trying for a baby

  1. J

    B12 came out high 848 pmol/L

    Hello, I’m really hoping someone can provide some insight. 32F hoping to become pregnant soon. I recently got blood work done and everything looked good except by B12 came out high 848 pmol/L. I read the Oxford study that said high levels of b12 (and/or folate) can cause greater risk for autism...
  2. B

    TTC#1 in 3 months

    Hi all! My fiancee and I have decided to move up our TTC timeline (YAY!) and will start trying in 3 months time! I've done my pre-pregnancy bloods and genetic carrier testing and I've been taking folic acid daily for 1 week now...I'm so excited I can hardly wait! Are there any...
  3. E

    Will it ever happen?

    Hi all, so some background .... F(35) TTC number 2 for around 2 years now. I have 1 daughter conceived naturally and born Nov 2020 via C section. Blood tests revealed I've low amh at 0.7 and FSH at 7 (I think). Seman is fine also and within ranges. Had 1st MC in July 2023, 2nd MC in April 2024...
  4. R

    Crossing the 6 month mark

    My partner and I just passed 6 months of trying. I know this isn’t long at all in the scheme of things and I know technically speaking anything under a year is considered healthy and normal, but this milestone has hit me harder than I expected. Some of the numbers around conception rates at...
  5. B

    What’s so special about months 6-12 trying unassisted?

    Link to answer in the comments by @tjphipps - Leaving post up in case someone else needs to be pointed in the same direction. Hello! My partner (25M) and I (29F) will have been trying 6 months (confirming O, OPKs, I have regular cycles, AMH 3.0ng/ml, Normal TSH/t4 free, normal prolactin - IUD...
  6. G

    TSH above 2.5 but below 4.0?

    This is my first time posting here. I read the guidelines and it seems like this topic is appropriate for a standalone post, so I hope this post is ok here. I am trying to conceive in my late 30s, and I have been sent to a fertility specialist. The fertility specialist noted that my TSH was...
  7. S

    What else should I be doing?

    Bit of background myself (33F) and partner (35M) have been trying to conceive for the last 9 months. Other than low AMH (4pmol / 0.55ng) everything else has come back normal, including partners sperm. AFC = 9 and FSH 8. I’ve been charting & using LH strips. My charts are perfect. 14-15 day...
  8. C

    Long-ish Cycles, Free Fluid, Light Bleeding..

    I’m not sure what to make of my situation.. 28(F) Had miscarriage July 2023. Been TTC since December 2023. Since my MC, I sometimes get twinges and pains in the pelvic area. The amount of days I bleed during my period has gone from 4 to 3 (2 days of consistent bleeding and the 3rd is mainly...
  9. S

    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    The thing that’s been giving me nightmares, the announcement that I just KNEW was coming but couldn’t seem to emotionally prepare myself for no matter how hard I tried. My sister in law (who is almost 7 years younger than me) and her brand new husband (who is 10 years younger) announced their...
  10. D

    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    We finally finished all of the initial testing for our RE. He said everything looked normal besides my husband's relatively low morphology level and my relatively low AMH level (1.7 at almost 33 years old). Basically, he told us it was pointless to do anything other than IVF. I only went in to...
  11. F

    Finally had a positive test after 3 1/2 years of trying, turned into a miscarriage

    Just letting it out since I’ve been home trying to heal mentally and physically. My husband and I experienced 5 days of excitement before this weekends ER visit. After using so many tests over the years with negatives it makes you hesitant to want to open one up. After multiple doctors, blood...
  12. K

    2 & a half years w no baby

    me (21f) & my fiancé (21m) have been together for 2 & a half years been having unprotected sex since the day we met . we’ve been trying on and off for a little over a year now I have no idea what it’s taking us so long to conceive. I had an transvaginal ultrasound last year and I have no cysts...
  13. K

    It's Survey Time - TFAB Demographics and Sub Feedback

    A special treat to make the Monday blues a little easier. The mods bring you the opportunity to contribute to the future of TFAB! Please complete two short surveys: Community Feedback TFAB Demographics You'll need to sign in to your Google account to take the surveys, but we are not...
  14. U

    I don’t even know anymore

    My husband and I have been TTC for 14 months with no success. I don’t have many people in my life to vent to about TTC so I end up going to my mom. As hard as my poor mom tries to understand, she just cannot. She conceived all three of her kids on the first try, never had any problems with...
  15. B

    F/U: Why Even Ask?

    Hi everyone, I made a post just about a month ago about my friend asking about my TTC journey and how she proceeded to give me almost every "Bingo" phrase in the book. I also mentioned how she started trying last month and previously had been successful very quickly. I noted that I needed to...
  16. A

    3% Morphology. Should we keep trying? (X-post still trying)

    My husband had a Kruger Normal Forms of 3%. Everything else was good: Ph 8.3 Concentration 36M/ml Count 147.6 million 55% motility But abnormal heads was 97%, abnormal midpiece 10%, abnormal tail 6% What are our monthly chances now? Should we just wait to see the fertility doc and stop...
  17. H

    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    I wanted to write this because I''m finally starting to crack. When I first went off birth control 2.5 years agoI I knew I would have trouble getting pregnant. A lifetime of PCOS predicted it. I remember being told that I was overplanning, stressing too much, too anxious. I wasn't. If we had...
  18. V

    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    I had a missed miscarriage a few weeks ago and had a D&C yesterday. I expected to have minimal pain and a lot of bleeding, but the reverse has been true. My pain management is incredibly thorough and I have a narcotic option if I need it, but the emotional drop is also just a lot. Like, I am...
  19. S

    Got genetic testing results back, and frustrated? [t/w: MC]

    Hi all, On 4/1, I found out at my 7w sonogram there was no heartbeat. Opted for a D&C, which I had on 4/4. Healing well, spotting as normal, very limited pain/cramping. Because partner and I are both data-driven, we opted to get carrier screening done at that appointment and to have the tissue...
  20. M

    LH/EWCM questions

    Hi, I’m just wondering if anyone knows the answer to this question Does your LH surge drop at the exact moment when the egg is released or does it drop when the egg doesn’t get fertilized after the 12-24 hours its alive? I hope that makes sense I also wondered if anyone has experienced only...