
  1. E

    “JuSt wAiT tiLl tHe bAby gEtS hErE”

    Oh yeah, just you wait. You think pregnancy is bad? It is. It sucks ass. At least it did for me. People made me feel like I was being a drama queen, but I felt immediately better after giving birth. Pregnancy sucked so bad I felt better after pushing a human out of my most delicate parts...
  2. E

    Mind f@&k

    Does anyone else randomly just think about how weird it is that there is a BABY HUMAN growing inside of me??!! Yes it’s amazing but how strange to think about. Our bodies are just able to create life Side note I’m 23 weeks just starting to show and feel him all the time. Freaks me out but in a...
  3. C

    late 8 days or more (irregular period)

    Hi yall. im 19y(f) basically the monday after easter on april 2nd i got food poisoning/stomach flu so i threw up one day and had nausea and diarrhea that whole week w severe stomach pains like when food was bad n just didn’t sit right. . once i got better i decided to take a test because i was...
  4. D

    Pregnancy related?

    Hi, November 12 my bf fingered me after he came on his hand. He did wipe it off and then fingered me so if I’m correct, there should be nothing to worry about. November 26 (14 days after fingering) today, November 27th I’m feeling super nauseous. That’s my only symptom. I’m not sure if it...
  5. M

    Taking the lead from another bumper - here are the September bumpers due dates!

    Honorary September Bumpers /@johndowling /@markcmusic - Graduated 9/5 /@aaronparsons /@drf /@marina777 - Graduated /@vorianatredies - Graduated 9/3 September 1 /@jeannielois - Graduated 8/29 /@risen145 - Graduated 9/9 /@tomatocarrot - Graduated 9/5 /@travisqtc - Graduated 8/27...
  6. A

    I am so f*cking sick of this nausea

    At 6 weeks I was like “psh this pregnancy is easy! I’m probably going to be one of those women who just has a really easy pregnancy” (I do this mostly to try to manifest it to come true rather than just being a dumb b*tch) I hit 7 weeks and basically from That Day Forth I’ve had an unrelenting...
  7. A

    29 weeks and baby measuring 3 lb 9.5 oz. I'm terrified

    My last two babies were 6 lb 11 oz and 6 lb 15oz. They say with this one being over 3.5 lb at 29 weeks I'm looking at a 9 to 11 lb baby. And just thinking about this terrifies me and makes my vagina hurt. I'm happy she's healthy but hiw am I suppose to squeeze such a big baby out of me without...
  8. B

    I was admitted to L&D Sunday due to contractions

    I'm going to try to keep this short, but wanted to share with you ladies who have supported me so much: So as some of you know I found out early on in my pregnancy that I have 15 fibroid tumors on my uterus. The risk to the baby is preterm labor; the risk to me is pain and possibility of...
  9. C


    I’m f(28) and I just started taking BC pills (Yasminelle) 6 days ago on my first day of period. I got my period last sunday and I took the pills right away and has been taking it religiously at 7.50am, never missed any minutes bcs I set an alarm for that and took the pills before the clock turns...
  10. J

    H. O. L. Y. C. R. A. P

    Is this real life? I know it's still really really early. Ill be going in for a lab this week. My heart is racing! Update: I'm still like not convinced so I've peed on sticks every morning this week. Here is the last 3 day progression for anyone that's interested.
  11. B

    is there a possibility to get pregnant even though i was on my period?

    Heres some context, we were in the moment and whats done is done, he came in me multiple times but i was on the last/second last day of my period (this was around mid feb). Im not on any birth control and we didn’t use any other form of protection but i did take a plan b pill 2 days after the...
  12. Y

    I’m a little worried but the sane part of me is saying it’s just stress

    My period is 7 days late and I’m starting to get worried. Current cycle started Jan 20 = CD 1. Period ended Jan 24 = CD 5 (Mostly) protected sex on Jan 27 = CD 8. - He tried to stick it in without a condom at first and there was precum. Put on condom after maybe half a thrust. Apple...
  13. L

    hCG going up while heavy bleeding?

    I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning and had a very faint line, I went to get more tests and while I was there I started bleeding heavily. Took a second test and still had a faint line, called Ob and they got me to do blood test. My hCG came back at 9.3 so I really lost hope as I kept...
  14. S

    Beta’s rising

    Link to my original post: I got my blood drawn on 12/28, and my B-hCG was at 45,959. Should I relax now seeing as it is rising? I’m having trouble relaxing because of my stats: 12/8: Cramps, NPT 12/12: PPT, LMP 11/6, Cramps 12/14: Cramps...
  15. B

    I’m 30 days late for my period but I took 5 pregnancy tests and they’re all negative

    I haven’t missed a period in the last 14 years so this is super strange for me. I feel like I am pregnant but I could just be hoping that I am. I’m not sure what to do, do I take a blood pregnancy test? Pls help!
  16. A

    4w+3 and holy sh*t y’all were NOT joking about the insane pregnancy dreams

    When I was just a mere lurker in this sub in the TTC days, I read that extremely vivid dreams were a thing in pregnancy, but wow. Typically, I barely remember my dreams. But now? I’m waking up 3-4 times a night in cold sweats and emerging from some of the most vivid and cinematic dreams that...
  17. J

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    UPDATE! I finally got called in at around 16:00, got here and checked in! We’re all hooked up, epidural started, just waiting for the kid now! Original post~ Hi hello. I’m 41 weeks pregnant, 3-4 cm dilated, 90% effaced. My induction was scheduled for LAST NIGHT. Am I at the hospital? No, of...
  18. J

    How would you prepare a regular stroller sit for a newborn?

    Hello everyone! I am 35 weeks pregnant with twins, so they are coming soon! And we are having some doubts on how to prepare the regular stroller sit for them when they are newborn. We know this is not the best setup for that, but we arent that good on money and the lady in the store said we...
  19. A

    Intro and looking for advice for how to tell my husband!

    Hi CBB, I was a BB-er 2 years ago and this morning, I got my positive test for #2! My guess is about 4 weeks along. We have a 15 month old toddling tornado and bean #2 was semi-planned, so this won't be a total shock to my husband. I was thinking maybe putting D (internet pseudonym for my...
  20. T

    Single Pink Line around 'C'

    No periods acter precum fingering, but today did a test after 22 days of precum fingering and 3 days of regular white discharge Did Prega Pregnancy Test at home, in India Showed pink single line at some 'C' option Is she pregnant?