
  1. V

    Have any of you gotten fit *during* your pregnancy?

    Before getting pregnant I was pretty thin, but during my now 17w pregnant I’ve put on a lot of weight for my frame (petite, 5’0). I haven’t been eating all that well and definitely haven’t been moving enough. So I’m looking for some encouragement about getting fit while pregnant! Before and...
  2. B

    Yoga for 3rd tri - but not ‘mild stretching pregnancy yoga’???

    Hi all - Im 25w and going strong. Ive kept training from day 1 with 2 days weightlifting and 2 days doing lagree a week and loads of walking. I stopped doing yoga because my studio basically bans anyone on 1st tri and from then on only allows ‘pregnancy classes’ which, for an avid yogi, are...
  3. S

    C Section Recovery

    I am 4 weeks post partum from a C section. About a week ago I started getting shooting pains in and around the incision (no signs of infection, the incision itself is healing nicely). The bigger issue is about 2 days ago I started having pain above the incision, the overhang part above the...
  4. L

    Preparing For Induction

    Currently 38w3d, have had some fluctuations in blood pressure that they have been watching. This is an IVF pregnancy due to infertility, and baby has been big (but not huge) the whole pregnancy. OB scheduled my induction for Sunday night, and the L&D nurse went over the process for cervical...
  5. D

    Try for baby #4 or be done?

    My partner and I wanted a big family (minimum 3 - which could be small to some people but we live in a high cost of living city so that’s a lot to our peers lol). I’m a SAHM, my partner works in data science and we’re fairly comfortable financially. We have a big enough living space to...
  6. E


    Anyone have any pics of bump with previous apron belly? I’m feeling I’m going to not show or anything because of my weight and apron 😩 can anyone shed some light x thankyou🥰❤️
  7. R

    Any free online exercise class gems?

    I’m a FTM, looking to add to my daily exercise routine. Right now I walk my dog for 30 min and then do a 30 min daily online workout: I alternate between Strength YouTube videos such as BodyFit by Amy ( )or Nourish Move Love ( ). As well as the Down Dog apps; Prenatal Yoga and Barre. What...
  8. J

    Sports Bra Recommendation for Nursing Moms - Link Inside

    Link to Bra I was scrolling through Zulily today and saw that the sports bra I bought when my daughter was a few months old was on sale. It has velcro adjustable straps that you can completely unthread from the cup so it can be pulled down easily for nursing. It's good if you maybe are taking...
  9. R

    C Section Recovery SUCCESS

    5 day PP, and had an emergency c-section at 35 weeks, 6 days. I am walking already (1.5 miles yesterday and 2.3 today). Keep TOUGH, listen to your body. 🩷 women are super humans!!!!! I attribute all this to staying super active in pregnancy and a positive mindset. Way to go gals. 💪 I...
  10. D

    Anyone stop running first trimester due to fatigue only?

    Hi—it’s my first pregnancy and I’m about 8 weeks. I’ve been so fatigued and trying to make myself run, but I’ve had to cut my mileage way down and take what feels like constant walk breaks, and I just don’t want to run anymore because I have started to dread it. I’ve been relatively fortunate in...
  11. S

    Running so much slower!

    I’m 14 weeks pregnant and running had gotten so much less enjoyable for me. Prior to getting pregnant, I was running 6-7 days a week close to 75 mpw. I used to have no trouble running long distance and qualified for Boston twice. Recently, I haven’t been able to run faster than a 9:30 pace...
  12. R

    Confused and need opinions

    3/20 I got my first positive pregnancy test and then on 3/23 I got another positive but yesterday went and got my beta hcg and it was
  13. I

    Just found out I’m 17 weeks pregnant! HELP!

    Just found out I’m 17 weeks pregnant. Had absolutely no idea and was at the gynaecologist seeking fertility treatment when I had an ultrasound and got the shock of my life. It’s my first pregnancy and I have no idea what to do or expect. I’m currently overseas with husbands family for a month...
  14. W

    Needed opinions!

    Hey y’all! my husband (30M, 6’1” 250lbs) and I(27F, 5’6”, 320lbs) have been TTC for 2.5 years. We have been diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” just 3 weeks ago. We’re both very healthy on paper. No where near diabetic, no high cholesterol or BP, just not thin. Very active, work out. I’ve...
  15. O

    Seeking advice - staying active- 8 weeks

    So leading up to my pregnancy, I started developing really healthy habits— esp with cardio using peloton and my Apple Watch. A few notes: Pre pregnancy: I made a rule for myself that I had to close my rings on my watch to be allowed to drink an ipa. It was great motivation and often I didn’t...
  16. P

    Pregnancy coaching

    Is anyone working with a coach during pregnancy? I’m 7 weeks 5 days via ivf and the weight gain has been unreal. Between my two retrievals and me medicated FET protocol this meds have wrecked my body and I have gained so much weight without changing anything in my habits. Ok absolutely miserable...
  17. M

    What are my options for delivery with rectum prolapse?

    I am 30 weeks pregnant, I don’t know how severe but I have rectum prolapse.. every time I attempt the RR it comes out, It’s been happening for about 2/3 months I thought it was a hemorrhoid but it’s definitely not.. I thought it would go away but it’s getting worse. I have a 16 month old whom I...
  18. O

    Apps say belly might start to feel firm (9W), but doesn’t with the extra fluff

    Plus sized friends who are beyond 9W: when does your tummy start to feel firm? Here is what my app says this week: “Whether or not you’re starting to show off a baby bump just yet, you’ll probably notice that your lower abdomen is a bit firmer than usual” I was pregnant 4 years ago and 1)...
  19. L

    My Biggest Pregnancy Accomplishment: Third Trimester Half Marathon (X-Post r/babybumps)

    So thrilled about this and just wanted to share a happy pregnant moment! I'm still SHOCKED my body let me do this, but back in February when I found out I was pregnant I decided to try and run a half marathon in every trimester. I'm a newer runner (18 months at that point, so wasn't super...
  20. T

    HCG not doubling

    I'm just a mess. After 2 years of trying, 3 Chemicals and 1 MMC at 6 weeks, unexplained infertility, I just don't know what to think. Here are my 7 HCG results: March 28th: 32.1 (approx. 15 DPO) April 1st: 90.6 April 3rd: 202.8 April 5th: 485 April 8th: 923.5 (not quite doubling in 72...