
  17. S

    Theory on diagnosis?

    So, I feel like I’m going crazy. I feel like my providers are way too casual and it’s been all year long and I feel more confused than when I started. Was given diagnosis of stage 3 endo— only finding were small endo cysts 1/ ovary. Don’t cause me pain or anything.. didn’t even know they were...
  18. H

    The Big 3 5

    I'm turning 35 in one week. Happens to be the same day AF is expected. Rude. Feeling a lot of emotions - a bit blue (because getting older is already hard, but that "advanced maternal age" is a mood killer), a dash of hope (what if I finally get that BFP on my birthday?! But no, due to recent...
  19. F

    General Chat 12/5

    Anything, within the rules, goes.
  20. S

    Semen Analysis Results are confusing

    So my doctor had my husband do a semen analysis which makes sense because he only has one testicle. He had testicle torsion (I believe that’s what it’s called) and lost the other. But I’m not sure how to interpret the results, our fertility doctor is saying the only thing that’s wrong is that...