
  1. C

    Survey for parents

    Hello everyone. I am a student working on creating an online maths tutoring programme for primary school children. If you could take 5 minutes to answer a questionnaire, it would help me a lot. Thank you for reading my message. Here is the link to the questionnaire...
  2. A

    How to stop a 10YO kid from reading my messages?

    I (16f) have a cousin (soon 10 but f) and I love her like she is my sister, and we are pretty close. She always took my phone without asking to play, watch on Tiktok, etc. And I never cared about it. Some time ago, she started reading my messages. Nothing much. Conversations with mom, dad and so...
  3. S

    Hi! New to TTC on purpose and I have a question about what DPO means...

    Sorry to be a bother!! I’m just trying to understand some of these posts and I can’t wrap my head around something... When someone says that they are (let’s just say) 9 days DPO... does that mean : A. 9 days ago was The beginning of their fertile window a.k.a. three days prior to when they...
  4. G

    Help! We Can’t find any extra wide kids shoes for my son, he needs a youth size 5.5-6 and the width of his foot is 4.75inches wide

    I’ve been looking excessively and feel at a loss!! He has extremely wide feet and a high arch. He doesn’t like shoe laces
  5. J

    Sperm analysis results

    Hi everyone. Hubbie's sperm analysis results got in this morning. I can't really understand them. Morphology seems off but can anyone help me interpret them? Volume: 4,2 ml N.º of sperm: 13,300 million/ml N.º ejaculated: 55,9 million pH: 7,7 Viscosity: normal Color: normal Liquidification at 60...
  6. S

    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    We just had our first baby last week and my husband returns to work next week. I want to start operating on a system close to what we will be doing when he goes back.. curious how you guys handle this! He works from home 3 days a week and in the office 2 days a week. When he’s home he needs to...
  7. A

    Suspect MiL and SiL of abusing 4 y/o

    A bit of context before I start, I’m American and living in NZ with my partner (we are both in our early 20’s) and their mom(55),sister(35) and sisters 2 kids (11 and 4). I’ve been living with them for over a year now and it’s pretty clear MiL is a narcissist and she’s very much into the new age...
  8. D

    Can landlord and neighbours give me trouble for 2 instances of baby crying?

    I live in a basement suite in Vancouver, BC with my 14mo and there is a family above me with 2 kids that are 10y/o & 3y/o. My son 90% of the time sleeps through the night but the odd night he will wake up and I just give him water and he goes back to sleep. But one night, about a week ago, he...
  9. R

    My 8 y/o daughter came out as bi but she doesn’t understand what the means and I need advice

    Before I go on, I support LGBTQ+ 100% and I support my daughter 1000% if she is. But she’s only 8. That being said— yesterday, on my daughters first day of school, she came home upset saying that her crushed rejected her and the kids said she was going to hell because she can’t date another...
  10. P

    Shorter parents, do y’all worry about your son’s eventual height and whether or not it will prevent him from marrying if he so desires?

    Tbh I’m a bit on the short side at 5’7 and 25M. I’m dating a woman who’s like 5’0-5’1 and sometimes I wonder if this leads to marriage and have children, would the boys end up being say 5’4? And could this be a major impediment to them finding a spouse (assuming they’re cis, het, and desire...
  11. D

    Pack n play for newborn upto 4 months

    Hi all, I’m 22 weeks and just started planning or making a list of things to get in the coming few months. I’ve been researching on what to get for the master bedroom for baby to sleep in. I read that a lot of you are using pack n play with a bassinet attachment. Now this is confusing me since I...
  12. J

    How to say this

    Hi I’m not a parent but a nanny. I take care of a 12 yo boy N. N has struggled with math for years his dad has tried to help but has hit a wall. I tested N’s basic math knowledge and I was shocked by how far behind he is. For an example I asked him what 9 divided by 9 is and he couldn’t tell me...
  13. R

    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    I am a first time mom, currently 24 weeks pregnant. My baby is due in late August and I have started SAHM life now. I’m hoping to adjust and begin a routine of daily and weekly chores that I can then adjust as needed when baby comes. Routines and habits don’t come easily for me, as I have...
  14. M

    How many every day shoes for 9y/o?

    How many every day shoes does your 9y/o have? I mean, like shoes they can wear to school and on the playground to play soccer or football on recess (i.e. closed toe sneakers)? My son has 1 pair every day sneaker shoes and he wants another pair to change it up. Am I being a cheapskate if I say...
  15. E

    Low-Cost Virtual Parenting Group for New York Parents - Columbia University

    Parenting can be stressful! If you are a K-8 parent residing in New York, join our virtual, low-cost parenting therapy group led by therapists at Columbia University. This group provides a space for parents to self-reflect, understand children across developmental stages, develop tools for...
  16. L

    Is hitting normal behavior for 7 y/o?

    SD (7) is acting violent (hitting, kicking car) towards BM. This repeated behavior results in BM (41F) calling my SO (40M) and she demands that he "come over" to discipline their child. This has happened at least 3 times in the past month. (This Saturday BM stated SD locked her in the...
  17. G

    I caught my 13 year old boy calling a little girl a “b***h”

    I was in my son’s room this evening asking him about something I can’t even remember now, and I looked over towards his phone and saw a bunch of “blue” messages in a row. I didn’t think anything of it at first and didn’t think to read the messages. After I thought about it, I asked him who he...
  18. B

    How much does your partner help with child rearing?

    Even though I don’t have a job and am a SAHM to a 1 year old and 3 year old, I get frustrated and down when I think of all the things I wish my husband would be more willing to do. Not sure if my thoughts are unreasonable so feel free to tell me what you think. I’m the only one who feeds my 12...
  19. T

    What can I do when my ex does not allow my child (M/9) to take to her house gifts I got him?

    I honestly don't know if I should be asking this in r/legaladvice sub, which is why I am posting this question here. My ex and I share custody of a nine-years-old boy and she has a history of preventing him from keeping things I get him. My kid loves music and has been learning to play the...
  20. C

    Does your toddler play independently when they wake up in the morning?

    I’ve heard of toddlers and babies that play on their own for upwards of 30 minutes or more when they wake up in the morning, allowing parental units to continue snoozing peacefully. If you have one of those kids, how’d you get there? Like…both what coaching or modeling steps did you take and...