one and done parents

  1. J

    Do you have a village?

    Curious if those of us who are one and done have villages or not. Personally, I am a sahm who is with my son every single day 6 am to 8-9 pm. Dad gets off work around 6 pm and does help during the nights & weekends. Other than that we have no additional help. At first I thought we’d have 3...
  2. A

    Ovulation is a no good capital LOSER

    The title is childish, just like my uterus. Even if I hadn’t tracked my cycles for 3 years to get pregnant with our only, I would surely still know when I’m ovulating. Every. Single. Month. My ovaries start whispering “bUt WhAT aBoUt ONe MorE” and “hE wOUlD LoVE a SIbLinG.” To which I whisper...
  3. G

    I’m OAD, hubby isn’t and that’s okay

    Like some, I envisioned having two kids before even getting pregnant, I felt that was the norm “they’ll always have each other”. Now…even though I knew kids would be in my future (hubby really wanted kids) I would have been okay either way if we never were able to. But we were able to conceive...
  4. E

    1 year mark

    A lot of people say things get much easier after their baby turns one. My son will be one in a few weeks. What did you find became easier after your child turned one?? I'm looking for some reassurance here because my 11 month old is a lot right now lol. I would love to hear different thoughts...
  5. K

    I got sterilized after one child

    I’m F 29 with a 2 y/o. I am married and I had my one and only child at 27. A couple months ago during an annual pap i casually asked my dr about getting my tubes tied. I was expecting push back but the only suggestion I got was how about ask if your husband would get a vasectomy bc it’s less...
  6. P

    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    I know that even if son had a sibling it’s not a promise they would have played together but parenting an only child who is spirited is tiring. My son also has ADHD and high-functioning autism. Child will be 7 in June and still won’t do anything alone. He would rather follow me around while I...
  7. V

    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    Me and my husband agreed to our OAD life when we were 6 months postpartum because I didn’t think I’d survive another PPD. But I had it solidified when my best friend had her baby 2 months ago. I held him and just went… “nope. I’m done. No more of this for me k thnx”
  8. N

    Do twins count as one and done?

    Originally we wanted several kids, but when we started trying we got pregnant with twins. I had a kind of traumatic birth; pregnancy was so hard, they were late, I had an emergency c section, and some pretty severe post partum anxiety to boot. Then our doc told us that it was extremely likely...
  9. H

    Having "the talk" (a.k.a. I'm pro-OAD, partner wants more)

    Title says it all. On a burner acct. I'm looking for advice on how to have an empathetic and supportive conversation with my partner as we look to make a "final" decision on family building. The details: me: 42M, spouse: 39W child: 2 y/o M, IVF still a few embryos frozen @ about $1500/year...
  10. J

    OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

    My husband and I are 99.99% sure that we would like to be OAD with our 3 month old daughter. I had an extremely painful pregnancy (had to use a wheelchair for anything more than 5 minutes of walking at the end) and a little bit of a traumatic birth. Despite having an IUD, I am horrified at the...
  11. S

    Unicorn baby solidified OAD

    I watched my niece (2.5 y/o) and I quickly remembered why I am OAD. It was sooo chaotic and hard watching both of them. My baby is seriously a unicorn baby. People tell me all of the time how I have the easiest baby ever, and I agree (he’s 7 months). He sleeps well, is generally happy, goes days...
  12. P

    In my feelings re: Michelle Wolf childbirth piece

    Michelle Wolf is hosting The Daily Show this week, and she did a really good piece about the medicalization of childbirth. Link: When she started by saying she'd recently had a home birth, I worried it was about to be a lecture about how I am somehow...
  13. M

    Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

    I posted here a few weeks ago asking for advice about taking our first international trip with our 5-year-old son (Jack). I thought I'd post a follow-up because international travel is a common topic among OAD families. To simplify some things, I have highlighted in bold text things we learned...
  14. C

    Just want help in making a decision about OAD

    My husband and I before we got married, spoke about having 2 kids. I wanted 2 till I had one. My son is 22 months old. I had a traumatic birth experience - where I had to go for an emergency last minute C section. My pregnancy was meh. TBH I wasn’t even dead set on having the first one but went...
  15. J

    Gun violence

    I’ve searched the sub for this topic and I’m actually surprised it hasn’t been discussed. My husband and I have a 5 month old and we are seriously considering being OAD. However, I’m scared that something will happen to him and we’ll be childless. We’re in the U.S. so it feels like he could be...
  16. L

    Hi y’all, is anyone one and done due to health? I’m falling apart postpartum

    Osteitis condensans illi. Postpartum complications Got a rare condition oci it’s the porosity and density of the illiac bone that makes ur lower back and hips ache and no pills help cuz it’s not inflammatory. If ur experiencing lowe back and or hips pain go get mri done! It’s super rare that...
  17. L

    I have all this knowledge of what I’d do different but I’m only having one kid

    I am OAD by choice. My son is almost three now and I’ve been responsible for most of the childcare. As he gets bigger and I face new challenges, I can’t help but think “If I did this over, I would do x y z to make this easier.” For example, we are potty training. And my son REFUSES to sit on...
  18. S

    OAD because sleep!

    Just when I thought my 3 year old was beginning to get much easier (I mean, he is during daylight hours), we just had our worst nights sleep for a while. He is low sleep needs, naps only at daycare, and sleeps better on no nap days but last night he woke 3 times, ended up in our bed, kicked...
  19. A

    Here's a laugh! Apparently my 8 month old is a "typical only child"

    It was radio silence when I pointed out, that ALL 8 month old would very very likely be only children considering it usually takes 9 months to deliver a baby? I swear people just need to say something 🤣
  20. O

    Family traditions with an only?

    We have a sweet 6mo baby boy, and want to start thinking ahead by planning fun family traditions (although we know he won't really be aware of or involved in them for quite a few years still). We are interested both in traditions that are holiday-related, at least in the sense that they take...