What time does your 1 year old go to sleep and wake up?

@logansc Well, a lot of us are first time parents… we just figure it out as it goes.

At 1 year we followed wake windows so he woke around 6:30, nap 10:00-11:30 and nap 2:30-3:30.

Your second nap is too long for that time if you want a bedtime earlier than 9 pm.

They do have to get used to staying awake for longer. If I put my son down for a nap early because he’s grouchy, he will 100% wake up early and that screws up his bedtime. And he’s been on 1 nap with a very consistent schedule since 14 months (20 months now).
@logansc Mines the same as yours. When he turned two he decided he was done napping, so now he sleeps like 8:30/9-8:30 and honestly I’m here for it because I’m a night owl and prefer to sleep in lol
@logansc 16 months, almost 17, and she goes to sleep at 7:30/8pm and wakes up at 7:30/8 am, with a 60-90 minutes nap most days. This has been her schedule since 13 months when she dropped her second nap.

That said she has always been a higher sleep needs kid and a good sleeper. Our struggle with her is eating - she's so tiny and it's getting better but her first year getting her to gain weight and stay on her growth curve required very conscious and planned effort.
@beggarsall I’m also struggling to get him to gain weight! He’s great at sleeping through the night, since like 4 months old. But just recently had a problem with not gaining weight. I think it’s transition from formula to mostly solids combined with constipation. All of these transitions at once are so difficult
@logansc Maybe slowly take his bedtime back by 15 mins a night? My kids have always just been on that schedule. I mean, if it works for you and you're not seeing delays, and he's thriving, go with what you feel works best . I've always just watched for their tiered ques. If you hit that over tiered spot, they will fight your tooth and nail.
Also, my baby still wakes sometimes between 11 and 12, and she goes back to sleep. I just let her be, and she knows to re settle . ( they get used to waking to eat and then have to get used to sleeping those long stretches )