
  1. B

    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    i’m only 2 weeks pp. the dad doesn’t exist and i’m living alone and doing everything on my own. i feed her every 2-3 hours, and i’d try to pump after. i’ve found this to be unsustainable and im only be able to pump around 2-4 times per day. since im by myself, most of the time im holding the...
  2. B

    When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

    Hey! As the title says. I had a c section 4 months ago. I am only nursing & I have not had my period yet. (Yey) but I am having for the past week some pain around my ovaries. Like cramp as if it’s either ovulation or period. But there’s no bloody show no period anything. Wondering, if it’s just...
  3. A

    Supply dropping off. Desperate for advice!

    I feel like my supply is dropping off and I'm worried about feeding LO. I EBF give pumped bottles when needed. Lately I've had to give LO a bottle at night because o don't think she's getting enough from nursing and my freezer stash is getting low. I've tried pumping and using haakaa while...
  4. M

    Shivers and chills, not mastitis

    Hi. Owing to a bad nighttime side feeding latch, I developed a blocked duct. I’ve been feeding through the pain but now that nipple is cracked and bleeding. It’s super painful. I don’t think I have mastitis, no swelling or redness on the breast, but I feel very shivery with chills. I’ve been...
  5. A


    I have two children. 3 y/o&5 months. Both were Exclusively breastfed. My period returned 8 weeks PP with my 3 y/o and went right back to being regular again until I got pregnant with baby number two. After my second baby I have only had one brief period at 4 months PP. I went to my 6 week...
  6. J

    Needing to stop breastfeeding for medical reason

    Hi, I am a new mom. My baby is 2.5 months old. I have been breastfeeding/ pumping, and rarely use formula. She is healthy, and growing appropriately. I unfortunately am dealing w prolapse and the docs have told me that if I stop breastfeeding my estrogen level will go up and my prolapse will...
  7. V

    Is it possible to increase supply at 8 months?

    I started with an oversupply, so fortunately I have a stash in the freezer, but I’m afraid it’s not enough for 4 months. I nurse when we’re together and pump when I’m at work. He takes 8 ounces in bottles when I’m at work. At first i was pumping 18-20 ounces during this time but it has slowly...
  8. E

    Relactation Journey (2m Dry) Week 2: 300ml A DAY!

    So I posted my week 1 journey and backstory here: So thought I'd do a follow up! Not taking any medication but am taking fenugreek, multivitamins and have made some lactation cookies/flapjacks (more to aid my calorie consumption than anything)! Week 1 Daily Totals: Pumping every 3hrs (6am...
  9. P

    Almost 4 month old still feeding every 1-2 hours 24/7 for 5 weeks, I'm about to lose my sanity

    Hi, first time poster here, and also a FTM. My son is currently 1 week shy of 4 months. For the past 5 weeks we've been in some sort of feeding hell that's slowly been chipping away at my sanity, and apparently also my ability to stay asleep. We're EBF, and we have finally gotten to a place...
  10. N

    haakaa question

    I am EBF my 2.5 week old newborn and I was thinking of getting a haakaa. Does anyone have a preference between the hand pump vs the ladybug?
  11. S

    “HaVe yOU tRiEd gIvInG heR SoMe BOiLeD waTeR?”

    Says my partner’s grandma every other day. I’m sorry, what do you think my boob juice is mainly comprised of?
  12. L

    Mostly venting

    I realized yesterday that my baby hasn’t been getting much when he latches. For the past several days I’d been pretty much exclusively breastfeeding instead of bottle feeding pumped milk like I had been and he’d been acting ravenous and cluster feeding. We did two weighted feeds yesterday and...
  13. G

    Breastfeeding with Extremely large breasts(uS:n/Ocup)

    I need some advice and tips on breastfeeding with extremely large breasts. I’m due next week and still don’t have nursing bras(can’t find one the fits properly) nipple covers or a breast pump. I’ve talked my OB and a lactation consultant and they were both stumped. I practiced with a baby doll...
  14. M

    Slacking on Vitamin D

    I use vitamin D drops, I try to give them to my baby once a day but I have been forgetting from being so dang tired. My baby recently got their days and nights mixed up so I’ve been trying to be strict about feeding her every 2 hours during the day to encourage less hourly night feedings. It’s...
  15. M

    List of infant allergies by frequency?

    My baby reacts to eggs and chicken. And milk and I think beef. Probably some other things too I ditched in my elimination diet. I keep seeing random data like "x percent of babies with z allergy also have y allergy" and such. Is there a site that's put together an all-encompassing list of known...
  16. E

    My fiancee's milk is in before mine! So happy! <3 (X-post from /r/BabyBumps)

    (This is a x-post from /r/BabyBumps - original thread found here: ) So as many of you may know by now, my fiancee is transgender (MtF), and this has been such an exciting journey for us both. While she has only begun HRT about 6 weeks ago, she immediately began taking domperidone with...
  17. S

    TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

    Anyone still feel guilty though?
  18. A

    Can I take a night off from EBF once a week?

    I’ve got a 2 week old baby and have been EBF. I’d really like to have one night of 8 hours of sleep. Is it possible to pump throughout the week and let my husband feed one night with bottles while I sleep? Would that affect my supply? Or is this just a silly idea?
  19. S

    Baby doesn’t drain breasts & triple feeding??

    So my baby is 11 weeks, and we’ve been working with a lactation specialist for about a month and he is finally in a better place with nursing (actually latching/nursing as opposed to crying when he sees my Boobs). However, he definitely does not drain my breasts before he fatigues out and I...
  20. A

    I need help - baby is not gaining weight

    My baby is five weeks old today. She only had breastmilk so far. She gained weight very slowly and stopped gaining completely a week ago. Doctor wants to put her on formula and I am devastated. I can’t find the reason for the slow weight gain and the doctor says I don’t have enough milk but I...