
  1. J

    Postpartum workouts

    [ 24 yo/f ] I am really struggling accepting my body. I have been in a deep depression about my body and just stopped caring or really putting in effort to fix it because I knew it wouldn’t be immediate results. I haven’t been eating right or taking care of my body like I should. I’m asking for...
  2. D

    Seems the wife could be pregnant at 42

    Hello ladies and gents, So I’m 46, wife is 42. She’s missed 2 cycles and thought it may be early menopause starting. Her smell has changed and she’s tired. She took a test and the line is faint but it’s there. We thought we were done with kids. We have 3 kids 17, 15,& 10. We are scheduling...
  3. S

    How do y’all do it??

    I’m 16 weeks. Before getting pregnant I was training for a half marathon. I worked out 4x a week and I stuck to my schedule religiously. Now I just don’t have the energy at all. People kept telling me that the 1st trimester I was going to be exhausted and the 2nd trimester I would get better...
  4. M

    Graduation! 39w3d

    Being a plus size momma I wanted to share my graduation experience with others that may be nervous about what to expect. Some details beforehand: Pre-pregnancy weight: over 300lbs I have an apron belly I have a skin condition Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) Before I was to get pregnant I went...
  5. C

    What the f?! (A vent)

    I’m 30 years old, I’m physically fit, I workout 4-5 days a week doing a mix of cardio hiit and strength training. (All prep pregnancy). I’m now 17+2 weeks pregnant and Im sore taking my dog on a 2 mile walk! Im dying when my heart rate is only 132, my hips hurt. what the f?! Lol I know I know...
  6. C

    Pregnant belly?

    Hi all! I just found out I’m pregnant, only 4 weeks and 4 days. I’m a plus size gal, 5’6”, 275 pounds, size 20. While I’m so excited to experience pregnancy and have this baby, I can’t help but feel a little self conscious that I won’t have a pregnancy belly and won’t even look pregnant for...
  7. C

    STM’s, did you actually “bounce back”?

    People keep telling me I will “bounce back” because I’m working out through pregnancy. But I just spoke with someone on my bump group who said she was lean/shredded prior to pregnancy, worked out through pregnancy and after and never ended up bouncing back. So second third whatever time parents...
  8. A

    C section mom’s with apron belly

    Did you use silicone bandages to help with scarring? Was your belly an issue? I’m just curious if it’s worth investing in some of the silicone bandages
  9. M

    Anyone else freak out before big appointments?

    I am 20w+4 and have my 20 week anatomy scan today…. And I’m so anxious I can’t sit still. I have heard so many moms say that it’s beautiful and you finally get to really see your baby but I’ve heard so many others say that this scan is when they got bad news. I’m typically anxious before...
  10. Y

    Husband running a 2 day race a month after I’m due

    First pregnancy, clearly no clue what it takes to take care of a 4 week old. My husband has registered for a trail race that will take him out for about 48 hours. One month after my due date. He asked me before he registered and since we’ve both been adamant about keeping our hobbies and fitness...
  11. K

    TTC q’s

    Hey, I’m looking to try for my third baby in the next couple of months. I am 5’5 and 222lbs. Going in for an appt. to check out my overall health and discuss a future, hopefully, pregnancy. I plan on having a C-section. After the first baby being a c-section and my 2nd being a VBAC with a 3rd...
  12. E

    Toddler + Newborn + ?

    Long story short, my husband and I have a 2 month old and 14 month old and have been doing well with the support of visiting family members. We initially imagined having 2-4 kids, but did not have our first until about 8 years of marriage due to focus on education/career. Both babies were...
  13. T

    16w 5 days and have been twisting in yoga now knowing it’s contraindicated…

    Typo in title, meant to say NOT knowing, not now* I’ve been doing yoga for the past year now. I took a break for a few months and got back into it about a month after I found out I was pregnant in November. So I was about 8 weeks when I went back for 2 sessions, took January off, then started...
  14. C

    Risk factors when you’ve already had a special needs child

    Unexpectedly expecting at 41 (7 weeks today). My kiddos are 8 and 11 so it’s been awhile since I’ve been through this and I was under 35 at the time. I remember there being standard genetic testing, but I’m wondering what to expect this time around. My oldest has significant support needs (what...
  15. H

    Sizing up on clothes

    I'm looking at just sizing up on clothes bc the maternity wear isn't working for my corporate job. How much should I expect to size up? 1 size, 2 sizes?
  16. E

    How far along are you and what’s your workout routine?

    I’ve been a runner/yogi for the past 13 years. I also swear by Jillian Michaels workout routines. I’ve never had any other workout yield the type of results her workouts give me. But with all of that being said, I suffered from extreme morning sickness from week 6-12. There was not a single...
  17. U

    How do u deal with the nausea during outdoor running?

    Hi everybody, very, VERY new to this journey and need help. So one of my first symptoms is nausea and smell sensitivity...go me!! My husband and I try to walk/jog 5 nights a week. I don't make it far or fast (think the tank top "I run like a tortoise through peanut butter but I run") but last...
  18. B

    Deliciously Fit n Healthy Pregnancy and Postpartum Guide Review

    Has anyone purchased the pregnancy workout plan from Andrea at Deliciously Fit n Healthy? Or the postpartum plan? I want to get the pregnancy one but I’m reluctant to buy it without seeing any reviews of the content. Mostly I’m worried it’s just going to be a ton of squats which I can mostly do...
  19. M

    TTC When Overweight

    I (27, F, 5’7 and 206 lbs) have been TTC with my DH for roughly 8 cycles now. I’m worried that my weight/BMI may be the reason I have not become pregnant yet. I do exercise regularly and am trying to live a healthy lifestyle as I can. For other plus size women who have conceived, was there...
  20. F

    Growth scan ultrasound - 36 weeks measuring small

    I measured 12% overall at my 36 week ultrasound (36 weeks today) and am freaking out. Can someone talk me down?