What’s so special about months 6-12 trying unassisted?

@bella304 I definitely would advocate for getting some of the less invasive/easier testing done at the 6 month mark. I’m in the middle of my IVF cycle now after my husbands SA came back low. While it has not been a fun process, I am thankful we were able to figure out a cause and plan for it earlier on. Each month we would get a negative test was hard and I couldn’t imagine going through another 6 months just to find out there was probably no hope the whole time.
@tina2655 Getting my husband's SA done will be a HUGE relief. I've had everything but HSG done. He was under the impression it can take a year so has been less than enthusiastic about doing it sooner but I wanted to be pregnant by 30 with my 1st (even if that means IUI/IVF).
@tina2655 Yes! If I were the penis-haver, I would have had this tested as part of an annual physical because I am a proactive planning health anxiety type A freak! My loving amazing husband is a type B, "we'll get there when we get there," only-solves-problems -when-they're-right-in-his-face type human being. We balance each other out so well 90% of the time but SHEW this has been testing us LOL
@bella304 If it helps I had my husband get tested before we were even trying bc I’ve had lots of people struggle with infertility & a lot of the time it is MFI. He was all for it knowing it would ease my mind. We actually got pregnant with our first fairly quickly, but are now struggling with secondary infertility due to pcos that was undiagnosed. His SA cost us less than $200 out of pocket.

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