
  1. H

    Where to get conversion parts for portable breast pump to collection cups

    I have this wearable pumpbut one of the pumps has stopped working. I’d like to adapt this to work with my zomee Z2 double electric pump. Something like these collection cups. I assume I would just need to find a perfect fit membrane cap but I wanted to see if anyone has successfully done...
  2. S

    Intermittent nipple pain w/5mo

    I truly do not know what the problem is. I have nipple pain intermittently that doesn’t match any description I’ve heard. My daughter is 5m and EBF. I had all the normal pains when we started and eventually it seemed to ebb away but I have pretty uncomfortable pain 5/10 for 3-5 days with breaks...
  3. L

    What I’ve learned so far (and wish I had known before beginning)

    This post is really long. I’m sorry for that! I had a lot more to say than I realized, and this was honestly cathartic to capture all of this. It’s been 11 weeks. Up until the middle of week 9, I was 100% determined to make this work but was not convinced I’d make it any further. Magically, we...
  4. W

    Painful Lactating Adenoma??

    Does anyone have any experience with lactating adenomas?? I was just diagnosed with one on my right breast. I thought it was a huge clogged duct but it was not going away after 3 days of massaging, warm compress, etc. It’s extremely tender, painful, and hot. I got an ultrasound at the breast...
  5. S

    Nursing 4 month old to sleep

    Looking for a bit of support and I suppose, reassurance. My 4 month old slept really well until he had his second jabs at 14 weeks (not sure if this was a catalyst or coincidence), he was actually sleeping through the night before them which was wonderful. He’s exclusively breastfed and I’ve...
  6. R

    Requesting help: Unavoidable weeklong travel away from 1 y.o

    I have to travel internationally for a family emergency and for several reasons my 1 y.o. cannot travel with me. Details: Leaving Wednesday evening (in roughly 24 hours). Trip will last 6 days total including 20+ hrs travel time one-way. I'd be grateful for any general advice and/or...
  7. K

    Spectra s9 travel pump Q

    Anyone have this pump for traveling? Wondering if this is sufficient to travel with or if I need to take the full s2. Tight on space (flying), away for 2.5 days. Appreciate any advice! Don’t want my supply to dip.
  8. B

    dear folks- a q to all moms that want to slowly move away from pumping 4x a day for their 9mo

    I have been pumping 4x a day for my bub. Bun goes to day care and is a very lousy drinker. If I were to depend on him to keep up my supply bub will be on formula by now. What wearable pumps helped you to make pumping moms life easier? I will be travelling a bit later this yr and can't afford...
  9. S

    No colostrum at 36 hours postpartum

    I had my baby about 36 hours ago at 7pm. We had been pushing for 3 hours and he was not progressing any lower so he was delivered via emergency c-section. He came out not breathing and was taken straight to NICU. Neither I or his dad got to touch or see him for almost 9 hours. Because of my...
  10. A

    Looking for bra/nursing tank top recommendations for tig ole bitties

    So, I started with 34DDD before pregnancy. Went up to a 36Gish during pregnancy. My son is now 4wks old and they are anime-sized right now. Still around a 36, but I don’t think I could even hazard a guess at cup size. Purchased this one, in a L, last week (Kindred Bravely Simply Sublime Busty...
  11. N

    Did any of y’all lose weight AFTER weaning??

    Hey all! So I’m currently breastfeeding my 8.5 month old…things are going pretty well for the most part. I love breastfeeding! My goal is to make it to a year and I’m almost positive we will make it despite having something of a supply drop around 7 months. This is a purely vain question but...
  12. A

    My son lost 6 oz of weight between Friday and yesterday despite eating very regularly and having all the diapers needed to be “normal”

    My son eats 12-15 times in 24 hours for 5-25 minutes (average is 15 on one side and then refuses the other or eats for 5 minutes in that other side). After he has eaten I pump both breasts and get about an ounce all together. I explained this to the pediatrician because she asked if I pump or...
  13. R

    Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

    Going into our 3rd week of triple feeding and man, it’s hard. My baby is H U N G R Y and eating at least 3oz every 2 hours. She’s pretty underweight so anything she’s eating is a positive for us. I’m pumping and producing about 2-4 oz every 2 hours which is normally just enough for her, but not...
  14. B

    16-month-old still nursing overnight

    Hi! My 16-month-old son is still breastfeeding — which we are completely happy with. What I’m struggling with, currently, is he still wakes up overnight to nurse. He’s currently going through a a sleep regression and I am W-R-E-C-K-E-D-level tired, as he’s been waking up 3-4 times to nurse...
  15. C

    I know it's nothing compared to some people here but I've officially made it 2 months breastfeeding!

    I've seen people sharing there 1 or 2 year success stories and I know I'm no where near that but everyone I know in real life who have had kids all gave up at 5 weeks or earlier so I'm quite proud of myself for powering through. I knew breast feeding was gonna be hard but no one ever could of...
  16. E

    basic weaning questions (x-post x-post)

    I posted this in an infertility moms sub and in mommit, but I haven't gotten much traction. I HAVE gotten a couple of responses of women who also have the same questions, so maybe you all can help. As HC approaches the 1-year mark, my thoughts start to turn towards weaning. My goal has always...
  17. P

    Breastfeeding dresses? Getting ready for summer

    So my baby boy is due in mid-June. I have a very active 3.5 year old, so I know a lot of time will be spent on our back porch and in our backyard. In the summer I’m usually one for t-shirt dresses and jumpsuits around the house, and I really only wear shirts and shorts when going out (back...