Why is my newly 2 m/o sleeping all day today?


New member
He’s never done this before. He’s woken up to eat and back to sleep for 2-3 hours all day. He’s already a big boy for his age. No signs of sickness.. what’s going on? He’s usually up most of the day/short naps.
@taridayana Growth spurt. Developmental leap. Sleep shift. Coming down with something. Impossible to know. But babies change things up every few days so keep an eye on his food intake, dirty diapers and mood for any other changes, but it’s totally normal to have changes like this.
@taridayana Mine did this too at exactly 8 weeks. Went from 2 hours total of napping a day (30 minutes ~4x per day) to sleeping nearly 6 hours in one day. Of course I freaked out instead of enjoying the free time. She's evened back out as she approaches 9 weeks and is averaging about 4 hours of naps a day.
@taridayana My 7.5 week old just did this the other day where he only was awake to eat but the rest of the time he was asleep. Only lasted one day. He’s back to normal wake windows now. I am guessing (based on my research) that he’s going through a growth spurt.
@taridayana 8w3d today Oh my! Same… we're doing tummy time & she gets so fuzzy… i took her in my arms & can see her eyes sleepy! She sleeps 1hr 30 mins most of the time last night tho 😵‍💫 but im glad she falls asleep fast… i hope she will hAve longer sleep soon

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