
  1. S

    First 8 weeks I gained 9 lbs and then I lost 6 lbs in a few days after I started drinking more water. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water!

    Hi everyone! I was having an issue where my weight gain was off the chart high. I gained 9 lbs in the first 8 weeks. I ate a very spicy meal one day and chugged water like I have never done before. Guess what!? The next day I wasn’t as bloated and lost 3 lbs. I continued drinking a lot of water...
  2. S

    I need success stories, pls! (40 F)

    Hello! I am freshly 40 yo, obesity 1st degree (BMI 31), hypertensive. Since finding out Im preggo (also very fresh) I ditched all my bad habits (sedentarism, coke zero, processed crap) and started walking about 10k steps a day, a significant portion of that being brisk ~ 5 days a week, I eat...
  3. M

    Trying for a baby while being plus size

    Hi everyone to keep this short and sweet, I am 190lbs and 5”2 My doctor told me the reason I could not conceive is due to my weight, me and my partner have only been trying for a short time and I have advised that I have had pregnancies (miscarriages) when I was slimmer, but she told me I...
  4. H

    When were you able to go back to your pre-pregnancy strength again after a c-section?

    I had an emergency c-section 3 weeks ago. Prior to delivery, I was working out at least 2-3x a week. I was also very active prior to being pregnant and lifted weights + did HIIT on weekdays 4-5x a week and ran on weekends. To those of you who also underwent surgery (cesarean section), how long...
  5. G

    For anyone in the 1st trimester worried that they’ll not going to be able to exercise at all in their pregnancy

    Here is the log of my biking - my LPD was March 4 and I’m due on Dec 9. My current goal is 100 miles per month through T2 and then 50 a month through T3. my biking log
  6. A

    Pregnancy fitness app that isn’t a pdf?

    Hi all, first time new Mom here and still very early in pregnancy! I’d love suggestions on some apps or subscriptions that have a solid prenatal routine. It doesn’t have to be free, I’m willing to pay for something efficient that still follows typical strength training routines but focuses more...
  7. R

    Breastfeeding bras for CrossFit/working out

    Hey! Does anyone here breastfeed & do CrossFit?! Or workout in general. I’m 7.5 week PP and looking to get back into working out - CrossFit specifically. (I will be going very slow) But the only bras I have are some of the multi pack nursing bras off Amazon. I can tighten the straps to...
  8. G

    Giving in to fat vs pregnant belly

    Ok, weird title, but here is what I mean. I’m 228 lbs at 5’-5 and 12 weeks + 5. I already had a belly prior. Not enormous, but decent. I carry weight proportional though. I’m at a point where I’m bulging slightly on the top of my belly only. I got some maternity shorts and a few tanks/t-shirts...
  9. M

    When did you start getting morning sickness and what has it been like?

    I know this is odd, but I’m a bit concerned because I’m week 8 and have had occasional food aversions but no steady morning sickness. I have gotten suddenly nauseous on occasions, but it is sporadic and not a daily thing. I was thinking I’d have it by now so am a bit worried something is wrong...
  10. M

    Is this a stupid idea (running related Q)

    Im 12 weeks pregnant w/baby 2! My other babe is about to turn 1 yr in a couple weeks. Prior to my first pregnancy, I would run a couple times a week, 1-3 miles at a time. Occasionally would do 4-5 miles if I was consistent with running and pushing myself. Quit running altogether during 1st...
  11. K

    Ab separation

    Can anyone recommend an ab/core workout specific for diastasis recti/ab separation reduction or prevention? I’m 16+1 and already huge. Its all belly, i’m super active and have gained minimal scale weight but i’ve been in maternity pants since 8 weeks because although i could (and still can)...
  12. Q

    Karens at the gym told me I shouldn’t be working out because I’m pregnant

    This is the second time this has happened. I let the first time slide since I was just thinking it was one ignorant old lady. But some time passes, another woman asked if she can speak to me and she told me that she notices that I’m pregnant and I shouldn’t be here and I should be home in bed...
  13. A

    Having a sixths baby?

    (Repost from r/parenting) Due to a condom malfunction we did not even know of, I (F41) find myself pregnant with our sixth child. We were 100% done when we had number five. We thought we were done with number four but obviously there was still room for another, this time we were utterly...
  14. L

    16w, pelvic bones hurt like I’ve been riding a bike?

    This is my second pregnancy- first was normal and I exercised up until the day I delivered. That was 2 years ago. Now pregnant with my second, and my crotch bones(? Like the bottom of my pelvis, between my legs, but the bone part) ache like I’ve been spending too much time on a bike (I haven’t...
  15. A


    Hi all! I’m 26, 330lbs and have been diagnosed with PCOS. My husband & I are currently TTC. According to my Flo app, I’m 9 DPO and due for my period in 6 days. Although, my period is very abnormal and I haven’t had one now for 3 weeks. I usually bleed for roughly 7 days, then have a 5 day...
  16. S

    Any bike commuting moms here?

    First time MBT at 25+0, daily bike commuter 20 miles a day with a pedal assist ebike. I’ve noticed ever since hitting 20 weeks that the increased blood volume is smacking me in the face, and I’m relying on the e-assist much more than before. Did any of you make it all the way through your...
  17. M


    Hey all, we are struggling a bit with names and wanted opinions. We have a few first names and middle names we like, but I am open to suggestions or hearing how y’all picked out yours! If you like any of the ones we have so far let me know, I’ll keep the first and middle names separate as a mix...
  18. M

    Pre-workout supplements?

    Hi all! My daughter is 10 months and I just found out I was pregnant again. I had recently purchased Vital Performance pre-workout supplement, but I’m not certain it’s safe for pregnancy. (See ingredient list below) If anyone has taken it during pregnancy let me know! Do you all have any...
  19. T

    First scan

    Hi everyone. I went for my first internal scan today I thought I was 7+1 but turns out I’m actually 5+5 which is a little further behind than I thought. My LMP was tracked so I know it’s correct however I’m not sure on ovulation dates. The sonographer seems like everything is fine and reassured...
  20. D

    Was everyone referred to an MFM just because their BMI says they’re “obese”?

    I haven’t had any problems in my pregnancy. I’m 26 weeks, BP has always been great, no GD, the only thing recently was diagnosed with anemia after my GD test that I took at 26 weeks. But my most recent ultrasound at 24 weeks (a follow up to my anatomy scan bc they couldn’t get all the pictures...