What time does your 1 year old go to sleep and wake up?

@logansc My daughter is the same way. She's not an early to bed girl unless she skips her nap. 21 months old. Today she was up at 7am, in her crib at 1030pm.
@logansc 14.5 months. She's finally on one nap, so she wakes between 7:15-7:30, naps 12-2:30ish, bed 7:45-8:00.

When we were doing 2 naps last week, she was waking 7:15, falling asleep at night closer to 9pm (hence why we dropped the nap, it was becoming more difficult putting her down for the second and bedtime was getting pushed later).
@logansc Bedtime is 9 but it takes her some time to fall asleep.

Wakes up anywhere between 8-9:30 (she will sleep until 10 sometimes if I let her)
@logansc mine is nearly 16 months- this is going to be an unconventional answer but he’s a complete night owl. i’ve tried multiple times to reset his sleep schedule. he’s usually in bed somewhere between 12-1 am and awake around 10:30 am😭
@logansc My 2 kids have been like this. Ugh. My husband works over night so it seems like they wait until he leaves to go to sleep :( they fall asleep 15 minutes after he leaves :(
@logansc My 17 month old goes to bed at 12 am and wakes up around 11 am give or take 30 minutes. She has done this for a lonnnnng time, since 8 months old.. I like it this way and don't plan to change it until I need to for school. Her dad and I work nights so we are up late.
@logansc My 2yo has been 8-8 or 8-7 pretty much her whole life. Sometimes takes until 8:30 to fall all the way asleep. She doesn’t need a ton of sleep and stopped napping around her 2nd birthday. If she does fall asleep in the afternoon now, she’ll be up past 9

I was a high sleep needs kid and at this age still slept 7-7 overnight and took a 2 hour nap. My life would be so easy if she did that. She sleeps like my husbands family (still wakes a lot in the night too)
@coralp45 Maybe that’s the problem. He naps around 10 and then around 3-4. But I’m not putting him to sleep, he just gets so grumpy that he starts crying and has to be held or fall asleep himself.
@logansc They need enough sleep pressure or sleep debt to have a good nights rest. 2 naps for us personally was way too much. Try and stretch bubs out till noon. Take him outside, give him the iPad, what ever it takes. Let him sleep till 2/2:30 as long as he has at least 5 hours between nap and bedtime.
@bellahouz About 2 hours. For example today I woke him up after about an hour and a half because I wanted him to have a shorter nap in hopes that he’d sleep earlier. It just made him soooo grouchy and sad for the first hour after he woke, then he had a whole second wind and didn’t sleep until 10.

Now that I type these things out I sound dumb. But I’m a first time mom, I have no idea what I’m doing 😂