one and done parents

  1. M

    I just took my first nap in months!

    My daughter just turned 16 months. We just sold our house, husband has a new job in the next state over and lives there m-f and come home on the weekend. So it’s me, my daughter and our two dogs M-F. We just bought a home. I’m cleaning out our house and my classroom as we make this move. I’m...
  2. F

    6w pregnant with our first and only, the first challenge to OAD popped up and was slammed down

    I told my sister that I jokingly asked my OB to go ahead and tie my tubes while she’s down there if I do have to have a c-section, and my sister said “well, at least wait until they survive past the risk of SIDS to tie your tubes” Idk if it’s just the raging nausea that burned up all my fucks...
  3. N

    My baby is 3 months old, how much harder does it get??

    We are also going to be homeschooling 😬 I don’t know what kids and babies are like at l so this is all new and we are learning as we go
  4. J

    Quality over quantity?

    Anyone else constantly getting asked or judged about not having multiple? My daughter is only 13 months, but because my husband and I both have several siblings who have multiples, it’s like we’re supposed to do the same or we aren’t as good of a parent. I don’t know when that became the goal...
  5. R

    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    My friend, who is childless, keeps telling me I will regret not having another baby. My son is 9 months and is a happy, cheeky crazy little boy. But it’s been hard. We’ve had no help or support from family (my mum died, my dad refuses as he’s “done raising kids”, husbands mum lives 2 hours away...
  6. T

    One and done not by choice?

    Hi all, As titled. I see a lot of posts about OAD by choice, I wonder if there are any parents here like me that are one and done but not by choice? My son has special needs. Kids w his condition face a possibility of lifelong disability and my husband and I only have the means to support one...
  7. L

    One and done by choice slash medical but this is not enough for some ppl

    Ok, so my fellow OAD first of all I salute you! My husband and I are happy one and done parents to our 5 year old daughter. We are a mixture of by choice and I've had most of my cervix removed due to cervical cancer, which makes carrying to term risky and not fun. As I'm turning 38 I'm getting...
  8. B

    All reasons are valid

    C/W discussion of ableism/mention of fictionalised child loss So whilst bumbling around a different (non-Reddit) parenting forum, I came across a thread of a very overwhelmed parent of a toddler with non-verbal ASD wanting to vent/get advice regarding bedtime. Poor mum was at her wits end after...
  9. I

    Having a toddler = living under a dictator

    I said what I said. Today she dragged my husband into the kitchen to put the cup he finished 0.001 seconds before, next to the kettle 🤣
  10. T

    Having a tough time

    Hey all. I’m one and done because of infertility — I barely got my little girl here. A year of trying naturally, a couple rounds of Clomid, two rounds of IVF: one no mature eggs and a mean doc who told me I’d never conceive and the second with seven eggs, two embryos and one precious girl. She’s...
  11. S

    OAD with no daycare?

    Hi all. I know daycare in general is a hot topic right now. Whether to send the kids back, whether to stay enrolled, etc. I’m mom to an 8 mo and our intention was that I stay home with her for 7 months and then my mom would watch her and we’d evaluate if we wanted to put her in daycare at some...
  12. E

    OaD decision made for me

    My son is 19 months old, and it’s been so much fun watching him grow. I’m not a baby person, but most of the time I love being with him! I had SEVERE SPD during my pregnancy, to the point that my hips separated more than someone who went through L&D and a vaginal birth (I had a planned C-section...
  13. C

    She just turned 4…

    & I swear I just look at her and think dang - where the heck did this enjoyable thing come from?! I feel the past 4 years I have been unable to connect easily and E N J O Y her because the tantrums were NUTS and so constant. I’m so happy to be at this point and stage but I also feel sad kind of...
  14. 2

    I don’t get why people want more than one

    I just had my daughter in August and in my Facebook due date group there’s moms talking about currently being pregnant again, or ttc, or looking forward to getting pregnant again, or wishing they could and I cannot even begin to understand that thought process. I’m SO DONE. The thought of...
  15. S

    "The Wagon Stroller Will be a Waste of Money Without a Sibling..."

    So, I am 100% one and done. My husband really wants more kids (after the same fashion as a boy who begged for a puppy and then left his parents with all the real work :-/ ) , but I can tell you there is a 0.000% chance of that ever happening, and it is a direct result of how utterly unfairly my...
  16. G

    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    Background: I developed HELLP syndrome at 36+6 and had to get induced, baby was born healthy but on the smaller side and luckily didn't require NICU time. My platelets got so low that I couldn't get an epidural so I had a natural birth which I was completely unprepared for mentally. I also...
  17. I

    Stop f*cking telling me I’ll change my mind

    I just had a call from my realtor to update me on some stuff. In the background his daughter was laughing and screaming and he apologized, I said ‘that’s okay, I’ll be hearing that next year anyways’, he was surprised and asked when I was due. I said March, that this was my only and I couldn’t...
  18. I

    Finally got the “when are you giving him a friend” from mom

    This weekend we took our almost six month old to see both of our families (a 2.5 hour trip one way). He did AMAZING! Husband and I were extremely anxious about the trip, worrying he wouldn’t sleep or nap or be miserable. He was totally chill (not saying this to brag as I suffere from terrible...
  19. S

    I made a list of pros and cons of having a second (to convince my husband to be OAD)

    I tried to show that the cons outweigh the pros. He is still trying to convince me otherwise... Pros Babies are precious and their sentimental value is through the roof Current son (2M) would have a playmate (also a rival for attention) Society seems to expect that I have more than one Husband...
  20. C

    I’m able to handle more than my only on occasion because I’m not stretched too thin

    I occasionally get to play “mom” to multiple kids since i’m not mentally or physically stretched too thin in everyday parenthood. This past weekend, I texted a friend whose husband recently underwent major surgery. The friend was/is nursing him around the clock. O offered to watch their child...