What’s so special about months 6-12 trying unassisted?

@bella304 As frustrating as it is to wait, I think the statistics are still in your favor to try for a whole year. My sister has PCOS and got pregnant after 9 months of trying. It’s definitely possible to have a spontaneous pregnancy late in the year!
@bella304 For me, I would say it depends on if you notice anything off in your or his body. I got testing done after six months because I was dealing with bad symptoms that made my daily wellbeing a struggle. If I did not have bad symptoms, I would have continued trying naturally for a full year because I am in my twenties.
@bella304 So I’m glad I got checked at 6 months because they found a submucosal fibroid (fibroid in the lining of the uterus) that is not only preventing pregnancy, but is the cause of my chemical pregnancy. My symptoms were heavier/more painful periods, and new spotting a day before my period. Other than that my periods are like clock work so I never really would have known. I got hormones checked and got an ultrasound to check my uterus and that’s what they found. Now I have to get surgery to have this removed to even have a chance again. It all sucks. But definitely I think it’s worth getting testing at the 6 month mark! Especially if something feels off about your body. Honestly wish I would have gone even sooner but the change in pain/flow was sort of slight at first but got more painful as the months progressed. This happened after my chemical. Praying after the surgery that things will be smooth sailing but I’m so traumatized from this stupid journey I feel like there’s gonna be more problems than just this stupid fibroid.
@humblechad Hey, sorry you’re in this shitty boat. They did a pelvic with transvaginal ultrasound. I told them I was having increasingly painful periods after the chemical pregnancy and that’s when they decided to order and ultrasound and found it. I’m seeing an RE next month because I’m getting very frustrated
@hiev I’m so sorry you’re in this boat too 😞 I’m getting increasingly frustrated too by this process. It’s like we were pregnant once, why can’t it happen again already??? I have no patience left in my soul, but have no choice but to continue on in this journey because I still want to grow my family. Sigh
@bella304 Honestly I think it’s an insurance thing. If you’re under 35 they typically won’t cover an RE unless you try for a year. At least in America. But could be wrong. However I agree with you, I am 36 so we were able to go to the RE at 6 mo.
@just_a_guy Are you underweight? Not eating enough to match how much your exercise? I lost my period for over a year due to this - it’s called Hypothalamic Amenhorrea. Doctors don’t really look for this.