
  1. M

    Post-Pregnancy Fitness report - 5 months out

    I'm taking a leaf out of @mjb048 's book and posting about fitness from the other side. I'm 5 months out, and hopefully this'll help some of you. Stats pre-pregnancy - 5'6", 180lbs, reasonably fit (running 2x week, gym x1, training with personal trainer x1, sometimes I'd squeeze in an extra...
  2. D

    Postpartum running

    I’m looking for advice about starting a running habit postpartum. I’d like to start doing 5/10k again. For background, I was an avid runner probably 10-12 years ago but since then have drifted into other sports/workouts. I have been moderately active during my pregnancy, mostly weightlifting...
  3. S

    Is walking good enough if I can’t run anymore?

    I’m honestly probably just looking for reassurance. I’m 21w pregnant and have suddenly started getting a sharp pain in my right hip whenever I run. I’m so bummed about this becausee I pictured myself running throughout my whole pregnancy and I love running so much. I can still walk fairly...
  4. R

    Disappointed and no VBAC

    let me start off by saying i UNDERSTAND why my doctors are telling me no. but i still don’t like it my first baby was emergency c section bc i wasnt dilating. second was emergency bc my water had been leaking for at least a week 5 weeks early and they wanted to get her fast. that was almost...
  5. T

    7 weeks 1 day

    Hi everyone. I have booked a private scan ( in the UK) for when I’ll be 7 weeks and 1 day, next Friday. I’m just wondering if a heartbeat is visable at this time and what can actually be seen? I’ve booked it due to huge anxiety and worry that something is wrong. The only symptom I have is sore...
  6. T

    Endurance event @ 8 weeks

    I just found out I was pregnant this morning and have my first endurance hike race in 4 weeks. This news obviously came at a surprise but I’ve been training around 10+ hours a week for this event since last November. I’m doing 29029, which is a 36 hour timed endurance hike in Idaho where I...
  7. B

    What is your experience on getting off the pill while being plus size?

    Context : I am not pregnant yet but me and my BF are thinking of conceiving. I (26F) got back from my OB/Gyn consult last week. She prescribed me progesterone to get my period back, because since I stoped the pill a year ago in January 2023, I didn’t have my period back on (only had spotting 1...
  8. B

    Positive Parenting Subreddit

    (Mods please delete if not welcome) Hey friends, I’ve seen a lot of posts about negativity in pregnancy/parenting groups. I’ve also seen a lot of people asking for a positive space as well. I get it, everyone needs a space to yell into a void occasionally. But shouldn’t we all get a space...
  9. M

    Will my B-belly eventually "pop" into a D-belly?

    35F, 24 weeks, 342 lb I have a B-belly - as in you can't see my belly button when I'm standing because my belly "folds" (this might be a good time to say that English isn't my first language so if something doesn't make sense, let me know!). The lower part of my belly (so under my belly...
  10. M

    Awesome affordable nursing sports bra

    For any mamas planning to breastfeed, I just wanted to share that I found a very affordable nursing sports bra at Target that I basically live in...
  11. N

    Pregnancy and weight Rant

    Long ago, I (F, 26, 354 lbs, 5 ft) went to the doctor about my PCOS, and then I asked about future pregnancies, just so I know for the future. The doctor said to me that at that time, I would need to lose about 10% of my weight (estimately 354 lbs, not entirely sure) if I ever want to have a...
  12. B

    First-time pregnancy! Turning 40 in two months :)

    I'm overjoyed. My partner of nearly 9 years and I are sort of late bloomers... we really decided that we wanted to become parents just a couple of years ago, and have only been trying in earnest for about 8 months or so. I think I had come to believe it might not be possible, as I have never...
  13. J

    Told that anesthesia would be difficult and dangerous. Anyone have any experience?

    I just had my weekly appointment with a dr. Mine was out of town so I had to see her partner. I’m 36 weeks and 6 days with my 1st and about 330lbs. I knew from the start that there were higher chances of complications due to my weight but my usual dr assured me that things would be okay. She...
  14. C

    How to convince my sister

    So I’m 37 and will be 38 in May. I was in engaged but my fiancé committed suicide. I don’t have anyone to have children with yet. It has been six months and I still want children yet my sister tells me I’m too old for that and I should just adopt. I really want to experience pregnancy and have a...
  15. M

    Help me work out regularly while pregnant

    I'm currently 16 weeks pregnant, and struggling to maintain a regular workout routine. I didn't workout at all during my first trimester (just long walks when I could muster the little energy that I had), and only started working out again recently (30 min rowing twice a week). The biggest...
  16. T

    Suppose to be happy, but I’m stressed

    Trigger Warning: Pregnancy Loss After 2 chemical pregnancies, trying for a year and fertility treatment with hormones we got the positive we were praying for! I took the trigger shot (ovulation injection) and had timed intercourse September 20th and 21st. With those calculations and date of my...
  17. K

    Hypertension that’s NOT pre-e

    Does anyone have experience with this? I had an appointment this morning at 23+2 (twins) and my bp was 150/80, with no protein found in my urine at all. I am having feet and ankle swelling, but no other symptoms, and both babies are growing on track and doing great. My OB didn’t seem extremely...
  18. H

    Struggling with not working out in early pregnancy

    I’m exactly 8+0 today and I’m not doing well mentally with being so nauseous and exhausted. Before pregnancy, I was in the gym 6 days a week. Now, I’m lucky if I go on a walk after work. I struggled with severe nausea and vomiting but began unisom + vitamin b6 and that’s helped with vomiting...
  19. S

    When to try for a second?

    I have a 7 month old and will be turning 40 next week. We thought we were one and done but are considering having another baby. My doctor said she usually recommends waiting at least 18 months between pregnancies but because of my age I can start trying when I’m 1 year postpartum. I had an...
  20. D

    How many miscarriages before you were able to conceive

    I’m 42 and after many unsuccessful IVF treatments, I became pregnant naturally and miscarried at 8 weeks. I’m wondering if women are able to carry a healthy pregnancy to term after having miscarriages this late in life.