trying for a baby

  1. J

    X-P from stilltrying: surgery scheduled for ~O-1: what to do?

    Just got my surgery date, Feb 14. How romantic! It would have been a great Valentine's day otherwise, being CD14... The doc only does surgery in my city once a month, and I’m a regular 30-31 day-er, so this timing would be an issue every cycle if I tried to postpone. It occurred to me that I...
  2. M

    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    We’ve been trying to conceive for about a year now with 4 early losses between 4-7 weeks. My husband (34M) has gotten his SA results (other than morphology) and it is quite bad. His sperm concentration (15 mil/ml) and motility (40%) are both low and rapid progressive motility is extremely low...
  3. S

    Just need to write it out

    I’ve just got my period again and have now been trying for 8 months. And while I didn’t expect it to be quick, I wasn’t really expecting it to take this long either. And apparently 8 months is my limit of being able to just brush it off - this is the first time I’ve really cried over my period...
  4. J

    S/O doesn’t understand the struggle

    Hi everyone. My partner and I have been ttc for almost a year. Im a 30(F) and he’s a 38(M). The ob I’ve been seeing allowed for us to undergo fertility work up, given his age and family hx of fertility issues (took his mom and dad 6 years to get pregnant with him.) thus far in the work up, I’ve...
  5. X

    Need help understanding

    Been trying for a baby for just over a year and is my second SA test. I am 29m and partner is 26f. Regular exercise and try to minimise processed foods. I know my morphology is low but doctor said my sperm count was good. Any advice will be appreciated. Semen volume 5.2 mL Semen pH level 8.0...
  6. A

    Not sure what to do next -- Low LH/ FSH/ Progesterone

    29, TTC for 8 cycles with 2 missed cycles in there (partner was unavailable to BD). BFN every time. No known health issues. No alcohol/ caffeine/ smoking at all, but I did consume 300MG of caffeine for 10+ years ,daily, until 5 months ago. Not sure if this matters. Also used to smoke weed...
  7. R

    S-M-E-P F-A-I-L

    I am officially in awe of the couples who manage to complete SMEP! This is our first time trying it (first cycle after MC; SMEP originally was designed for post-MC cycles), and I really thought we could do it without too much trouble. Husband has a pretty good libido, and what I lack for in...
  8. A

    HoW WiLl I hIdE tHaT i'M nOt DrInKiNg

    I am in my first long cycle off bc and yesterday I started experiencing some spotting 9 dpo. I am going out this weekend with friends and I was coming up with a bunch of ways to hide my "definite pregnancy." It involved having my husband fake a headache so we have to leave early. Well AF arrived...
  9. J

    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    First, thanks hubs, for the spoiler alert. haha!!! And so you guys know, he is totally making that giddy Conan face. And he has red hair & freckles. The similarity is uncanny. :P So. I will do the breakdown below, but since I kept you guys in the loop about the cysts, let me address that...
  10. J

    Please explain test strips to me like I’m 5!

    As the title states, the more I read about how to interpret the test strips, the more confused I get. I’m new to testing and test daily from CD 12 on (I have a 31 day cycle). I am able to feel something around my ovulation and my cervical mucus changes. Last cycle, I had these symptoms on CD 21...
  11. K

    Study of fertility signs finds that only 10% of BBT rises occur the day after ovulation

    I found this study, which absolutely blew my mind - it really highlights the variability in the timing of fertility signs vis-a-vis ovulation. Only a minority of participants had an increase in BBT the morning following ovulation. And a sizeable minority of participants (23%) ovulated before...
  12. C

    Today is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness day. It is also the 2 year anniversary of my D&C

    Edit: yesterday was the day, I definitely woke up this morning thinking it was the 15th This means it has also been over two years since trying to conceive again, with no positive results. Two years of invasive tests, exploratory surgeries, expensive ovulation kits, fertility doctors...
  13. D

    /r/infertility’s National Infertility Awareness Week AMAs - links to yesterday & today’s AMAs

    /r/infertility National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) Ask Me Anything (AMA) Events TODAY - Tuesday, April 23rd, Dr. Monica Starkman (/@lattelily-Starkman) will be doing an AMA starting at 6:30am PDT (9:30am EDT) AMA link Dr. Starkman is a psychiatrist and a novelist. She is a professor...
  14. L

    Low AMH - 6.5pmol/L - Looking for thoughts/advice/a hug

    Hello! Looking for some other thoughts/opinions. My husband and I have been trying on our own for 15 months now to conceive, and last month we had our first appointment with a fertility specialist (we are in Perth, Australia). After a cycle of tracking with bloods, and ultrasounds, which...
  15. K

    1.4 nmol/l hydroxoprogesterone

    Hi ladies, hoping you can help with reading my blood test results while I wait for my Endocrinologist appointment. I’ve just received results stating my hydroxoprogesterone is 1.4 nmol/l - I’m not sure whether this is cause for concern. I’ve read that low results like this are tied to women who...
  16. T

    Brown tinged discharge 4-6 days before AF is due?

    I started noticing the discharge in my panties and when i wiped was ever so slightly "dirty" looking on Saturday and AF isnt due til friday. Obviously this isnt definitive proof of anything but it does make me a little more hopeful then i was before. I was reading online that BFP usually show up...
  17. L

    Not waiting for first period after miscarriage with D&C? (X-post from CautiousBB)

    Last week we found out that our sweet baby stopped developing at 6 weeks. I had a D&C this past Friday. My doctor recommended we wait one cycle until trying again, but stressed the importance of "getting back on the horse" very shortly after my mc bc of the higher fertility rate. I have no...
  18. I

    Which one?

    So, my husband had heart palpitations and blood pressure spikes using “Blue Stork” from Pink stork. I used the woman’s version and saw my O day come a few days early, but obviously we’re still here. So, I want to try something else for both of us. I’m not trying to break the bank though...
  19. W

    Letrozole Ultrasound: Will I Not Ovulate This Cycle Too?

    Hi! I’m on my first medicated cycle: 1. Provera - to induce period after 70+ days without one (bless, it worked!) 2. Letrozole 2.5mg starting on day 3 - for ovulation induction) Having preovulation symptoms (e.g. transition from creamy to very watery CM) and with today being day 5 after...
  20. B

    O-4 conception chances

    So this cycle I’ve come down with a cold for the past week, which has diminished our BDing as I haven’t wanted to get my husband sick, even though I’ve been having fertile CM (my cycles are super irregular from PCOS so it doesn’t always indicate ovulation) but we did manage one BD session on...