[X-Post from r/BabyBumps] Advice-How to tell SIL who has been struggling to conceive?


New member
Hello all,

I figured this might be a better place to get some advice. I hope everyone is having a happy Friday, thus far!

My husband and I are expecting baby #2 in mid August 2016 (we're only about 4 weeks along). We are going to make a holiday trip the weekend after Christmas to see his immediate family, we'll be almost 7 weeks by then. My husband is wanting to tell his family during this trip.

His sister (who we are really close with) has been struggling to conceive for the past year. She had 2 ectopic pregnancies and had to get one of her tubes removed as a result. Around the time she had the surgery done, two of her close friends got BFPs and have since had their babies. She struggled when they told her, understandingly so..

6 months after her surgery, she asked when we were going to have baby #2 and I told her that me and DH started trying again; she seemed genuinely happy and excited. We talked about temping and all that good stuff and we bonded a lot during that time. She flat out told me that she hated people walking on eggshells around her and she didn't want sympathy, since it was in the past.
Now, I find out that I'm pregnant and I'm not too sure how to tell her. I know she doesn't want people to act strange about everything, but seeing how upset she got when her friend's got their BFPs makes me wonder if we should tell her privately (instead of w/ my SO's parents). Granted, her friends received their BFPs around the time she was really going through everything..

I don't want to be insensitive but I don't want to make her feel weird by making a big deal about it if she doesn't want to be treated differently. My SO doesn't understand all this and is set on telling her along with his parents (at the same time). I just don't want to be a bad sister and want to make sure that I'm taking the right steps when we announce baby #2.
Any advice would be welcomed.

TL;DR-SIL had one of her tubes removed. Struggled with some of her friend's BFPs but has told me she doesn't want to be treated "differently". I want to make sure we tell her about our pregnancy the right way, without hurting her, but idk how.

UPDATE: I had my husband call his sister and tell her. She was very excited, he passed the phone onto me and I told her we were planning on telling the rest of the family Christmas weekend and we didn't want to bombard her that day. She was grateful that we gave her a chance to process everything but said she was extremely happy for us and wanted to help plan a way to tell her parents. Sooo, in the end, it went well. Thank you gals again for your advice! It really helped guide me in the right direction.
@lisasoslea Chiming in that something in copy is what I'd suggest as well. It gives her space to prepare without an audience.

If you don't want to make her feel like you were treating her with kid gloves, you could always say that you were just hoping to have an advocate if people saw you not drinking or something before you announced.
@goodbadugly If I were in your shoes I would call her and give her the news privately first. Let her know you are thankful for your discussions when you were trying to conceive and didn't want to bombard her. You can also let her know that although she has said she doesn't like people walking on eggshells, you would like to be open to any requests she has of you now that you are expecting.

Kind of flipped situation: I adore my SIL and actually avoided telling her about my miscarriage so I wouldn't upset her during her pregnancy. It resulted in some grumpy feelings on my end and was all resolved with a phone call when I finally told her what was going on with me. She was thankful I was open but was a little sad that I hadn't been open with her earlier. If your relationship with your SIL is like ours, reaching out ahead of time can be so beneficial in the long run.
@annamoon720 Thank you for your reply! I'm going to talk to my husband about it tonight and ask if I can tell her before his parents. I don't want to step on his toes about it but he doesn't really get how sensitive this topic can be lol.. men are dumbos sometimes.