
  1. L

    4 days late, tested negative but worried it’s too early for my hCG to be raised

    My boyfriend and I do use a condom, but a few times since my last cycle, he’s put it in and fucked me until he’s gotten erect (not fully hard) and then pulled out and put a condom on. He hasn’t noticed any precum when pulling out and hasn’t finished in me. What are the odds of getting pregnant...
  2. M

    3 days late w/ sticky white discharge

    i had mild covid during the first week of december and my last period was on december 7. my bf and i had protected sex on december 8 and 9. we also had protected sex on december 17 and 18 which, according to my health app, is a day after my predicted ovulation day(s). i noticed some mild...
  3. G

    what tf is going on 😩

    I need a “confused af” flair. Anyway, I had a D&C for a MMC @6w4d on 3/9. I tested out my HCG with e@h, and frer. I got negatives on e@h around 3/29-4/1, and negative on frer like 4/12 i think…? On 4/13 mt HCG was 3 per lab work. I got my period 4/14-4/17, no bleeding 4/18 or 4/19. I start...
  4. P

    Every item we've used for our 2-month old so far

    When I was pregnant I scoured the internet looking for a list like this, so I thought I'd share ours! These are the absolute essential (and a couple of non-essential) items we've used so far with our 2-month old baby girl. For some this might be excessive, for others not enough but this has...
  5. J

    Early hCG levels and viability

    Hi y’all! I’ve tried looking everywhere online and only found a couple of reliable week by week average hCG progression charts. I got my blood drawn Friday (15 Dec.) and my hCG was 111. If I’m going off of last period, I would’ve been 3w5d then. If I go off of my estimated conception date, I’d...
  6. R

    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    I am 20w5 days and just came from my 20w ultrasound. After taking the pictures, the tech came back and told us she had to do a vaginal ultrasound per Dr order. Done, then after a couple minutes the Dr. came in the room and told us I have complete placenta previa. She told me that it is...
  7. N

    What are the possibility I'm kinda worried

    partner and I did just 2 weeks ago. Protected ofcs but there's one time the con almost slipped of but he didn't come yet or even precum. We did 2-3 times but we changed the protection ofc. But idk if is it mine or his wetness but after we filled the protection w water there's no leak. But...
  8. X

    A L L E R G I E S

    I live right by corn and bean fields and my allergies are kicking my ass harder than ever. Is there anything I can take to help with this before I die? Edit: asking because I was seeing mixed things on Google about what I can and can’t take.
  9. M

    can you guys help me

    its been 15 days after unprotected anal sex ive been panicking ever since. today i took a blood test and came back
  10. L

    Chance me

    I had my period 3/27-3/31 and then has sex on 4/2 where the condom snapped. This was day 7 of my cycle. I freaked out and took 2 plan bs (I know I’m sorry I’m a 5’7 200lb woman and got scared). When we inspected the condom it was the usual clear/yellow tint and there seemed to be nothing inside...
  11. H

    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    That’s all. That’s the tea.
  12. P

    Positive fFN at 18/4. Now what? Any experiences with FFN in 2nd trimester on here?

    Hi, just fishing for experiences really. Short backstory on me: 2x early loss, 1x late loss (SCH led to infection led to IC). Had terrible SCH bleeds 8w-16w in this pregnancy. On 200mg x2 progesterone daily. Had my first fFN test today, it's positive. Despite everything I wasn't expecting that...
  13. C

    ISO P/T remote job recommendations

    Has anyone found P/T remote jobs to supplement their income while on maternity leave? I’m looking to do just that and am interested in hearing about what ways people were able to bring in additional income. The job I’m looking for doesn’t have to be fulfilling as it will only be temporary...
  14. M

    He’s SUCH a Good Dad: A Moms V. Dads Expectations Rant

    We all know about how annoying it is when dads get praised for being “such a good dad” for simply doing their part, but moms are just expected to do all those things (i.e., feeding the baby, changing diapers, basic participation). But I didn’t realize it would start in pregnancy. Yesterday I...
  15. L

    Can I get pregnant w/o having sex?

    Uhh google is giving me mixed opinions on this so I decided to ask here since I have no trusted adults to ask. So I saw my bf a week or 2 ago and we were alone at his house, so one thing led to another but even tho we didn't have sex he rubbed my vagina w his dick for like 30 mins. He didn't cum...
  16. H

    Had first U/S and I'm a little worried d/t baby being smaller than expected..

    My LMP was 10/16 and I conceived 11/3 (CD 19). I'm supposed to be 7weeks 3 days. Baby only measured 6w 4days, but HR was 128. I'm really confused and feeling a little concerned. I go back in 2 weeks for a second ultrasound (they said so they can get a better idea of the due date). Any thoughts?
  17. N

    Apparently I should battle w/ my husband to name our baby

    Sounds stupid? Well that's what my grandma told me 🫠 Right now I'm pregnant with baby boy and I didn't have any strong feelings towards any male names, most of them just sounds okay. So when my husband told me that he would like to name baby after his grandfather, I was like "cool, let's do...
  18. G

    HCG results - are they tracking okay? Doctor won’t scan till 8 weeks

    Hi! I did my 5th (!!!) FET on April 17th with two 5 day embryos. - Beta 1: 7DPT, 14.5 - Beta 2: 11DPT, 150 - Beta 3: 13DPT, 423 - Beta 4: 16DPT, 1078 My third transfer resulted in a blighted ovum, so I am currently terrified at 5 weeks 1 day, knowing my doctor will only see me for an...
  19. M

    thoughts? im not sure

    Last period was 11/4, currently on day 41 of cycle (not normal for me) & have not felt my usual pms symptoms, either. My bf & i did the deed several times (7 to be exact) this cycle & w/ condoms every single time. He only finished one time out of those instances & all have been intact. Just...
  20. H

    Experience w/ slow hcg rise 5-6 weeks

    TW: miscarriage and child loss Third pregnancy, trying not to spiral but also want to prepare myself. 5.5w hcg levels were just over 6000, and 48hours later they had only risen a little more than 1000 to 7000-something. My OB wasn’t immediately concerned and wanted another draw (TBD), while...