When did your ovulation/ period return EBF


New member
Hey! As the title says. I had a c section 4 months ago. I am only nursing & I have not had my period yet. (Yey) but I am having for the past week some pain around my ovaries. Like cramp as if it’s either ovulation or period. But there’s no bloody show no period anything.
Wondering, if it’s just pain from the scar tissue or if it’s close for me to have my period return.
@benstiller12 About 6 months, but I noticed that it coincided with me trying to stop nursing him so much at night. I gave up and went back to nursing on demand but I guess it was enough to kickstart things again. I noticed a similar kind of thing to you before that too, I could just tell things might come back soon.
@mattd624 Same. Ok I almost feel like I should ovulate

She only ate once this night. But 3 times the other

So usually 2-3 times at night and its more of a dream feed She’s never 100% awake I almost feel like. She’s awake when I put her on to latch then she’s out but drinking
@wren84 So you ovulated but never got a period ? That’s my fear. That I might be ovulating - though I took tests here and there and it never looked like it.

I can’t use my Ava bracelet because I am not getting the proper sleep at night and usually it’s most accurate if having a period.

I would not mind Irish twins - But I at least didn’t want to get pregnant before 6 months pp! (Due to cesarean and the doc said that’s the minimum wait for me).
@sharkdive1 Yes I’m
Only 4 month pp. And from whatever I calculated or peed on nothing seems like ovulation or period coming. But the pain is there. And it’s not bad. Just annoying more than anything else
@benstiller12 I used a temp drop, and just wasn’t paying attention because I really assumed LAM. But yes I ovulated before my period. Irish twins is really hard because you lose your milk supply. When you have a baby that young you need to supplement with formula.