Waking up 3 times a night and nursing is easier than having to wake up at 6:30 and drive to a job


New member
I'm married to such a POS. I don't think I can do this anymore. Told him he's a 50/50 partner once he walks though the door. He said his day gets started before ours, 6.30, and he has to be out the door at 7.

We have two daughters, a 6 month old and almost 5 year old. I told him I'm up at 6:30, and I'm up 3-4 times a night nursing. He said I'm not up and about, so it doesn't count. He said it's easier to lay down in bed, nursing, 3-4 times a night for 6 months, than having to wake up at 6.30.

The girls go to bed at 8 now. His solution to not napping is to get them up earlier so that they can go to bed earlier. (Baby is up by 7, 4 year old by 8 max). So that he gets his "me" time after they're down. He kept saying that he needs rest. He electively chooses to sleep at 1pm every night.

Told him we have a fundamentally different view on my role as a SAHP. Told him I've been much happier without him (moved to the guest room this week, have not been interested in conversing with him). Then, like a psychopath he told the baby "mama is breaking up the family, two Christmases" and whatever else in a sing songy voice. Oh and an hour earlier, when I said I'm unhappy with him, he said fuck it divorce me and you'll get what you want because I'm going to off myself. Told him he's guilt tripping me with suicide. He's the worst kind of person.

Fuck it, I'm done. This man is helpless. I'm done. I just need to find a job. Those girls are such a blessing, I finally feel like my family is complete, I just need to separate from him.

Some of you probably remember me from a few days back. It's been a rollercoaster. I just wish I had a source of income to make all this easier. Would ideally love to find a weekend job. Don't know where to go from here.
@clovispower Call the cops if he says any bullshit like that again. What a fuckwad. You are going to be fine without him. I know it is soul crushingly hard but you're gonna make it.
@lestertiek Calling his bluff and showing him that you won’t be manipulated by suicide threats. “You said you were going to off yourself. If you do choose to try to do that, I would be remiss in not getting you the help you needed. As I am not a professional psychiatrist or therapist (although you use me like one), I called the cops in hopes you might get taken on a 5150 so that you can get that help in a professional setting.” Showing him that you take him seriously when he says those things either gets him help or hopefully takes that move off the table.
@lestertiek If you call and tell them your partner is suicidal they will send cops and/or EMS to the scene. A lot of times they’ll bring the person to the ED to get cleared (suicidal thoughts are a medical emergency). From there the doc will either clear them to go or put them on an involuntary hold until a psychiatrist can talk to them.

If your partner is dangerous calling emergency isn’t always the safest thing, especially if they’re using suicide as a manipulation tactic and will be able to keep from being taken to the ER.
@clovispower I want you to know that you can do this. You will find a way to earn money and you can keep walking forwards. You’re so brave and strong and I’m so proud of you for working out what is best for your family (which HE is breaking up by being a massive dick).

You and your girls are a perfect family of three 💕❤️
@clovispower Bromo? I have empathy and support…but even more than that, I HAVE TUNES.

Here’s the song I start singing when some asshole thinks they’re gonna take themselves hostage and threaten me with suicide:

@clovispower I have no good advice, but I empathize. I constantly tell anyone that will listen - it’s so much easier to work. You get up. You go one place. You have outlined tasks. You get paid. lol. Being the SAHP is hard. How am I supposed to be fulfillment from watching my kid put dirty towels on the floor as I folding towel? I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
@clovispower As someone who currently wakes up at 600, gets kids ready takes them to daycare and then drives to work it is 1000% easier than when I was having to wake up to breastfeed
He is being a total dick
@clovispower Amazon has weekend only positions. Definitely start searching in your area. Just move all you and baby's stuff to guest room. I'm sorry your dealing with this but so happy for you that your done. That feeling of relief when your done with their shit. You don't need or deserve to take any of his shit. You got this mama 💕 ❤️