
  1. M

    Dropping Progesterone- how worried should I be?

    I have been tracking my blood HCG and progesterone levels since for the last week or so. Things are looking OK (my HCG betas started low), but today my progesterone dropped, and it freaked me out. I have left a message for my clinic but they aren’t open until tomorrow. They always seem way too...
  2. C

    Is having a second kid really worth all the trouble? It looks exponentially harder to go from 1 to 2 kids than zero to 1.

    My friend just had a second and seems miserable. It’s pulled her and her husband apart, added financial strain, eliminated all of her personal time, created jealousy with the first kid, etc. I never see her anymore, she’s always tired or stressed. It just doesn’t look worth it. What am I missing?
  3. F

    Is there a 0% chance if my fiance finished in me 3 days before my period?

    I track my ovulation, via FAM (temperature and cervical mucus) and my period app, it’s usually 11/12 ish days after my period. Is there even a possibility of pregnancy if it’s that close to my period? For future, is it safe to continue not pulling out if it’s that close to my period? (25f, 24m)
  4. R

    Reassurance, please! Test progression question

    As I cannot post pics here, here is a post I just made with picture references! Prefacing this by saying I’m a very anxious person in general and experienced a CP two months ago hence the worry and seeking reassurance 🙃 On 11DPO I got the faintest of faint positives on a FRER. In fact it took...
  5. B

    Birth story: unplanned c-section. Help me understand what happened. (TW: birth trauma)

    ETA: none of what I say here is meant to reflect anything negative towards other csection mothers. This was just my experience and my feelings about it. I gave birth January 14th at 2:19AM to a beautiful baby girl. I am so happy she is here safely, but I feel seriously traumatized by my birth...
  6. S

    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    After 40+ weeks of planning and preparing for an intervention free birth I found myself throwing all my plans into the trash when I woke up at 40+6 at 2am with back labor. I was fully prepared for how everyone had described contractions, feeling intense period like or diarrhea cramps. I was...
  7. A

    Been booked for a scan next week at 6+5, based on my LMP. I’m sure I will only be 5+3 though. Is it a waste of time?

    My LMP was 8th Jan. This makes me currently 5+5. I have long, irregular cycles, but I always get distinct, sore ovulation pain exactly 2 weeks before my period comes. I had that ovulation pain 18 days ago and if I calculate my pregnancy based on ovulation date and not LMP it puts me at 4+3...
  8. R

    Subchorionic Bleed at 6w

    Hi guys! 6w4d according to my LMP, I had an ultrasound today and saw baby measuring at 6w6d and a heartbeat of 121 which sounds great to my limited knowledge! They also found a subchorionic bleed “along the left lateral margin of the gestational sac measuring 2.8 x 0.5 x 1 cm.” I’m freaking...
  9. R

    Brown discharge instead of period?

    I have been on combination pill (Junel) for the last 5 years. I'm very good at taking my pills, i've probably missed a total of 8 pills ever and have missed 0 in nearly the last year. I take the pill every night within the same 2-3 hour time frame, always right before I get into bed. My "period"...
  10. C

    Low HCG 17 dpo - 707 IU/L

    The nurse called and told me my hcg is low, it’s only 707 IU/L and she said it should be over 1000 at 4 weeks. Really really nervous. Anyone been though this?
  11. M

    Anti-E or anti-e titre <1

    10+3 and just got a call that there is an antibody that could be concerning and they need bloodwork from my partner and further bloodwork from me. They didn't want to worry me but I asked what it was and they said anti-e or anti-E (we were talking on the phone so not sure which). Discussed...
  12. S

    10 negative 1 positive?

    Confused about my “pregnancy” Hiya, this might seem quite long and confusing but I’m looking for any sort of help I can get! So it starts; February 15th me and my partner had unprotected s*x, I was late in receiving my hormonal injection contraceptive aswell. The next day 16th of...
  13. I

    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    Hey ladies!! are you worried you have GD? worried about your test and failing it and what its going to do to you? Have diabetes and not doing so hot keeping up on everything? lets be there for each other! Here is some info on diets that was given to me by my clinic. its been a great...
  14. H

    Graduated 37+0!

    Hello everyone, it is currently Christmas Day and I’m sitting in a hospital with the best gift ever, my son, sleeping next to me. So I tested positive for you know what on Friday morning, Christmas plans were out the window. I called my doctor to see what medicine I could take and what it would...
  15. S

    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    I honestly don't understand what is so hard about waiting minutes at a health clinic to get a free vaccination in order to protect your future grand baby, great grand baby and niece/nephew from possible diseases. The responses I have gotten so far: "Pretty sure I have mine." - Okay, fine. Can...
  16. G

    When did you get excited “again”?

    Hey y’all! I am currently 17 weeks with my double rainbow baby! I would say the first trimester was full of “don’t get your hopes up” and constant anxiety and then WHOOSH relief happening from the 12-14 week period. Sharing the news, learning it’s a girl with low risk genetics, buying our very...
  17. 6

    Please answer

    Was on norethisterone tablet 10 mg for 15 days (24 august to 7 september). I got bleeding also it had clots like for 3-4 days on 12 september to 15 september. I had a sexual activity on 4th september with protected intercourse, no ejaculation also, even penis was not penetrated only genitals...
  18. Y

    TIC because I finally finished my master’s w/ a 4.0

    I have been working on this degree for a few years as is the norm. I committed to myself from the beginning that I would graduate with a 4.0 come hell or high water. Apparently, that was a challenge accepted by the universe as we have all had our struggles (pandemic related and not). My final...
  19. H

    Just found out I’m 2-3 weeks pregnant

    I’m terrified for the pregnant part not so much bringing the child up. I’m scared how I’ll feel all day I have to work and I’m scared the symptoms are going to be too much. What should I be expecting ? 32 never been pregnant
  20. S

    21 M 21 F, 3 years and counting; I need help from sex ed experts

    I need help. Hi everyone. I need help from you guys. My girlfriend and I had sex today. Everything was good and all. By the time we were finished we tested everything. Our condoms are not ripped, she was able to see my cum beside me. The sex is protected and all. But I have to ask a question...