
  1. A

    One year postpartum, late period but negative test?

    I’m currently 12 months postpartum, I got my cycle back 9 months pp. Now my period is 9 days late, I took a test at 6 days late, that was negative.. Still breastfeeding regularly so I’m not sure if I’m just irregular due to that. Bloated but no other period/pregnancy symptoms I’ve noticed...
  2. U

    Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

    Hi all! I JUST found out I was pregnant (officially, blood test) yesterday, so figured I'd put in my 2 cents! The doc's office didn't let me know how far along I was (or if the blood test even showed that), but based on my LMP/date(s) of BD, I estimate that I'm about 2 weeks along so far (in my...
  3. P

    i f(23) fucked without condom, pls help

    Burner account for obvious reasons, I F(23) had sex for the first time yesterday and we fucked twice with condom (he came both times) and then the third time he was just going in really easy but without condom, he didn't come obviously at all, he is sure about that and i couldn't feel anything...
  4. S

    I feel like such a dolt (5w 5d)

    Got BFP 2 weeks ago, was surprised/confused because I'd just had what thought was AF, and all BFN before that. Went to Dr, who had me poas BFN. Sent me home. Went home confused, poas, BFP, the most obvious one of the lot. Sigh. So I've been sitting here at home getting both BFP, BFN, and...
  5. G

    I don't know how to sleep..

    29w and everything freaking hurts especially when trying to sleep. My back, my ribs, my hips, my knee that I twisted the other day from simply getting into bed. I cannot get comfortable enough to sleep and I just want to cry. Would a U-shaped pregnancy pillow help? I have a J-shaped one but it...
  6. C

    After 4 long years, I’m 5 weeks pregnant!

    I want to shout it from the rooftops, but it’s still too early, so I’m sharing here with you! I have been through 4 long years of multiple losses, delays, false hopes, and more needles than I can count. HCG was 600 at first Dr. check and 1500 at the second. I’m not getting too excited yet, but...
  7. R

    I’m getting married in 5 weeks, I will be 7 months along and I’m mostly broke. I still need a dress. The panic is setting in

    Does anyone have any brilliant ideas for a dress? I don’t think anything non-maternity is going to work at this stage. I’m looking for long because my legs/ankles are a hot mess, and no sleeves because it will probably be 80 degrees. You all are brilliant with ideas, and I’m hoping one of you...
  8. M

    probably unlikely, but can someone do the math?

    I think I need to be faced with some numbers to chill tbh. It’s been three months since the last “risky” (before ovulation) encounter (the only other time penetration was involved was the day right before one of my periods). methods used were condom + pullout + FAM, with an intact condom, but...
  9. S

    Felt like a fool for going to A&E with reduced fetal movement

    I'm 29 wks with twins. For the last few weeks without fail, I wake up 4am to them doing Irish dancing all over my womb. Except early this morning. So I went and had a glass of juice and an apple. Went back to bed, some movement but reduced. So we went to my local maternity A&E. The midwife...
  10. C

    guys just one last time

    so me and my girlfriend had sex on 22nd jan. her December periods were 11-15 and January periods were 7-11 we had unprotected sex , just did the withdrawal method and cummed away from the vagina a minute later. her period was due on 3rd but we didn't see any blood till 8th feb. she bled for...
  11. H

    Pregnancy pillows are overrated

    Every time I mention to someone that I’m not sleeping well, their response is always “dO YoU HaVe a PreGNancY PiLloW?” Yes, I do and honestly it’s not a magical pillow that is going to put me straight to sleep. I almost want to throw it off my bed at this point.
  12. R

    Pampers Childbirth Classes

    SO & I are going to watch these as a start. To gain access, we had to sign up for the website. I've never been a fan of such practices, so here are the Youtube links for those interested in watching. Class 1 Body Changes & Discomforts Class 2 Prenatal Health & Nutrition Class 3...
  13. L

    35 hours hCG doubling time - is it normal?

    This is my first pregnancy and even though I’m reading everything I find on the internet, I still feel confused about beta hCG rising times. There’s so much emphasis put on how it shouldn’t be too slow, but what about too fast? I just got results from my second blood test after 3 days (70,5...
  14. L

    Late period… Am I pregnant?

    I recently went to see my husband in America (2nd March - 11th March). We were having protected sex (condom). On the night of the 10th we have sex and we’re unsure whose cum, for better lack of words, was on the condom. So I took plan B the next morning and then went back to the U.K. My period...
  15. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    Birth Story tl;dr version: ** Lucas Alexander was born at 7:25 a.m. on March 31st. I caved at 4 cm after 13 hours of back labor and got the epidural. Best decision I ever made, though I really beat myself up about it at the time. Tips are below, **but here's the pictures, because...well, let's...
  16. A

    help! i’m going crazy

    I had unprotected sex on the 3rd day of my period we did it twice, he pulled out each time i don’t even think he finished the 2nd time to be honest, i took a plan b like 14 hours after. i’ve been cramping and having a little back pain but idk if that’s from the plan b ,ending my period, or...
  17. T

    Endo pregnancy concerns

    I am 28(f) and just found out I’m pregnant today. I had always been told that getting pregnant would be difficult because I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis when I was 20. So needless to say I am completely unprepared and shocked. Tomorrow I’ll be 5 weeks (according to my Flo app), I...
  18. Z

    what r the chances of me being pregnant?

    what are the chances of me getting pregnant? the condom broke at some point inside me but he pulled out with the condom and didn’t do it inside me but did it the bed really close to me, i think i sat on it for like a second when it was wet, because i didn’t know that wet spot was what that was...
  19. M


    Making an update for some positivity! Last period was Dec.31- Jan.3 and after a 74 days cycle, crazy I know, my period came!!🥳 35 days late but better than never🤣 Original; Need some advice I am 11 days late with my period. Had sex Dec.11th w/ condom and pull out, no tears or rips. That cycle...
  20. L

    My intro post... O_o

    Hi guys! Never thought I would be here that's for sure!! And I have NO idea what to do next as I never thought I'd get here! (In the UK here btw). This was our 12th cycle of trying. Next month we were going to go back to the doctors. But holy shitballs batman... THIS HAPPENED...