When did you go for it? What about the constant peeing?!


New member
Hi all - I’m in the lucky position of having a load of cloth diapers that were given to us. Most are pockets. We haven’t switched to them yet and I need help please.

We have an amazing 9week old kiddo who’s good as gold but HATES being in a wet nappy - even the mega absorbent disposable ones cause her to kick and shout and eventually cry out when she’s peed until she’s changed. Only when she’s very fast asleep or in a sling wrap can we “stack” a couple of pees in one.

So we do a lot of changing. A lot. Her poop frequency is way down - two or three big ones a day and just skids the rest of the time - but sometimes she owes three times in an hour. It’s this that is putting us off shifting to cloth. My partner is concern about the added work of resetting the change station as I’m only just out of the “dark place” of the first couple f months and learning to cope. He is going back to work in a fortnight and I’ll be doing this a lot of the time alone including al the washing.

Any advice or words of encouragement would be amazing. Do you reset every night or in the morning? How do you actually do a change - one off, one on, then pull e inserts out of the used one when you’re putting the washing on? Will her peeing ever calm down?!
@liskev We started around 10 weeks when the poo frequency went down and went all in. Honestly it looks like more work than it is. Yes there is extra washing, but I don’t feel like it really adds that much time overall. Hanging them doesn’t take long and stuffing them is easy and pretty quick. My husband helps me do it while we wind down in the evening. Like others say, you can always do it part time. You might find that you don’t change them any more regularly as well, since you have to change them with every wee since your LO is so fussy. Why not just try it for a few days? You can always go back to disposables if it doesn’t work out.
@liskev Just start with one a day! Work your way up from there. Start by changing every 2 hours. No harm if it wasn’t super wet because it’s reusable, you didn’t waste anything! Once you start you will start to get the hang of it and add more cloth as you go along!
We wash every 3 days-ish.
@liskev My newest bundle hates a wet diaper too. I change just as often when I switched from disposables. About an hour after he’s eaten, sometimes right after that one because he usually likes to poop in a dry diaper, lol. He gets rashes very easily, so his current 1-2 hour wake window is very convenient for frequent changes (I always put a dry diaper on before going down for a nap).
@liskev Like they said. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Started my son part time at 6 months, then moved to all day and even took them on trips! There are options to avoid wetness, like fleece liners. Bonus you can make your own with strips of fleece fabric and they'll last forever.
@liskev We had a similar situation with our baby really hating a wet nappy. Went daytime cloth around eight weeks, and over-nights around twelve. Just try it! Mine is way better in cloth and we all prefer it now.
@liskev You could set aside X number of cloth to do in a day, and when they're done, use disposables.

That's basically what I'm doing at the moment.

I have a very small stash, so can't do cloth all the time. When we have used them all for my 7 week old we just use disposables until we have chance to wash and dry them again. I don't want to get more, they are expensive, take up lots of space that we don't have, and in a few weeks time he will need changing less regularly and the number we have should be right to cloth him almost full time.

So the first 10 changes he is in cloth, then it's disposables. But hey, that's 10 fewer disposables a day in the landfil!!!
@liskev We also have an anti-wet diaper baby. I think we started around 10 weeks, and it was just a couple a day. She did not like cloth for the first 24-48 hrs and then we had no issues! We still Change her fairly frequently but it eventually settles down a bit.
@liskev It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can give cloth a try and if you feel overwhelmed take a break and use disposables until you feel up to it again. I do change babe whenever they are wet or max two hours (even if not wet) even with disposables. The nice thing about cloth is it’s not like you’re throwing money away. Just rinse/wash and repeat.