What in the world do you all feed your 9 and 10 month olds? I’m at a loss, PLEASE HELP!

So, my twins just turned 9 months. One has no teeth yet and is incredibly picky and will push away almost everything I give him. The other just started to get a couple of teeth and is a bit less picky. I’ve asked a similar question before and read other posts, and everyone says they just give their babies bites of whatever they’re eating. This makes little sense to me and wouldn’t work for us because despite my best efforts, my boys are not at all ready for table food. Trying this always results in them adamantly refusing the spoon.

There are many mixed messages out there about giving them small bites of food even with no teeth, letting them start to feed themselves, etc., but also how they should be getting 3 meals and two snacks at this age (all food groups of fruits, grains, protein, veggies). There’s no way they would be getting anywhere near that if I did this.
Anyway, they are at that weird age where they’re getting too old for purée but are not yet ready for table food. So, I’m desperately turning to others to find out what kind of meals you give/gave to your littles around this age. Or if you have any tips. I’m one tired and stressed out mama. Thank you!
@justanotherabdullah We followed the Rapley method with our little ones.

So basically I gave them anything that was baby proof and if they decided to not eat it, that was totally fine.
They started to eat meals when they were 12 months I believe and now they are absolute monsters when it comes to food. 1 year and 5 months in.

Food under one is just for fun. Don’t force them, make sure that they are not hungry and really: no pressure. They are so little.
@mirandaaa Didn’t know there was a name to this method, because this is exactly what I’ve been doing. Usually steamed veggies, shredded chicken, sometimes rotini noodles, cheeses, etc. I just let them play with everything, and they usually eat most of it. They get a lot of finger foods. They are just over a year and eat 3 meals a day + snacks and they eat a LOT.
@justanotherabdullah Babies without teeth can eat solid food as long as it’s the right shape and soft enough that it can be mashed by their gums. My kids got teeth early but I have a niece who still doesn’t have teeth and she eats lots of different foods. Scrambled eggs, steamed veggies, shredded meat (mostly just sucks on the juices), fish, bananas and other soft fruits, etc. Just start putting food in front of them and they’ll figure it out. They may just play with it for a little while before they start putting it in their mouth and that’s okay. I recommend taking an infant cpr course so you’re more confident with them gagging or choking.
@justanotherabdullah It is an awkward food age while they're learning to eat solid foods. Try not to let it stress you out too much if they don't eat loads right now. Just making a mess and trying things is sometimes how it goes.

It's not always workable to give them what you're having, but you can make it convenient by cooking things where there's something they can try. Eg. Some side vegetables you can all have.

For purees, porridge, soup etc, I would do one big bowl and one spoon and feed them both spoonfuls. It makes it easier that way!

Other foods that are easy to try:
Soft fruits. A whole ripe pear for example.
Steamed or boiled root vegetables
Small sized pasta shapes

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