Would You Rather: House Addition

@kimrossie I have something similar to house B but a little more land and about a 15-20 min drive to town. We have a garden, and dogs and chickens as well I would pick this over and over again. I'm more of a homebody anyways but the drive is not bad and I can do it multiple times a day if needed. I personally like having to plan get togethers as well instead of neighbor kids popping over whenever. That can be nice to have friends so close but it can also getting to be a bit much.
@kimrossie My answer would depend on how your area defines a “6 minute drive?”

Is it 6 mins with or without traffic? Is it 6 mins only if you don’t stop at every single red light, but 20 mins if you do? Is it 6 mins 6 miles or 6 min 1 mile?
@kimrossie House B. We have designed the layout, with all bedrooms on the first floor and looking at several properties that are at least an acre. I can't wait to get out of this neighborhood and into our dream house.
@kimrossie House B, absolutely. Especially if you see yourself there more long term! I’ve only done a few small DIY renos at the house we’re in, but now that I had a toddler and am pregnant I’m slowing down a lot on those. I can’t imagine having to do a whole house and watch the kids.
@kimrossie I just wanted to say from a European perspective that House A is still a lot of space. We’re going to be in 25% of House A’s size with 2 kids, and a lot of people do that kind of thing in the city we live in.

I would go for House A in a heartbeat. Walkabikity beats everything for me. They’ll be able to walk to their friends’ houses when they’re older, explore the neighbourhood. And everyone would have a healthier lifestyle (unless the ability to walk to shops might make you spend a lot more day-to-day than you would otherwise, that could potentially be a negative).

Kids don’t NEED space. They need connection and love. If they have that they’ll be happy regardless.

Have you thought about which house is more likely to appreciate in value?
@kimrossie I think it really comes down to lifestyle. It sounds like what you’re wanting is better suited for house B but living in a walkable neighborhood is crucial to me being happy as a SAHM so I’d personally pick house A. There’s no wrong answer though!
@deborahl5255 Yes actually! Neighborhood A is known for parents walking their kids to school, to the park, the ice cream shop, etc. Taking a stroll around the block after work hours would take all night lol everyone is out and about and socializing with their kiddos, so baby wearing/pushing strollers and supervising toddlers on bikes is not only doable but the norm there
@kimrossie I would absolutely move there. We have a big backyard and tbh it gets boring for the kids when they are by themselves. Friends are more interesting than big backyards.
@timkoh That’s my fear of a big yard- super fun for momma with gardening and chickens and maybe goats, but possibly boring for a 3 year old after a while!
@kimrossie This was us! We are likely one and done, got lucky that our tiny house has a finished basement. Love the walkability and it suits our lifestyle/plans.

For you? House B. I think you know that already.
@mem5 Absolutely! If we were one and done, this would be a no brainer. And who knows- I may have another kid and my dreams of a large family could disappear 😂 in which case House A would be just fine.
@kimrossie We are in the House A situation. I’m very attached to our neighborhood and couldn’t bring myself to leave. It’s a close-knit community with so many great things within a 5-10 minute walk, amazing elementary school down the street, etc. But our house is cramped. To get House B levels of space we would have had to buy a 7-figure home. Needless to say…not in the budget. But I don’t regret a thing. I love it here, and my kids will grow up with a close circle of neighborhood friends. That means so much to me.
@kimrossie So I am the WFH parent and my wife is the SAHP. We did this exact situation. Our first house was smaller, and as our family grew I eventually worked the last 2 years in the garage while we finished fixing up the old place to sell.

New place is 1.1 acres 4700 sq ft, about 10 minutes from old place, and a perfect dream. I’d personally recommend the larger place. My kids still play with friends all the time and are kids, no issues with socialization
@kimrossie We have property like house B but it’s tiny. I appreciate our home, but I’m so over a tiny house that we’ve outgrown. I drive to do most things and it’s not a big deal.