
  1. C


    My baby is 15 weeks, so I know I have many many moons before this concern. However, I received ads about toddler beds enough times that I question if the pack n play will be enough. Originally when I received it, I thought I could use it until 3 or 4 for sleepy time. The ad made me wonder when...
  2. H

    I have a bed time

    i’m a freshman in highschool and my mom still gives me a bed time? It’s super embarrassing due to the fact all my friends parents don’t give them one? My bed time is 8:30/9 and i have a younger brother which is 8 and he has the same time? Is it just me or is this wrong?
  3. S

    Is my mom treating me wrong?

    I want to start by saying that I truly do love my mom. I wouldn't be nearly as healthy today as I am without her. I'm a 21m and the following is all real things my mom has done. Warning, this is a little graphic. My sister 25f was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 12 and an eating...
  4. T

    Kids fashion : alternatives to SHEIN?

    Hi all, this is a bit of a stab in the dark, but I’m trying to buy my ten year old niece either some cool clothes, or a gift card to a store she likes. When I asked family what she would like, they said clothing would be awesome, as she’s already 5’7” and has been rapidly outgrowing things. I’m...
  5. B

    Tantrums after starting pre-k

    My 18-month started pre-k last week. He cries when we drop him off and on and off throughout the day. When we pick him up, he is happy to see us but not in distress. However, when he get home he throws tantrums all night crying and screaming and clinging to my leg. Anyone with experience?
  6. M

    Do you use a diary/wall calendar?!

    Hey! We are building a smart interactive device that aims to automate the traditional paper calendar. We have built an early prototype and are looking for feedback and users to advise future development! 📆✨ The calendar uses a stylus to create a pen-to-paper-like input, and anything you write...
  7. O

    6 y.o. advised to get 8 crowns! What the what!?

    We brush twice a day, though for the last year/year and a half kiddo’s been brushing her own teeth (that’s now at and end). Flossing only when she felt something stuck (that’s also at an end now)… I feel terrible, evidently we failed, it’s not her fault! But this seems ridiculous! Kid’s not...
  8. D

    What to do? My son's g.f. is beating him up

    My son is 22 and his g.f. is 21. They have been living together for around two years. They got in an argument this weekend and I caught the tail end of it that she had been going off on him while he was driving, and was literally beating him with her shoe while he was driving and refused to get...
  9. S

    How do games affect the behaviours of children?

    Hi there! I am currently a college student writing an academic paper on this question, I feel as gamers themselves are often bias to explaining their behaviours parents are the best way to critically analyse this, any responses are much appreciated as this will help a lot in being critical in my...
  10. L

    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    We are so ready to start our family and we want 4-5 kids if possible. However, I am in my first semester of law school and I wouldn’t want to get pregnant until after summer 2024 when I’ve finished 2 years of school and completed 2 summer externships. I would be okay getting pregnant the...
  11. L

    First real vacation

    We have a 3 year old and an almost 2 year old. We are hoping to go on our first vacation. We will be driving from northern MI, to MD. It’s a 12-14 hour trip, but we are expecting it to be wayyyyyy linger with 2 little ones. We will be taking multiple stops. Our vacation will be for 10 days...
  12. L

    AF won't show her face after IUD Removal?

    I recently had my Mirena removed (Sep, 1) after 5 years and we are now actively TTC. I spotted for a couple days after removal (but I also had a pap so was it uterus bleed or just a fun side effect of getting my cervix scraped? The world may never know). I have no idea when I ovulated this month...
  13. S

    25/M my GF wants kids eventually (4-6 years down the line), I am not so sure

    For starters, all of this is years down the line. My GF is in school right now and agrees all of this goes on hold until she graduates, and we get settled (if we is still a thing). I just started my first job out of grad school, so my life is basically just starting as a real adult. My GF has...
  14. T

    Feeling like a failure

    I (32M) and my partner (25F) have 4 kids, and I believe our oldest (5yM) is special needs (possibly ADHD, or on the spectrum). My partner doesn’t believe either condition is real in general (long story, pertinent but not the focus here), as a result of her position ADHD AND Autism spectrum...
  15. C

    8 week old sleeping more

    As stated, my 8 week old (9 weeks on Tuesday) has been sleeping a lot more. He’s a bit fussier when he wakes, the naps can be short burst (30 mins) or longer (2.5 hours) and we’ve noticed it’s a bit more difficult to get him to sleep for naps/bedtime. Since about 4 weeks, he’s been a really...
  16. G

    Is it weird to ask if my daughter is invited to a birthday party?

    My daughter is in preschool with about 15 kids in the class. My friend asked if we were going to Sally’s birthday party this weekend. I said I never got an invite and my friend sent me a pic of the invite that she got from her daughter’s cubby. These are basically all 3-4 year olds so no...
  17. A

    Parents: Are any of you part of D.A.R.E.?

    I'm working on an article for Romper on its history and how its changed over the years, and I'd love to ask parents involved with the program a couple questions.
  18. L

    PCOS + Mild MFI? Help with understanding semen analysis results

    I’m trying to understand my husbands semen analysis results. I’ve reached out to male infertility on Reddit about it and got mixed messages on if his results are ok for natural conception or not. We are ttc going on 5 years with the last 1.5 years being pretty regular menstrual cycles. I have...
  19. T

    What kind of books to get a 7 year old niece?

    I'm a first time Uncle (i'm only 33 XX), as my brother is dating someone real nice we both knew so long ago. (she now has kids, her ex, a scum, had left her after she had the kids >>) the youngest is 3 the oldest is 7. "Abby" the 7 year old as i hear from over the phone, the times they come to...
  20. N

    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    I’m a Pre-K teacher, and this is something that I’ve always wanted to ask parents about. It is incredibly frustrating when people consider Pre-K to be nothing more than “daycare.” Being treated as a “babysitter”rather than an educator can feel very demeaning. What is your thought process behind...