
  1. D

    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 4)

    Hello! I’m looking for encouragement and support from our amazing community. I started my relactation journey at 12 weeks postpartum. This community has been one of my motivating factors for trying again, so I hope you can cheer me on! You can ready my story here: Please help me succeed by...
  2. J

    Cow milk transition advice

    Hey I am reaching out for advice. My baby is 8 months old. Every baby is different of course but I been pumping for the full 8 months now. Supplemented formula once this last week because I barely have enough stash to send to the sitter everyday. They keep saying she’s old enough for regular...
  3. J

    Does this look like teething ?

    My 4 month old cries more often and has this on her gum.. she doesnt really want to eat much
  4. P

    It’s 3am. I have been feeding my LO every 1-1.5hrs since 5:30pm

    She’s 17 weeks. We have been in the middle of the 4 month sleep regression for just over a week (we’re guessing? A couple of bad nights during a weekend away may have started it?). I’m just feeding her to sleep every time she wakes at night. Is this normal? I’m worried she’ll just completely...
  5. E

    Will I ever sleep again? 🫠

    I had my 2nd daughter 5 weeks ago. I did not get to EBF my 1st daughter and ended up exclusively pumping for 1 year. Of course that has its pros and cons but the pros included dad getting to do overnight feedings and getting to leave the house for more than 2 hours. My 5 week old is EBF and will...
  6. D

    Knowlege, attitudes and behaviours surrounding pre-conception and pregnancy health

    Hello everyone, My name is Linda and I’m in my final year of Public Heath Nutrition in ATU Galway! I am doing a final year study on knowledge attitudes and behaviours around pre-conception and pregnancy heath, as it’s an area I’m really interested in. I am recruiting all mothers and also...
  7. B

    Question about weird period after initiating weaning!! I’m nervous

    First off, my 1 year old baby is not totally weaned. We do full nursing sessions upon wake up, a short one before her 1 nap per day and another full one before bed. I plan to continue this as long as she wants. But I guess I’ve started weaning because over the past few months weve cut down from...
  8. L

    Everytime she latches it feels like razor blades coming out of my nipples

    Any tips on getting this pain to stop? I’m already in a ton of pain from an emergency c section and whenever she latches it is SO painful. Im going to continue breastfeeding because I love the bond it’s creating between me and the baby, but I just need some relief? Is it normal for it to hurt so...
  9. M

    Is it normal to take over a month to see a very minimal supply increase only for things to tank within days?

    Already posted to exclusive pumping groups. I’m 4.5 months pp and my supply has been all over the place as an exclusive pumper. I was averaging around 15oz a day, then was able to get my supply up to around 17oz only for it to tank to 12oz, and then to slowly work back up to an average of 17oz...
  10. S

    Overhead Coworkers B*tching About My Pump Sessions

    I work in an open air office block with 7 other people, so when it’s time to pump I take my laptop and go into a private office. I used to pump every three hours, but recently increased to every four or five hours. Because of this, it sometimes takes me a little bit longer to pump. Today my...
  11. U

    Sore back

    My boobs have always been big, but I went from d/Dd to probably f or g now. My back always hurts from them (considering a reduction but I’m young and want more kids). I feel like it’s the awkward positions I get in to feed the baby contributing a lot to this issue. Anyone else? Any solutions...
  12. L

    My baby doesn't want to take a bottle

    Hello Mums. I have a 14 weeks baby boy and for now I only breastfeed him ,as I start my classes on Wednesday I'd like to pump and leave him with my husband so that he can feed him but the little one doesn't want to take a bottle. I really don't know what to do anymore I've been trying for 3days...
  13. A

    Mom, trying to wean 18month old

    So last night as my son was losing his C-R-A-P I had a thought. ( side note: I am pregnant so I am almost dried up. ) what if I could use a fake boob as a pacifier ? My son doesn’t like pacifiers or bottles really. And all the pacifiers that are “ breast like or just like mom” are all crap! My...
  14. A

    mastitis x 3

    Hellooooo I’m feeling defeated. My baby is 10ish weeks and I’ve been exclusively pumping and bottle feeding. This weekend I got diagnosed with mastitis in the same breast for a third time in 8 weeks. I take sunflower lectin pills, I pump every 3 hours, I change my bra pads a few times a day. Has...
  15. B

    Breastfeeding Product Bundle Survey

    Hi Everyone, I'm a father of 2 toddlers (3 and 1.5) and remember very well the challenges my wife and I faced as new parents. My wife who is an OB/GYN started putting together bundles for our new parent friends to make their transition into parenthood more smooth based on our experience and...
  16. M

    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    Idk if there’s much of a point to this post-There’s so much on my mind right now and I’m just kind of using reddit like a diary to process my emotions. Here’s one of them. It’s a long story but on Friday afternoon we found out my 6 month old daughter’s femur is broken. It likely happened on...
  17. L

    When breast milk goes to waste 😩

    Spent a lot of time yesterday pumping 15 oz for my baby. I put all the milk throughout the day in a pitcher and thought I put it back in the fridge before bed. I woke up this morning and somehow it was still on the counter. All that milk spoiled and gone to waste. I’m so upset! All that time...
  18. W

    11 month old nursing

    My 11 month old is still nursing about 9 x a day a total of 1.5-2 hours per day. This is on top of 3 solid meals a day plus snacks sometimes, and includes 3-4 feeds overnight. Is this common for him to still be nursing this much? I’m 12 weeks pregnant with baby 2 and am just not going to be able...
  19. P

    W.T.F. baby

    Women, I'm confounded by my kiddo. All of a sudden (like in 5 days) he goes from being breastfed only with some of-the-finger taste tries of food and the bottle when no boobs are available (maybe 2-3 feedings a week, when I go to school) to screaming bloody murder when he's presented with the...
  20. A

    I never imagined it’d be possible. My 7.5 month actually nurses now!

    Not counting pumping at work, it’s been one whole week since I’ve had to pump during her waking hours! I can’t believe my bottle-fed almost 8 month old is latching, mostly emptying, and preferring/asking to nurse! Since starting solids, her intake is slowly dropping closer to my supply. Pinch...