trying for a baby

  1. J

    Have I O'd?

    I am somewhat confused. This is my first month charting my bbt using FF. I was previously using the Ovia app. I had EWCM Sunday, Monday, and some yesterday (Tuesday) of this week. We didn't get to BD all weekend and finally did last night (Tuesday) . I am hoping we didn't miss O! I have taken...
  2. W

    Can luteal phase defect be a sign of bad eggs?

    Tw mention of miscarriage / living child In Feb 2023 I had a baby, we started trying again in June 2023, and had no luck. During this time I also realized at first my luteal phase was only 7-8 days, then extending to 10 days by September. Sometimes I’d still spot for a day before. December I...
  3. A

    “we weren’t even trying!”

    I’ve seen a few people comment on here that they have friends / know of people who got pregnant accidentally / weren’t even trying. And I’ve read how hurtful that is to hear. It is honestly one of the hardest things for me to hear, too. But I wanted to offer a little perspective on that comment...
  4. B

    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    38y/o F, husband 38y/o M ttc 3 years. Unexplained infertility and low amh and “age factor” go straight to IVF recommendation from reproductive endocrinologist. My husband has lower sperm and morphology volume 1.5ml, motility 57%, morphology 3%, abnormal 97% but Urologist and Repro endocrinology...
  5. J

    Not sure what’s normal anymore!

    Hi everyone! We’re in our ttw, at 4pdo. We used Gonal F 100ml for 6 days and then the trigger shot and I’ve been having the weirdest symptoms: - intense smell of the smallest things (I guess from the HcG) - a lot of bloating (normal) - cramping (normal) - crazy vivid dreams like finding out my...
  6. Z

    IUI #1 was scheduled but cancelled because my husband’s specimen wasn’t good enough

    As everyone knows it’s a long road before you even get to IUI. But finally, in late October, we got the go ahead to start with the process. I was nervous because timing is literally everything and my cycle was scheduled right around thanksgiving. But, the stars aligned! I got my period the...
  7. T

    Recurring spotting in LP from 7DPO onwards, feeling down

    TW: mention of living child. Hi all, I’m TTC#2 and on cycle 5. I’ve been having LP spotting from about 7DPO and then AF finally comes around 13-14 DPO. I conceived #1 relatively fast and didn’t have this spotting. I’ve stopped nursing my toddler, I’ve started taking vit C, B and prenatal to try...
  8. C

    Clearblue Advanced Digital vs. Easy @ Home LH strips

    I saw my OB last week and she recommended the Clearblue Advanced Digital tests. Previously, I had been using the easy@home LH strips for my last two cycles and usually saw a peak at around CD12-13 on those. I am expecting it to be the same with the CB test but who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️ I was curious how...
  9. T

    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    Ughhhh I knew this whole TTC thing was going to be tough but man this is TOUGH. I have irregular cycles about half the time, which can range anywhere from 35 to 55 days so I’ve got that going for me which is great. The 55 day-ers I’m pretty sure are totally anovulatory. Eye roll. When I’m...
  10. J

    AMH and AFC? Are they correlated? + hysteroscopy Q

    Hi all! I got the result from my bloodwork for AMH, and I am meant to go in after my period starts to have an antral follicle count (AFC) and a hysteroscopy. I am just wondering/curious if anyone knows from their own treatment — are AMH and AFC correlated? Would a “good” AMH for one’s age be...
  11. S

    EWCM on O+1?

    So today is CD17, and I thought I ovulated at some point on CD16 because on CD15 morning I got a positive OPK (although barely, premom put it at 1.00). CD14 and CD16 were both negative. Also, this morning I recorded a 36.66 BBT when CD1-16 were all in the 35.9-36.4 range. I know you need 3 temps...
  12. R

    I knew the baby shower would be bad, but I never could have anticipated this ..

    So yesterday was my friend’s baby shower for her fourth baby. Another friend of ours thought because it was her last baby we should do a little get together. It was a surprise tea party with just 8 of us there. I had mentally braced myself because I knew the majority of the ladies had little...
  13. C

    HSG rising 6 weeks post-D&C

    Hello r/TryingForABaby, I'm (36/f) hoping someone can shed some light on a situation I'm going through. I've searched through the subreddit and read everyone's thoughtful and sometimes painful posts. I couldn't find something that matched pretty closely to my situation and would love to access...
  14. S

    Hi! New to TTC on purpose and I have a question about what DPO means...

    Sorry to be a bother!! I’m just trying to understand some of these posts and I can’t wrap my head around something... When someone says that they are (let’s just say) 9 days DPO... does that mean : A. 9 days ago was The beginning of their fertile window a.k.a. three days prior to when they...
  15. J

    Sperm analysis results

    Hi everyone. Hubbie's sperm analysis results got in this morning. I can't really understand them. Morphology seems off but can anyone help me interpret them? Volume: 4,2 ml N.º of sperm: 13,300 million/ml N.º ejaculated: 55,9 million pH: 7,7 Viscosity: normal Color: normal Liquidification at 60...
  16. J

    X-P from stilltrying: surgery scheduled for ~O-1: what to do?

    Just got my surgery date, Feb 14. How romantic! It would have been a great Valentine's day otherwise, being CD14... The doc only does surgery in my city once a month, and I’m a regular 30-31 day-er, so this timing would be an issue every cycle if I tried to postpone. It occurred to me that I...
  17. M

    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    We’ve been trying to conceive for about a year now with 4 early losses between 4-7 weeks. My husband (34M) has gotten his SA results (other than morphology) and it is quite bad. His sperm concentration (15 mil/ml) and motility (40%) are both low and rapid progressive motility is extremely low...
  18. S

    Just need to write it out

    I’ve just got my period again and have now been trying for 8 months. And while I didn’t expect it to be quick, I wasn’t really expecting it to take this long either. And apparently 8 months is my limit of being able to just brush it off - this is the first time I’ve really cried over my period...
  19. J

    S/O doesn’t understand the struggle

    Hi everyone. My partner and I have been ttc for almost a year. Im a 30(F) and he’s a 38(M). The ob I’ve been seeing allowed for us to undergo fertility work up, given his age and family hx of fertility issues (took his mom and dad 6 years to get pregnant with him.) thus far in the work up, I’ve...
  20. X

    Need help understanding

    Been trying for a baby for just over a year and is my second SA test. I am 29m and partner is 26f. Regular exercise and try to minimise processed foods. I know my morphology is low but doctor said my sperm count was good. Any advice will be appreciated. Semen volume 5.2 mL Semen pH level 8.0...