
  1. W

    Am I Pregnant or just ovulating

    6 days ago the condom broke when he pulled out (there were 4-6 days until I was supposed to be fertile and 9 til I was ovulating), he didn’t finish and we don’t think there was any precum but I still took plan b the next day just incase. Now I’m fertile (not ovulating) and I am beginning to spot...
  2. D

    Hcg levels didn’t double, not even close - measuring 5 weeks at 6 weeks U/S

    I got my hcg tested on 3/20, it was 1,233. I got my hcg tested again on 3/22, it was 1,263. Anyone have any similar stories and had a successful pregnancy? I am preparing for the worst but also read that anything over 1,200 can take up to 96hrs to double. Should I stay positive? I haven’t talked...
  3. L

    MFM Consult, Level 2 Ultrasound, Fibroids Fine, MTHFR is a nonissue?

    Heyya all. Trigger warning for stillbirth, as usual. Well, I am a big ball of emotions. Baby is flailing it's little stubs in there. Heart rate is 180! (Please, please be a girl!) An inch long today. My due date was tweaked a day forward, so I'm 8+4 today, and I'm now due the 24th. My husband...
  4. K

    OH mY gOd yOu'Re sO bIG!

    I'm 15 weeks pregnant with my second baby and never quite lost the bump after my first, so I look like I'm showing quite prominently. People (mostly my mum, but others also) seem to take great joy in telling me how HUGE I am, my dates MUST BE wrong, surely there isn't just ONE baby in there? It...
  5. J

    Has anyone taken two rounds of Misoprostol and it work the second time?

    Update: for anyone who sees this in the future, the second round of miso did not get everything out. So I ended up needing to get a D&C. In hindsight, I wish I would’ve just gotten the D&C done in the first place rather than waiting and hoping the medication worked the second time but don’t...
  6. D

    Spotting and s c a r e d

    I've been on birth control for about a month and a half. I just started spotting. I had unprotected sex with my BF about 2 days BEFORE my period ENDED. Recently I have started spotting and cramping like a bonus period. Dark red/brown blood. All of my symptoms align with breakthrough bleeding...
  7. C

    (18y/o) My period is late by 4 days now

    I am unable to get a hold of a pregnancy test until i leave back to the states 4 more days from now because I’m on a family vacation in a foreign country, I have no way to get around by myself/ without my parents knowing. I Had protected sex, we used a condom as of July 6th, and I was supposed...
  8. P

    E X H A U S T E D

    I’m 35 weeks and completely incapable of staying awake. Everything I do is exhausting and I have no idea why. It’s gotten to the point where I sleep more in a day than I’m awake. Whyyyy am I so sleepy!?
  9. S

    linea nigra- not pregnant (i think?)

    i had a pregnancy scare last month and have posted here about it before. here are some facts to recap: - low risk situation, no PIV sex (genital rubbing for few seconds w no ejaculation) - got what i hope was my period last month (lasted six days, heavy bleeding and clots) - tested negative...
  10. A

    I can’t stop drinking soda

    I had pretty much eliminated soda from my diet when I got pregnant. I drank mostly sparkling water. Water now sounds disgusting and makes me gag and I crave coke and Dr Pepper every day. I really worry about feeding my baby only junk and sugar but I am having such a hard time getting in any...
  11. D

    I N S E C U R I T Y

    Let's talk about it. How the f*** do we deal with it :( I'm to the point where I hate myself and hate everyone around me. Is this the hormones making me go out of wack??
  12. X

    Sick with HIB (H Flu) and Terrified

    After 8 days of feeling like I'm on my deathbed, results finally came back with HIB positive (H flu) and an upper respiratory infection. I'm on day 3 of a Z Pack and praying I turn a corner soon. Although my OB wasn't worried about the baby, I'm terrified about what I'm reading about impacts on...
  13. O

    9 days late didn’t have penetrative sex am I pregnant?

    I literally didn’t have penetrative sex just fingering and I took Ella an emergency contraceptive my periods are never late even when I took plan b and Ella on the past after unprotected sex I’m so tired of this stressed out crying my stomach feels so bloated breast are swollen 10 negative...
  14. T

    update on my situation

    basically recap yall i deleted my post bc anxiety (i’m sorry to those who replied) to sum it up i had a late period, protected, safe consensual sex but doubts bc of the late period, but it’s bc of hormones. the date of my last period was september 6. it arrived TODAY!! october 26. 20 days...
  15. N

    Mod Message: you cannot get pregnant from dry humping

    Hello my lovely subredditors! There has been an influx of posts asking questions along the lines of: - can I get pregnant from dry humping with X number of layers of clothing? - can I get pregnant if one of us was wearing clothing and the other was naked and we humped? - can I get pregnant if...
  16. A

    Virgin pregnancy? (no penetration)

    Hello I am Boy and me and my girlfriend is sexually active doing Fingring and bjs(so rare to happen) but some anytime atleast 3 or 4 times (not exacly in one day atleast one per day) I make My Pis touch her Vagna (no ejaculation) and concerning about Pregnancy right now she missed 8 days period...
  17. W

    looking for reassurance

    i had an encounter back on october 29, 2023. it was not risky, however he was on top of me and fully clothed, whereas i had no clothes on. after the encounter, we noticed there was a wet spot on the front of his jeans presumably from precum. in the moment, i still didn't worry because i was on...
  18. D

    Pack n play for newborn upto 4 months

    Hi all, I’m 22 weeks and just started planning or making a list of things to get in the coming few months. I’ve been researching on what to get for the master bedroom for baby to sleep in. I read that a lot of you are using pack n play with a bassinet attachment. Now this is confusing me since I...
  19. Y

    Am I pregnant?

    Hey y’all, I’m f25 and currently have 2 kids already. I have an irregular period, but for the last few months it’s been pretty regular. This month, I’m currently 9 days late and have taken 2 pregnancy tests but they have both been negative. I did notice during my ovulation week I was having...
  20. W

    In L&D! 3-4 cm dilated and ready to get this boy outta me

    I now understand why back labor has such a bad reputation. Labor vibes, please! Update: Epidurals are amazing. I’m cranking through these contractions and don’t feel a thing save for a spot on my hip. I do wish I was able to sleep last night; currently going on 26 hours without sleep. Eat as...