one and done parents

  1. J

    Anybody else have Filshie Clips?

    Edit to add that I am a 26 F. So a few years ago I got pregnant on accident and my life completely changed. I wasn't too crazy on the bio dad's lifestyle (kind of a one night stand thing and he turned out to be a manbaby) so we cut ties and I moved away to raise the baby (lets call her N) on my...
  2. H

    Why do I feel sad about not having another baby, when I know that I don’t want one?

    X post from r/beyondthebump I’m 34, and my husband (38) and I welcomed our son this past November. He is our pride and joy and we love him to pieces. Before we had him, we discussed being one and done, and were pretty sure that we would be. We left the door open a small crack for a second...
  3. D

    “She needs a sibling,” says my sister in law

    I love my sister-in-law, I want to state that up front. My sister-in-law responded with the above message when my husband and I sent a group text to his sisters and mom with a picture of our 2.5 year old daughter in her newly-transitioned toddler bed. (It’s her crib but with the toddler rail...
  4. W

    Wish I could, but I know better

    I have a 22 month old. I have all the common only child worries. I know he’d be a great big brother. But here’s the thing. I know better. I know what another kid means. It means sharing my body for 9 months. It means the possibility of pre eclampsia and a c section. It means sleepless nights...
  5. G

    Little things that solidify OAD

    We are potty training our only (2 y/o boy). It’s been one hour, and I’ve already cleaned up poop in my house 3 times. I was not made for potty training. My son definitely agrees. All I can think is, “I am never doing this again.” Send help. 🫠
  6. V

    I need a safe place to vent regarding the decision to be OAD and my Dr not supporting me fully

    I'm a postpartum nurse, I sometimes float to pediatrics, the nursery, and l&d if they're very short staffed. I have seen so much of the good, bad and ugly of childbirth, postpartum care, and the life of children on a pedi floor. I chose to have my son on my own as a solo parent. Y'all, it's...
  7. K

    Help me think through this "silly" worry? [vacations + OAD not by choice]

    I am 90% OAD due to health complications* and I sometimes do wish for another child. One thing that I find oddly triggering is the thought of going on vacations with my one and only angel girl and my husband. and I KNOW that sounds super silly even as I type that. But, I love vacations, I...
  8. S

    Mom bods

    Posting here (rather than plastic surgery sub) bc I feel more comfortable in this community. Moms with mom bellies: what can be done? I’m happy with my body except for the loose skin. Not mad at it enough for a huge surgery. I was down for 8+ months after my c-section (slightly traumatized but...
  9. R

    OAD decision timeline

    I have an 8 week old and my husband and I always felt we’d be OAD. We still feel this way, however given it took us a long time to decide to have one, we’ve discussed setting up a final decision timeline so we have some space outside of this newborn/baby phase to pull the plug (aka schedule his...
  10. L

    Guilty for thinking this way?

    Hi, We have a 6 yo. We aren’t planning on another at the moment but I would say we’re 70% sure our only will stay an only. Anyway, I said this to a friend and she said I’m insensitive & selfish and that she wouldn’t even think about the following before having another kid ( she’s pregnant...
  11. F

    If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

    What the tittle says, if you could turn back in time, would you still have your child? (Knowing what you know today of course). My child is 5 y, and i'm exausted!! I'm 43 y, a stay at home mom, suffer from anxiety, and sometimes all i want to do is QUIT being a mother!!!
  12. N

    Final Miscarriage

    8.5w journey - also posted in r/miscarriage- just wanted to share (TW: miscarriage) Hi all, I just had my D&C of my 5th and final miscarriage. I’m 40 now, and after 5 losses I’m ready to accept I will not have any more babies. I just wanted to write it out- I conceived this baby on July...
  13. M

    I'm officially sterilized!

    Update from this post ::Context:: I'm 27 years old, Oklahoma, my daughter is 4 1/2 I no longer need to worry about conceiving a child. My daughter will forever by my only! I just wanted to share my update. Thanks you for your time, If you have any questions just ask!
  14. S

    Next level rudeness

    My six year old and I did a girl’s day the other day. She got her hair cut, we went for coffee, and then we had manicures. It was kind of a big deal - I don’t get my nails done and it was my first time in over 10 years, and was my girly’s first time ever. I was really excited - it’s something...
  15. S

    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    Hubby and I have a gorgeous 21 month old son. He is a dream. I'm oad (for various reasons), but I want to discuss one of those reasons today because i think its a big one in my subconscious. Hubby wants another baby but i dont. Atleast that's how i feel now. My first birth was an emergency c...
  16. P

    “I do have it pretty easy! That is why I’m sticking with just the one!“

    I went to the neighborhood playground earlier with my 2 year-old & there were 2 other moms there. One of the moms made a comment about how she didn’t know how I had “all that energy” (I was climbing & sliding w/ my daughter.) The other mom, who has met me before, said something like “Oh, she...
  17. M

    For the first time, I told someone I was OAD and they understood

    I (25f) have a 7 month old son and I’m OAD for various reasons, one being due to my baby’s special needs. Well, yesterday he was at the doctor’s to get blood drawn and 2 nurses asked me the usual “how old is he? is he your first?” Etc. When they got to the “Will you have more?” question, I...
  18. K

    this, this is it

    love makes the bite-sized world go round . that’s the peaches and cream of having a child , any child . but , w/ one , the focus goes into overdrive . you get a front-row seat to all this beautiful ridiculousness , and it’s amazing with a capital ‘a’
  19. K

    Traumatic Birth Expirience Made me Decide to Be OAD

    Has anyone else made the decision to be OAD simply because you dont want to put your body through so much pain again? After spending a long ass time in induced labor that was not working, they upped my pitocin to where i was experiencing strong contractions that were seconds away from...
  20. L

    When you see parents of multiples favour one over others..

    My DS is 4 and recently broke his leg so we are having a lot more "at home" time than previous. My neighbours are the types who were desperate for multiple because "it's cruel to just have one". My OAD is autistic and non verbal so I know it would be immensely unfair to divide attention he so...