Will a few nights of bedsharing get my 7.5-month-old hooked?


New member
Our baby loves his crib, so we’ve never felt the need to cosleep. This week, however, we’re doing some work on the nursery. Baby is set to share our room for at least the next three nights. We tried using the pack and play last night, and he hated it (I don’t blame him. It looks uncomfortable compared to the big crib he’s used to). On top of that, he’s teething and extra fussy. He’ll only sleep more than 30 minutes if we’re holding him.

I’ve done a lot of research over the past several months and feel comfortable with the safety aspect. My question is: will a few nights of cosleeping make him dependent on us for sleep? Will it be a pain to transition him back to the crib? We don’t want to bedshare permanently, although we do plan to let him sleep in our bed once he’s old enough to ask.

Any advice or anecdotes would be greatly appreciated!
@dashestoashes My baby slept with me until she was 9 weeks old. I transitioned here to a bedside crib, where she's been sleeping ever since. However, I don't always move her back to her crib after breastfeeding at night. Sometimes she sleeps so peacefully near my breast that I don't want to disturb her. So she's been sleeping in my bed on and off for a while now. She doesn't mind the crib during the nights I do put her back. She doesn't seem to care much.

Idk if it helps. But my baby isn't hooked in bedsharing just because we do it sometimes.
@nickymoore138 This was really helpful! It’s good to know that we can bedshare sometimes without sacrificing solo sleep ability.

Unfortunately, this little dude decided to throat punch me, then bury his whole face in the mattress the second I laid him on the bed, so I’m thinking bedsharing may not be for us right now. We’ll try again in a few months. Guess I’m in for another rough night…

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