
  1. S

    Baby doesn’t drain breasts & triple feeding??

    So my baby is 11 weeks, and we’ve been working with a lactation specialist for about a month and he is finally in a better place with nursing (actually latching/nursing as opposed to crying when he sees my Boobs). However, he definitely does not drain my breasts before he fatigues out and I...
  2. A

    I need help - baby is not gaining weight

    My baby is five weeks old today. She only had breastmilk so far. She gained weight very slowly and stopped gaining completely a week ago. Doctor wants to put her on formula and I am devastated. I can’t find the reason for the slow weight gain and the doctor says I don’t have enough milk but I...
  3. C

    Torticolis, tongue tie, not transferring well, reflux, not gaining weight, diarrhea..anyone?

    Feelin pretty down everyday about my abilities to breastfeed as a mom. Every feeding is a struggle and I feel like he gets just enough to be satiated but he works sooooooo hard. I give a bottle and the next feed he forgets how to nurse. We are at 8 weeks today. He had a tongue tie revision at 6...
  4. A

    Less feeds with my (suspected) teething 4m/o?

    I’ve noticed over the past few days my baby has been more dribbly, irritable and his hands are always in his mouth. Today has been the hardest day of all because he has hardly fed and when he does he screams and throws a fit. He has been having wet nappies though so he must still be getting...
  5. A

    Sleeping through the night

    If you’re exclusively nursing and your baby is sleeping through the night, how often are they nursing throughout the day? My 4.5 mo old slept from 8:30-7:15 last night for the first time. He normally wakes 1-3 times and feeds, so I was shocked when I woke up at 7 and he was still asleep. Just...
  6. O

    Nursing tank recommendations (no clips!$

    I’m searching for nursing tank tops without clips or extra layers of fabric. Basically just something really stretchy - like the Auden seamless nursing tank (they are out of my size)...
  7. A

    Baby just born via c section with excessive postpartum hemorrhage and I can’t keep him fed on the breast

    My baby was born Monday, June 1 via c section after 2 days of labor. I ended up losing about 2.5L of blood and had a transfusion. He latched exceptionally well and at first I was producing colostrum but still nothing now. I am letting him feed at the breast as long as he wants but then he starts...
  8. E

    Low supply

    My LO is 3 weeks and I’m dealing with a low supply. I ended up with an unplanned c-section after not going into labour after my water broke. My milk didn’t start coming in till after 5 days PP. I’ve been supplementing using a SNS. I feed every two to three hours with the SNS and latch the baby...
  9. S

    2 m/o won’t latch and no supply

    I’m going to keep this very short and simple but please help me! My son is now 2 months old on the 14th of this month. I’m 17 y/rs old and this is my first born and I do not have any family to turn to for advice. When he was first born he latched on quick and easy no pain he was a champ...
  10. S

    "HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"

    I absolutely can not stand this question for many reasons. Here are my two biggest issues... It will never truly represent what my baby is getting It depends on so many factors (is my baby away and I'm pumping? Am I pumping after a feed? Am I on my period or not?) I had a WIC appointment today...
  11. F

    "So WhEn ArE yOu MoViNg HeR tO cErEaL?"

    Does anyone notice that the friends/family members/strangers most uncomfortable with breastfeeding always seem to ask the most questions about how soon your LO can be moved away from BF and over to cereal/other foods? Maybe just a coincidence? Maybe I'm just venting 😅
  12. D

    Increasing supply at 7.5 months

    Hi! We’ve been exclusively BFing since baby was born. In the last 2ish months I became a “just enougher” when pumping at work. In the last 2 weeks I’ve lost about 2-3oz in my usual supply while at work. What can I do to get it back up? Can I still pump after she nurses or will that take what she...
  13. E

    Just the tip(s), please

    Pleeeeeease give me all the tips on how to increase my water/liquid intake. My production is drastically slowing and I know I'm not drinking enough. I had gastric sleeve 1.5 years ago so I'm not able to chug water but definitely need your best tips/tricks on how to drink more. Thank you!!
  14. J

    C section almost 3 weeks ago. Not sure if I will or can produce more milk

    Im breastfeeding and formula feeding. Baby girl goes between bottle and breast easily and latches. I feed her breast as much as I can during day around 3 feedings. I also hand pump 2x a day , would do more if it wasnt such a process to re sterilize. When i do pump i can get around 1 to 3 oz in...
  15. T

    8 week old only eats 2 oz.

    LO is primarily nursed, but we’ve been trying to get her used to a bottle since I’ll have to go back to work eventually. Every time she’s only eaten about 2 oz. She shows no hunger cues after that. Is that a normal amount for her age? I have a chart that says 2 months should eat 4-5 ounces 6-8...
  16. C

    A p*rvert messaged me thru this group!

    A weird, p*rverted man messaged me and said he saw my comment in this group so he knew I am breastfeeding. He asked me something really sexual and then related it to breastfeeding. The nerve! I blocked him immediately. Please beware of sharing photos!
  17. B

    Giving up on EBF

    My baby is almost 12 weeks old and I think I’ve mentally and emotionally reached my limit. Background info - baby was born 9 weeks early, I had severe pre-eclampsia and placenta previa resulting in C-section, I was on magnesium for almost 72 hours, didn’t get to physically see my baby for 24...
  18. L

    O o <— boobs look like this at 7 weeks ebf. Is it too late?

    Like the title says, my boobs are lopsided due to me incorrectly using my hakka (I think). Is it too late to try to rectify? For the most part, my supply has regulated. I no longer get overly engorged unless I go crazy long without nursing. I stopped pumping about 3 weeks ago. I have been...
  19. D

    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    Hello! I’m looking for encouragement and support from our amazing community. I started my relactation journey at 12 weeks postpartum. This community has been one of my motivating factors for trying again, so I hope you can cheer me on! You can ready my story here: Please help me succeed by...
  20. K

    Is my baby getting enough milk?

    FTM here. I gave birth to my LO about two weeks ago. Right now I'm breastfeeding first, after that I give him formula. Since the first week I had a feeling I have not enough milk. After every feeding he was crying and biting his fist. While I was in the hospital, he was crying as well, but would...