
  1. E

    I’m so tired but I don’t want to quit

    Kind of just came here to vent. I’m 31, a FTM, 8 months postpartum. My baby is EBF except for when she’s at daycare 3x a week while I’m at work and takes a bottle with pumped milk. Recently she’s hit some sort of developmental leap (started crawling/pulling to stand, etc.) and her sleep has...
  2. T

    Just started pumping on top of feeding. Baby and I are so tired

    Had our 2 week weight check a couple days ago and baby’s still not back up to birth weight. Our pediatrician said he’s not worried, as she is gaining weight and having plenty of dirty diapers, it’s just not as quick of weight gain. He did suggest to start pumping after her first two morning...
  3. T

    2 month old suddenly refusing boob but taking bottle

    Oh god this whole process has been so hard. My baby lost some weight after birth so was doing bottle top ups on/off since 9 weeks ago. Here’s what we do: Day (7am - 7pm) - Breastfeed on demand exclusively - 1 x Pump in morning when I wake up Evening (7pm) - Breastfeed and a formula top up...
  4. L

    Looking for bottles with 1mL increments

    Hi! My current pumping process involves pumping with my Spectra into the standard Spectra or Maymom bottles, transferring to a 2oz Medela (similar to these), then transferring to my pitcher/Ceres chill. I’d like to cut out a transfer so that I’m pumping directly into the measuring bottle but I...
  5. S

    Feeling uncertain and overwhelmed

    I have a 5.5 week old baby, born via emergency c section after a two day failed induction. Our breastfeeding journey has had its ups and downs. My milk took a while to come in, baby was showing signs of dehydration and we had to supplement with formula from about day 5 to 2 weeks. I got some...
  6. J

    Baby Sleep w/ No Boob or Pacifier

    How the heck do yall get your babies to sleep if they won't take a pacifier and refuse the boob or someone other than mom has to put baby to sleep??? My almost 4mo old has started nursing to sleep for every single nap and bedtime. That's all fine and dandy, I love nursing, but I have 2 major...
  7. W

    Getting from combo feeding to EBF - which of the following options should I try?

    So, my baby boy is 5 weeks old, is combo fed and he’s gaining weight exponentially. I think the weight gain IS from combo feeding and I need to change something. He’s 11.3 lbs at 5 weeks and still gaining rapidly. My pediatrist told me he measures almost as a 2 month old. Our current feeding is...
  8. R


    Hi mamas, I'm so happy to see this support group :) I want to share my tips and tricks to hopefully help those mamas out there who understand the struggle and haven't given up. I hope to help share all the advice from so many hours of research, tips and tricks I've accumulated through this 7...
  9. N

    Hoping to have better experience

    I had my first at 34 weeks v emergency c section and he was in nicu for 3 weeks. I pumped and tried and I ended up drying up after 2 weeks. Im so hoping this goes a lot better.
  10. P

    Only breastfeeding when sleeping

    Hello So I created another post a week or so ago about my baby going through what appears to be the 3 month feeding crisis?!. This still appears to be happening, he literally will not feed unless he's asleep. Looking through my tracking app he hasn't fed properly when awake since he was 11...
  11. T


    Hello… I’m 4 weeks into nursing my 2nd baby. Today I noticed my letdown was painful, and joked about it. In the evening my back, shoulders and muscles started to ache and hurt. I had pumped today b/c I had a bottle to feed my daughter. I got 4oz from one breast in 10min (what I thought would...
  12. I

    Not pumping very much

    So my son will be 6 weeks old on Tuesday. He takes to the breast just fine and is mostly breastfed. But I do pump a couple of times a day so that my husband can bottle feed once in a while so I can nap. I’ve noticed the past few days when I pump I’m lucky to get 0.5-1oz per breast per 15 minute...
  13. C

    Going back to work… Need pumping help

    U. G. H. I am a FTM and EBF my baby this whole time. He’s gained weight perfectly, nurses great, and is a healthy boy. When I pump, I nearly get NOTHING. On a lucky day I’ll get 3 OZ total from both sides. Half the time, I pump and nothing comes out. I know I’m producing milk. I can squeeze...
  14. B

    13 weeks pp and supply is drying up

    My angel baby is 13 weeks old. We have had quite a time so far with breastfeeding. Milk came in day 4/5, I had all the challenges aside from mastitis. Incredible pain, bleeding, low supply, low flow. I was pumping and feeding, power pumping and supplementing with formula when necessary. I...
  15. J

    Trying to get 4.5 month old to the breast after exclusively pumping…

    My daughter never latched in the hospital…never latched at home….lost 15 ounces in 3 days. I was told there weren’t any problems and my milk just hadn’t come in. I got a hand pump…turns out…yes it had, she just couldn’t get it. Pediatrician said to supplement with formula and keep trying to...
  16. N

    Struggling to feed twins

    Twins born at 35 weeks, now 6 weeks old. I had massive (4L) blood loss in C section. Then again at 3 weeks I had more bleeding and had a D and C, and mastitis at the same time so supply really fell. Now I have my second round of mastitis. Baby A has slight lip tie. But transferred 98mL of milk...
  17. M

    Update: No longer discouraged

    Update on this post from two weeks ago. I went from pumping about 15 - 30 mL (.5 - 1 oz) a pump session to getting about 180 mL (6 oz) per pump session. I just wanted to say thank you for all the encouragement and support from this group. I got so many good tips and I honestly tried them ALL...
  18. D

    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Day 5)

    Hello! I’m looking for encouragement as I start my relactation journey at 12 weeks postpartum. This community has been one of my motivating factors for trying again, so I hope you can cheer me on! You can ready my story here: Please help me succeed by sending love and positive thoughts my...
  19. K

    Tylenol Sinus

    Has anyone taken this whole breastfeeding? I am seriously dying for some relief… the pharmacist said I could only take normal Tylenol or else I could hurt my supply but my doctor said I could take this. I don’t know who to believe 😩
  20. T

    Looking for Support/Hope

    Hi! Second time mom here. First baby nursed like a champ. I loved it and it was so easy and a great bonding experience. I just had my second baby a week ago. She apparently wasn’t nursing well and lost too much birth weight. We were told to start supplementing after trying to nurse with a...