trying for a baby

  1. D

    Possibly allergic to husband's soap, what else should a TTC couple look out for?

    So we figured out I'm probably allergic to my husband's body soap. Every time we BD'ed soon after a shower, I got v e r y dry and sore, to the point of worrying I had a very sudden UTI. If it's been longer since the shower or we ran out of Irish Spring and he used Dr. Bronners instead, no such...
  2. A

    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    We get a lot of questions about hot tubs and their safety while TTC. I am not a doctor, but I sure have read a bunch on the topic. We also get questions about saunas, jacuzzis, hot yoga, fevers, hot baths or showers, and I’m going to attempt to get to the nitty gritty so you can make the best...
  3. D

    cycles getting longer

    I used to have a very consistent 30-31 day cycles. had a MC in July/Aug and D&C. got a period period 40 days after D&C. then had 32 day cycle, 35 day cycle, and right now I'm at CD 37 and no sign of a period (and BFN). in general, what does it mean biologically/scientifically if your cycles...
  4. B

    Two miscarriages and really long cycles - Losing hope

    I’m so frustrated. I’m 35F, been trying for a baby since last year. I got pregnant twice - First time last fall after we just decided we wanted to start trying (literally first cycle). At the 8 weeks ultrasound I was told that the baby hadn’t grown past 6w, so I had to get a D&C. In February I...
  5. B

    Confused on ultrasound results

    I thought I had a partial/slight bicornate uterus since my first ultrasound in 2010. I had 4 ultrasounds between 2010 and my last one in 2019 due to endometriosis and suspected cysts. However after looking at the record i requested im guessing I have a septate uterus 🤷‍♀️ Hoping to get some...
  6. P

    [X-post] Just starting out on our conception journey

    So my husband and I have decided that we’re going to start trying for our first child. He wanted to have all the info going into conception as he possibly could, so he met with his gastroenterologist (he’s got Crohn’s disease) to see which medications he had to stop while we’re trying to...
  7. 7

    i know my friend didnt mean anything bad by it, but im at a point where harmless comments bother me

    its the 3 of us: 32f (me), 36f (A), and 42f (B). A and B have 2 daughters each, both the exact same ages. A and B hangout a lot (frequently without me, because i work during the day + theyre on mat leave/stay at home mothering at the moment). i am closer to B because our husbands work together...
  8. K

    The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019

    Thank you to everyone who participated in our sub surveys last week! We appreciate everyone's thoughtful contributions and feedback. Now, down to business. First - Sub Demographics We haven't seen a big change since our last survey at the end of 2017. The average TFAB user is 29.8 years old...
  9. R

    Scared to try - bad egg quality?

    We started trying over a year ago, and I got pregnant on the second cycle. Everything seemed normal but at the 12 week scan (Dec. 23rd, 2022) they said I likely had a trisomy, which was then confirmed after a CVS and genetic test. I had a d&c 2 a week later (Dec. 30th). In April 2023, I fell...
  10. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    My husband has had two SAs done, a couple weeks apart. I'm glad he did two because the first one seemed really grim - I think the second one isn't as bad but I'm having a hard time interpreting the results. His doctor couldn't tell him much, and couldn't explain his morphology results at all...
  11. J

    Cycle Length (X-post from r/waitingtotry)

    Hello all. I have a few concerns about how long my cycles are. A few sources online say that I could not be ovulating with how long they are. I plan on bringing this up at my preconception appointment in a couple of months but I'm curious until then. According to Ovia, my average cycle length is...
  12. B

    Peak v High LH (or do I have to press my sick husband into service tonight)

    I am using the cheap easy @home OPK sticks. I started using the premom app for the first time this month so the high/peak difference is new to me. Monday - 8:45 pm, High LH (0.58) per app’s reading. Prior to app, I wouldn’t have thought this was high. BD’ed that night. Tuesday - 10 am and 8...
  13. T

    How hard is it to conceive and have healthy baby for 35-40F?

    I’m only 28 atm, but bc I know that I don’t want children any time soon, egg freezing is something that I’ve started to look into… until I realized how horrendously expensive it is! I could realistically afford to have the procedure done by the time that I’m 30 or so, but I honestly don’t know...
  14. E

    [Q] Help An Accurate Basal Thermometer ±0.1 °F? Significant Digits vs. Tech Specs

    We've been temping for a few months and FertilityFriend stated we need a better thermometer. We had been using a Vicks thermometer we had in the house that went to 0.1 F on the display (significant digits). Easy enough, we buy the Target Up&Up Basal thermometer which shows 0.01 on the...
  15. V

    First Chemical Pregnancy Miscarriage; Concerned about low PdG/E3G levels…

    I found out I was pregnant with a faint line this past Saturday over Labor Day weekend, I kept testing to confirm every day this weekend and finally decided to tell my husband on Monday. We have been trying for about three months and I really had no hope for this month, because I had an accident...