Waking up without me there


New member
FTM here and EBF my 2.5 week old. I plan to EBF with bottles supplemented when I go back to work part time at 12 weeks, anyways my question is more to do with night feedings. I love feeding her at night because she’s so sleepy and cuddly. Right now I feed to sleep and we also co sleep whole following the safe sleep 7. My question is that she wants me next to her 24/7. like I can’t even roll over to snuggle with my husband for longer than 5 minutes before she stirs in her sleep. Of course I sleep in the cuddle curl position with her, but I’d like to be able to spend some time with my husband or even put her down and stay up for a couple hours before going to bed eventually. I’m aware this could be months away, but I’m just curious on others experience and how long it may have taken.
@asishbm98 I'm going through the same thing. When my baby starts stirring, I simply put my hands on him to let him know I'm still here. It helps with their Moro reflex. I think we'll have to wait to cuddle our husband when the babies fully outgrow the Moro reflex.
@07mateusz I was today years old when I learned this was called the Moro reflex… you mean my little girl isn’t going to do that silly arm sprawly thing forever???? 😭😭😭 noooooooo
@07mateusz She just hit two months 🥲 I love seeing her grow and become more alert, but god it’s going by so fast and it absolutely crushes me that she’s growing up. I’m just trying to soak in every moment

I remember in the first couple weeks, I didn’t even want to look away from her for a moment… not from anxiety but because it would bring me to tears thinking about how she’s going to grow up and move out someday 😂

The thought still makes me sad, but not as sad as those first several weeks 😅
@asishbm98 Subscribing because I’d love to know too. LO is 5 months old and the longest Ive ever got after the ninja roll away is 40 minutes. Most of the time, I only get 20 minutes. Since she started teething a couple of weeks ago, she wakes 5 minutes after I roll away.
@asishbm98 I hear you. I feel the same. I've been staring at my newborn during all awake hours, like a weirdo. I tear up thinking about him leaving home for college (he's only 9 days old). Lol