The world is not made for single parents

@jebusofdenmark Firstly, congrats to your son! I was in drum line at his age, and it was a blast.

Secondly, can he get a ride from one of his band mates? I would reach out to the parents and explain the situation. Parents are pros at carpool and I’m sure he’ll have a ride.
@jebusofdenmark I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed as a single parent. It can be challenging to balance work and parenting responsibilities, especially when there are scheduling conflicts like your son's band practice. Have you considered talking to your employer about the situation and seeing if there's any flexibility in your schedule or the possibility of working remotely during those hours? You may also want to reach out to other parents in the band and see if anyone is willing to carpool or help with transportation. It can be helpful to build a support network of other parents who understand the challenges of single parenting.

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