Will i ever not be tired again?

I would be even more burdened by the massive amounts of guilt I have over not spending more time with my child .

Quality over quantity.

Even just tag teaming between parents can be huge.

2 hours of quality attentive and interactive parenting is better than 4 hours of zombie mode parenting.
@acuriousgirl I feel like I could have written this. 2.5 year old girl and 10 year old handicapped dog. We both work full time (although I’m a teacher so I’m off for the summer). This is hard as shit. I feel awful even thinking it, but this would be a lot easier without my dog. I would never re-home him in his twilight years, and I am dedicated to taking care of him in his old age. I’m absolutely not giving him away or putting him down yet, so I’ve just accepted this is what my life will be like for a period of time. Trying to reframe my mindset for happiness, fulfillment, and productivity. It won’t be like this forever is all I can tell myself. I’m tired AF but I know when I look back on this phase of my life I won’t regret the effort I put into it.