
  1. J

    Not sure what’s normal anymore!

    Hi everyone! We’re in our ttw, at 4pdo. We used Gonal F 100ml for 6 days and then the trigger shot and I’ve been having the weirdest symptoms: - intense smell of the smallest things (I guess from the HcG) - a lot of bloating (normal) - cramping (normal) - crazy vivid dreams like finding out my...
  2. A

    How would you respond to this?

    We live one block away from my 1st grader’s school. Sometimes we are late to school, as in like 30+/- minutes late. This is due to these combined factors: my 5 y/o doesn’t go to bed early, doesn’t get up early, doesn’t move quickly in the morning to get through the routine and get out the...
  3. O

    If your child saw a demon or h go dot would you believe them?

    In horror movies, when a young child sees a demon or a ghost and freaks out and runs to tell their parents, the parents don't believe them, despite the fact that sometimes they see them when they are wide awake. If your child saw a demon or a ghost and told you, would you believe them? I would...
  4. C

    Should I tell my parents I was raped?

    If you are a parent and are reading this, would you want to know? I'm (F, 20) scared, because my parents are conservative and it happened as a result of a Tinder date. My mom said that if a persons gets raped because of Tinder then the victim "brought it on themselves" This happened in...
  5. T

    My 1 year old (13 months) is waking up for 4-6 hours at night

    Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like I am losing my mind. A few times this week, my daughter has taken to getting up between 11-12 at night and absolutely will not go back to sleep until 5 or 6 in the morning. We had sleep trained her around 5 months and it worked beautifully, but using...
  6. A

    Help: My 10yo son is a relentless downer

    EDIT: Thanks everyone who offered constructive advice. The overwhelming response was “Therapy. ASAP.” I hear it and am on it, likely starting with CBT. I had a chat with him tonight, and thanked him for always sharing his feelings with me, even the bad ones. I asked him if he wants to start...
  7. C

    Clearblue Advanced Digital vs. Easy @ Home LH strips

    I saw my OB last week and she recommended the Clearblue Advanced Digital tests. Previously, I had been using the easy@home LH strips for my last two cycles and usually saw a peak at around CD12-13 on those. I am expecting it to be the same with the CB test but who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️ I was curious how...
  8. S

    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    EDIT: You all are giving really good advice and I've taken a lot of notes. I think I'm also upping the age range to 5-7. I forget how small 3 year olds are because I dont interact with any ever. --' I'm currently working on a kid's book about having an adult in your life with an mood disorder...
  9. G

    6 months pregnant with first child and weigh 5 pounds less than my starting weight, am I doing something wrong?

    I lost about 7 pounds from the start of my pregnancy when I hit month 4. Now I am six months along and only gained 2 pounds from what I lost. The weightloss was not intentional and I feel like I am already eating all the time. I should note I was overweight bmi wise when I got pregnant (but I...
  10. G

    Does due date change at 20 week scan?

    My due date based on my LMP exactly matched by due date from my dating scan at 13+6 weeks. My maternity pay is calculated using the pay I receive from 18-25 weeks so I have been booking some extra work to align with those dates to boost my maternity pay. My anomaly scan is next week on 19+6. I’m...
  11. A

    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    I apologize if this is the wrong sub and if someone has a better suggestion please let me know. I was wondering if anyone has any advice of where I can go from here. I made the awful decision of filing a neglect report on my sister through DCFS and OCS. They sent me a letter stating they will...
  12. G

    Gift ideas for busy mom of young children?

    What can I gift a friend who has 5 kids under 10? She's incredibly busy and I feel like she never has a minute for herself, so anything I get her would just (a) add to the clutter and (b) make her sad that she doesn't have time to use it. Any ideas?
  13. K

    Does your partner do this?

    Came home from work and instead of the old "what do you do all day?" Question he asks the 13m old "what did you guys do today??!" I started with a detailed report "she woke up at 5:30am was whiney and clingy all day I fed her x y z." He says that's not what he means... he really thinks I sit...
  14. C

    Survey for parents

    Hello everyone. I am a student working on creating an online maths tutoring programme for primary school children. If you could take 5 minutes to answer a questionnaire, it would help me a lot. Thank you for reading my message. Here is the link to the questionnaire...
  15. A

    How to stop a 10YO kid from reading my messages?

    I (16f) have a cousin (soon 10 but f) and I love her like she is my sister, and we are pretty close. She always took my phone without asking to play, watch on Tiktok, etc. And I never cared about it. Some time ago, she started reading my messages. Nothing much. Conversations with mom, dad and so...
  16. S

    Hi! New to TTC on purpose and I have a question about what DPO means...

    Sorry to be a bother!! I’m just trying to understand some of these posts and I can’t wrap my head around something... When someone says that they are (let’s just say) 9 days DPO... does that mean : A. 9 days ago was The beginning of their fertile window a.k.a. three days prior to when they...
  17. G

    Help! We Can’t find any extra wide kids shoes for my son, he needs a youth size 5.5-6 and the width of his foot is 4.75inches wide

    I’ve been looking excessively and feel at a loss!! He has extremely wide feet and a high arch. He doesn’t like shoe laces
  18. J

    Sperm analysis results

    Hi everyone. Hubbie's sperm analysis results got in this morning. I can't really understand them. Morphology seems off but can anyone help me interpret them? Volume: 4,2 ml N.º of sperm: 13,300 million/ml N.º ejaculated: 55,9 million pH: 7,7 Viscosity: normal Color: normal Liquidification at 60...
  19. S

    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    We just had our first baby last week and my husband returns to work next week. I want to start operating on a system close to what we will be doing when he goes back.. curious how you guys handle this! He works from home 3 days a week and in the office 2 days a week. When he’s home he needs to...
  20. A

    Suspect MiL and SiL of abusing 4 y/o

    A bit of context before I start, I’m American and living in NZ with my partner (we are both in our early 20’s) and their mom(55),sister(35) and sisters 2 kids (11 and 4). I’ve been living with them for over a year now and it’s pretty clear MiL is a narcissist and she’s very much into the new age...