one and done parents

  1. P

    “I do have it pretty easy! That is why I’m sticking with just the one!“

    I went to the neighborhood playground earlier with my 2 year-old & there were 2 other moms there. One of the moms made a comment about how she didn’t know how I had “all that energy” (I was climbing & sliding w/ my daughter.) The other mom, who has met me before, said something like “Oh, she...
  2. M

    For the first time, I told someone I was OAD and they understood

    I (25f) have a 7 month old son and I’m OAD for various reasons, one being due to my baby’s special needs. Well, yesterday he was at the doctor’s to get blood drawn and 2 nurses asked me the usual “how old is he? is he your first?” Etc. When they got to the “Will you have more?” question, I...
  3. K

    this, this is it

    love makes the bite-sized world go round . that’s the peaches and cream of having a child , any child . but , w/ one , the focus goes into overdrive . you get a front-row seat to all this beautiful ridiculousness , and it’s amazing with a capital ‘a’
  4. K

    Traumatic Birth Expirience Made me Decide to Be OAD

    Has anyone else made the decision to be OAD simply because you dont want to put your body through so much pain again? After spending a long ass time in induced labor that was not working, they upped my pitocin to where i was experiencing strong contractions that were seconds away from...
  5. L

    When you see parents of multiples favour one over others..

    My DS is 4 and recently broke his leg so we are having a lot more "at home" time than previous. My neighbours are the types who were desperate for multiple because "it's cruel to just have one". My OAD is autistic and non verbal so I know it would be immensely unfair to divide attention he so...
  6. W

    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    36 y.o. married female with an 18 month old son. Husband is 42. Son was an IVF baby. We have 1 embryo in storage. I would like to use it. Husband is pretty much OAD. What factors came into play when making your decision to only have 1 child? Or is there anyone in this group that actually ended...
  7. S

    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    I posted this a while back in the /daddit sub. The responses were eye opening about just how hard going from 1 to 2 really is. Multiple dads said the change is exponentially more difficult and more then 2x as hard. Every once in a while I read the responses again and think “yeah, I can’t do 2”...
  8. D

    My kid basically told me to stop gentle parenting her

    First let me say that I marked this flair "sad" because I currently feel sad about the situation, haha. It's more of a vent, but I welcome advice if anyone relates, so I didn't want to pick that flair. Also, I know this might not be the top parenting sub for this, but this is the only...
  9. I

    Siblings are not what they’re cracked up to be

    Just came across a blog post about what only children don’t like about being an only child, so it made me think what would be said about the reciprocal - the cons of having siblings. For context, I’m the youngest of 4. My 2 oldest siblings are half siblings from my moms side that I did not...
  10. W

    No free time, no social life. No more. Wife disagrees

    Title sums it up but desperately feeling the wrath of having to have a second stack up against me. My wife and I have one boy who’s is now just over 1 year old. We love him, but he takes all of our time and effort. Besides working, it’s our only time away from him. My wife definitely wants two...
  11. H


    Has anyone been successful with getting their tubes tied after the first child. I’m a 29 y/o F and I have my appointment with my OB next Thursday. I have been told no many times. I know for a fact in my heart I don’t want anymore children and my husband is on board. I guess I’m looking for tips...
  12. A

    Will i ever not be tired again?

    Our daughter is 2.5 and we have a small dog who requires a lot of attention/work. My husband and I work full time but I work some hours in evenings to reduce childcare expenses- edit- to clarify, I work shifts 12-8 a few days a week so that we can only pay for childcare 12-4 those days (mental...
  13. E

    Who here has a mediocre relationship with their sibling(s)?

    Posting this under a throwaway because I would feel kind of bad if my sibling somehow figured out my main and saw this thread. Anyway, sometimes when I see something about only children who say they always longed for a sibling, I feel a bit defensive or guilty (from the perspective of the...
  14. M

    She is one and done but I am a fencesitter, need some opinions

    We are 40 years old and adopted our son 2 years ago. She is pretty much done because she is tired, but rarely she would say: I would consider when he is older 6-7 years old. But… by then we would be super old to go back to dealing with a toddler. I kind of want 1 more because sometimes, the...
  15. M

    I’m scared of my husband going back to work on Monday

    We just had our first (and only) 7 weeks ago. I can’t imagine doing this while already having a child. I am firmly one and done. I am miserable. I feel like I’m not doing any of this right, and I’m terrified of my husband going back to work- I can hardly function with both of us taking shifts...
  16. S


    3 days of Disneyland went relatively well. I’m not saying we couldn’t have done it if we had more than 1… but with how rider swap works I don’t think wife and I would have enjoyed it nearly as much if we had had more. We took our almost 5 year old to Disneyland and had a great time, and we...
  17. M

    Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

    I’m so tired of looking at instagram posts of women bragging that they have been pregnant every year since 2010 or whatever. I come from a country where women are discouraged from giving back to back birth. This is one of many risks that is not well known...
  18. T

    Non-Cheesy, Fun, Getting to Know Games for Parents of my Kiddo's B-Day?

    Our little one is turning 2 and I invited the birthday up to her preschool class and our handful of local friends. There's now about 30 people (kids + parents) coming, many of who don't know each other. Does anyone have recs for a non-cheesy game to get parents to get to know one another? I...
  19. A

    All three couples at my family’s NYE celebration are OAD

    My aunt had a little NYE shindig at her house and I went with my parents and my daughter. Two of my cousins and their spouses were also there. All of us have one kid. My older cousin has a 6 year old and has been pretty vocal about being one and done since he was born. My other cousin and his...
  20. A

    Our O&D journey

    Though I'm an only myself, I'd originally planned on having two, as did my wife, who isn't an only. Our first was very much planned, but though theoretically there were no complications during pregnancy, it was an awful time - morning sickness was so bad that my wife couldn't bear the smell of...