
  1. O

    Slowing Down

    So, I (32F) know they say it’s safe to continue any exercise you were doing pre-pregnancy and not to start anything new once you’re pregnant. But, I was almost completely sedentary before pregnancy. I would go on leisurely walks maybe 3-4 times a week. Went to the gym here and there, but nothing...
  2. S

    Baby Carrier for Big Hips

    Hi all! I am so thankful to have found this community and eager to get input on prepping for my first baby. I’m currently 20 weeks, bmi of 39 and have gained 3 pounds this pregnancy. My partner and I hope to tote this little bean with us everywhere we safely can after birth (of course...
  3. B

    Hopefully some inspiration (TW: results not typical)

    Hi all! I’m now 4 weeks postpartum and wanted to share something I could’ve used when I was pregnant. That said, this post will not be everyone’s cup of tea, so skip the pics if you think happy results photos will make you feel bad—that is NOT the intention. Like many of you, while I cared...
  4. N

    Nursing bra recs for extended cup sizes?

    Hi! My bra size was 38K prepregnancy. I’ve been living in the stretchiest bralettes I could afford throughout pregnancy and I’m not sure what size I am now, though I am positive I’ve gone up both in band and cup size. I’m bringing my little one home in less than a month and still haven’t found...
  5. S

    So many questions about continuing with my workouts

    Hello! I’m like 5 seconds pregnant (10 DPO) but have been planning this and want to continue staying as fit as I can during this pregnancy. Last pregnancy was 6 years ago and I wasn’t working out before or during. I was very overweight going into it and had never had a real fitness routine...
  6. M

    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    I’m only 8 weeks so have plenty of time to think this over, but my MIL offered to come stay with us when baby is born to “cook and clean.” Though I understand this comes from a good place on her part I am feeling like it is really something I don’t want and that refusing will cause drama with...
  7. G

    B-Belly and overshooting recommended pregnancy gains

    Hey all, this is a post about weight - I checked the side bar and think I'm adhering to the rules by not mentioning specifics, asking for medical advice, or solely taking about diet, but mods, please let me know if I have to change anything! Trigger warning that this is generally about weight...
  8. A

    C Section Recovery

    I am about 2 weeks post-partum from an emergency C Section. It was very scary for me and to be totally honest I put no time into researching C Section recovery prior to having my baby. I have an apron belly so between my pre-existing apron belly and my post partum belly the incision is kind of...
  9. A

    Nursery glider chair

    Anyone have a plus size friendly nursery glider chair they’d like the share? I am looking for something with a wider/deeper seat to be most comfortable.
  10. P

    When did first trimester hit you?

    So I’m in my tww now (post iui). I workout regularly. A TOUGH reformer Pilates studio by me is doing a one month unlimited special for $100 which is a great deal for my hcol area. Would it be dumb to join right at the beginning of my first trimester if I do end up pregnant? I’m testing next week...
  11. P

    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    Hi everyone, been a lurker for a while since I started TTC and I’ve been inspired by all your stories. I finally got a call from a local fertility clinic to start my process. I’m 5’9” at 290lbs so that’s a BMI of about 43. The doctor basically said no treatments would work and I need to lose...
  12. M

    Post-Pregnancy Fitness report - 5 months out

    I'm taking a leaf out of @mjb048 's book and posting about fitness from the other side. I'm 5 months out, and hopefully this'll help some of you. Stats pre-pregnancy - 5'6", 180lbs, reasonably fit (running 2x week, gym x1, training with personal trainer x1, sometimes I'd squeeze in an extra...
  13. D

    Postpartum running

    I’m looking for advice about starting a running habit postpartum. I’d like to start doing 5/10k again. For background, I was an avid runner probably 10-12 years ago but since then have drifted into other sports/workouts. I have been moderately active during my pregnancy, mostly weightlifting...
  14. S

    Is walking good enough if I can’t run anymore?

    I’m honestly probably just looking for reassurance. I’m 21w pregnant and have suddenly started getting a sharp pain in my right hip whenever I run. I’m so bummed about this becausee I pictured myself running throughout my whole pregnancy and I love running so much. I can still walk fairly...
  15. R

    Disappointed and no VBAC

    let me start off by saying i UNDERSTAND why my doctors are telling me no. but i still don’t like it my first baby was emergency c section bc i wasnt dilating. second was emergency bc my water had been leaking for at least a week 5 weeks early and they wanted to get her fast. that was almost...
  16. T

    7 weeks 1 day

    Hi everyone. I have booked a private scan ( in the UK) for when I’ll be 7 weeks and 1 day, next Friday. I’m just wondering if a heartbeat is visable at this time and what can actually be seen? I’ve booked it due to huge anxiety and worry that something is wrong. The only symptom I have is sore...
  17. T

    Endurance event @ 8 weeks

    I just found out I was pregnant this morning and have my first endurance hike race in 4 weeks. This news obviously came at a surprise but I’ve been training around 10+ hours a week for this event since last November. I’m doing 29029, which is a 36 hour timed endurance hike in Idaho where I...
  18. B

    What is your experience on getting off the pill while being plus size?

    Context : I am not pregnant yet but me and my BF are thinking of conceiving. I (26F) got back from my OB/Gyn consult last week. She prescribed me progesterone to get my period back, because since I stoped the pill a year ago in January 2023, I didn’t have my period back on (only had spotting 1...
  19. B

    Positive Parenting Subreddit

    (Mods please delete if not welcome) Hey friends, I’ve seen a lot of posts about negativity in pregnancy/parenting groups. I’ve also seen a lot of people asking for a positive space as well. I get it, everyone needs a space to yell into a void occasionally. But shouldn’t we all get a space...
  20. M

    Will my B-belly eventually "pop" into a D-belly?

    35F, 24 weeks, 342 lb I have a B-belly - as in you can't see my belly button when I'm standing because my belly "folds" (this might be a good time to say that English isn't my first language so if something doesn't make sense, let me know!). The lower part of my belly (so under my belly...