
  1. A

    How do I tell my antivax parents I’m getting the vaccine?

    I haven’t been able to get the vaccine since I was underage and in my state minors need parent permission to get vaccinated. I just turned 18 a couple days ago, and since the college I want to attend requires the vaccine I’m thinking of just going ahead and getting it. My mother is forcing me...
  2. B

    how do i (15f) get my little brother (11m) to eat properly

    my little brother, who i’ll call “timmy” for the time being, is autistic and has pretty much always refused to eat proper meals because of it. ( as in he’ll eat snacks day and night, and justify it by saying he ate some blueberries or a single slice of turkey lunch meat earlier. ) he’s always...
  3. D

    cycles getting longer

    I used to have a very consistent 30-31 day cycles. had a MC in July/Aug and D&C. got a period period 40 days after D&C. then had 32 day cycle, 35 day cycle, and right now I'm at CD 37 and no sign of a period (and BFN). in general, what does it mean biologically/scientifically if your cycles...
  4. J

    3 year old hates learning abc’s

    My 3 year old straight up refuses to learn her abc’s. I probably sound crazy but she starts school in September and as a December baby I desperately want her to be prepared. I’ve tried flash cards, books, games. She wants nothing to do with it. I’m considering putting her in kumon. Anybody have...
  5. K

    What's it like having young kids in the age of covid?

    I've always wanted kids, but I'm sick with covid and starting to wonder what that would look like with small kids. My wife and I both just got sick with covid for the first time. I'm on day 8 and still testing positive, my wife got sick when I was on day 5. It seems like with 4-5 people in the...
  6. L

    Will a terrible sleeper ever get better

    TL;DR: 2 year old won't sleep, CIO doesn't work. My son is just a little over 2 (turned at the end of July) and has never been the best sleeper. Up until 6 months old, he slept from 8:30-12:30 (with random 10:30 wakings) would eat/nurse, go back to sleep in bassinet, wake up between 2-4 nurse...
  7. B

    Just some quick questions regarding shopping for busy parents!

    Doing some background research for a project I am working on, and this seems like the perfect community to gather information from! I deeply apologize if this sort of content is not allowed in this subreddit, I am happy to take this down if it does not abide by a certain rule. I had originally...
  8. B

    1 year old with gross motor delay and poor appetite. Constantly told everything is “fine”

    (I also posted on r/askdocs) My 12.5-month-old daughter has a gross motor delay (as per the pediatrician) without diagnosis, and a poor appetite. She was about 1.5 months late to hit each of these milestones: late to roll, crawl, and stand. She stands with support now and just started...
  9. Y

    Concerned about teenage son's interest in guns

    I’m reaching out because I’m not entirely sure how to handle my situation and would appreciate other parents’ insights. My 16 y.o. son has recently developed a keen interest in firearms. On the one hand, I'm glad he's taking an interest in something that could be considered a "manly" hobby, and...
  10. D

    Audiobooks to deal with yelling?

    I would like to work on my yelling. I often get complimented by family how patient I am, and although it’s true, it’s like once my patience is gone I automatically go to yelling. Kinda like 0 to 85, if that makes sense. I am noticing I am more prone to yell toward the end of the day (naturally...
  11. D

    Question about interacting with children (31f)

    I've always loved interacting with kids. I have been babysitting since I was 11, worked in multiple day cares/ preschools and have had a few nanny jobs. I also attended uni for Early Childhood Education although I didn't finish. I don't have any of my own yet but I have a few "fake nieces"...
  12. Y

    Just looking for advice

    Hi, I’m sorry about any spelling mistakes or grammar errors beforehand. I’m new to Reddit and I’m not sure how people format things on here. Some info about me: I’m a new mom (20y/o) and I had my baby on May 3rd. I’ve been struggling with PPD and had a problematic pregnancy. I have family who...
  13. M

    Children and Robots interaction

    Hello, my name is Mariya and I am currently working on a project for university. My team and I are developing software for the Pepper robot (see the image) to use for children in hospitals. We are researching the topic and trying to gain as much real-life experience as possible. If your child...
  14. S

    I am 23 F living with mom and dad right after college. Advice

    Ever since I was a child, I have always felt that my mom can get angry really quickly. This will go on for days, settle for a couple weeks and then happen again. Mom likes a clean house and likes controlled situations. When I say clean, I mean showy. We live in 2 story house with an unfinished...
  15. T

    7 year old mid tantrum went for the knife. Please help

    I'm a nanny with more than 10 years of childcare experience. I've been with this family since January 4. B is 7 and D is 4. (Their birthdays were earlier this month) When I started with them B was in a big transition. The nanny who'd been with him since birth went to school full time and he...
  16. T

    Car seat recommendations prioritizing safety

    Hi, We have a 25 lb average hight 18mo child and need to get him a new carseat becuse we have a 2nd on the way. Safety is our top concern and will continue to rear face him for as long as possible. Knowing that EU regulations and testing are significantly more stringent and we will need to...
  17. Z

    How did you make sure your teens were safe if and when they drink/smoke?

    My 13 y/o brother has smoked weed once as far as I know and drank vodka with his friends at least once. I'm the big sister and the one most likely to get through to him, and the most likely to have a real conversation about this w him. I don't want to use scare tactics but goddamn it's...