
  1. L

    My cousin refers to her 4 m/o son as her boyfriend

    Consistently. Online. Publicly. It’s giving emotional incest. She’s leaving a digital footprint verbalizing how she thinks her son is more handsome than her husband. To even compare the two is a thought that personally would never cross my mind, but I digress. Even if she was joking, I would...
  2. J

    7 Tips for Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

    Here's the link:
  3. D

    Why do parents have such a hard time letting go? I.e. Letting their kids become adults?

    Not a parent, and personally didn’t have this problem, my parents seemed to let go by the time I turned 18. I’ve just come across a lot of stories of parents controlling their kids well into their 30s and just less severe but similar stories of parents refusing to give up control of their...
  4. O

    How do you accomplish the mindset change to be comfortable/confident in your decision to be a SAHP?

    This is a question especially for SAHP who put much time and effort into education (degrees, certifications) and/or building their careers (dedicated years and gained lots of skills and work experience). My husband and I have discussed it at length even before the birth of our child (now 2...
  5. A

    Is it selfish to have kids with large age gaps, 10+ years?

    We have 3 kids, 1 who I gave birth to and 2 my husband had before he met me. We have had custody of them since my daughter was 2 weeks old, and because I went from mom of 0 to mom of 3 in 1 month, I didnt want anymore kids. I was 23 when I had my daughter. Now im 32, and I want to have another...
  6. O

    NIPT and NT results were negative. I'm 35 so wondering if I should still do amniocentesis with the risks involved?

    Please remove if pregnancy related questions are not allowed. Genetic testing showed I'm an intermediate carrier for fragile x - so very very low risk and child will at most be a carrier according to my genetic counselor. I'm 35, only want the one child so this feels like my only shot. I know...
  7. C

    Dad wants me to pay rent at 17

    Clarification, I'm 17 years old until mid December and have earned my high school diploma. My dad has been able to live comfortably recently because he went back to school later in life and is now working at a hospital as a medical professional. For the last month I've been working at a...
  8. A

    4w+3 and holy sh*t y’all were NOT joking about the insane pregnancy dreams

    When I was just a mere lurker in this sub in the TTC days, I read that extremely vivid dreams were a thing in pregnancy, but wow. Typically, I barely remember my dreams. But now? I’m waking up 3-4 times a night in cold sweats and emerging from some of the most vivid and cinematic dreams that...
  9. N

    Does anyone else have a completely healthy older kiddo that still wets the bed?

    My son is twelve and wets the bed constantly. I thought it would start to slow down by now, but there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. He’s been to his pediatrician and urologist and everything checks out: he’s completely healthy. We’ve tried DDAVP, alarms, checked out constipation, and did a...
  10. O

    My 4 year old’s behavior has been going downhill lately and I have no idea what to do

    He talks back, doesn’t listen, fights with his 1 year old brother, has major attitude. Recently we’ve been having issues with him going into our fridge or pantry constantly while we’re sleeping and taking any foods he can find back to his room to eat. Every day I find new wrappers and trash from...
  11. K

    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    I’m [25F] live with my boyfriend, E [25M], and his family. We’ve been together for 3 years. I’ve lived with them for maybe a year. Background on me: I don’t have kids. But I love kids. In my elementary school year book it asks “what do you want to be when you grow up?” My answer “mom.”...
  12. B

    Parents, I need some advice regarding my cat and my newborn son.. Can you help?

    Me and my wife just had a baby and I have a 5 year old cat who I love (almost as much as my son) xP. My cat and I have been best buds for 5 years now and well every night he comes to sleep on me. Since we have a small apartment, our baby sleeps next to us in our crib. Well my wife loves cats...
  13. J

    My 4 y/o sister scares me

    PLEASE read the whole post, or see TLDR. I'm 18, but my sister is 4, nearly 5 in a few days. She is extremely intelligent, and so, so gifted: she can read, write some, identify every letter, number, shape, animal-- even things I don't even know. She'll talk about science concepts that no kid...
  14. M

    8 and half years old write ‘F’ word

    Today my 8 and half years old kid wrote the ‘F’ word at the school’s mirror and caught by the janitor. The kid has been showing interest about this word recently by asking questions about it. None of the parents use this word ever nor the kid watches TV/play online unsupervised. We are in shock...
  15. D

    Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

    So I am a sahp to our 2 year old son. A few weeks ago I was so sick that I fealt like I might pass out if I pushed myself even a little bit to contain so I went to his play room with him and let him watch Bluey while I rested. (I want it noted that normally I would never give him more than an...
  16. R

    How to stop the tattle tailing and arguing

    Hi Moms and Dads, I have 3 kiddos, 8 y/o daughter, 4 y/o daughter and a 2 month old son. My oldest daughter is with us M-F and stays with her dad on the weekends where she's the only child. I will also add that she is ADHD and is medicated. We lost my 4 y/o's father to suicide when she was 1...
  17. G

    Is there a “homeschool” curriculum that you would recommend for pre-k?

    My daughter will be 2 later this year. But she’s pretty smart in comparison to other children I’ve known at her age (that’s not me bragging, just giving you the reason to want to start this) and so I want to start a school-like system in our home after her birthday once I see where she stands in...
  18. K

    No clue what to get toddler for Christmas

    My daughter is turning 3… 3 days before Christmas. I have no clue what to get her/what to tell people when they ask for a present list for her. Time is ticking and I’ve basically procrastinated this until the last minute, which adds more stress, which is making my mind go blank. What are y’all...
  19. D

    Sperm Analysis Results

    My husband (24M) and I (22F) have been trying for 18 months. My husband is due for his second sperm analysis on Wednesday, but the doctor didn’t seem concerned about his first analysis’ results. Can someone help me break down motility and SMORI? It just doesn’t seem right to me. Is this...
  20. S

    Research Opportunity

    Calling all parents and young adults! If you are a parent of a child 14 and older, or you are 18 years old, or older, I would love your help! I am a researcher at North Carolina State University. My lab and I are currently conducting a research study on how adolescents and young adults make...