Update: The message I sent my therapist. This was hard for me to do, but thank y'all for giving me the courage. ♥️

@djseb Well said!

Before twins, I had always been a big "breast is best" going person, but with twins, I learned my lesson! At four months I switched to formula because I couldn't make enough to feed both and my mental health was seriously struggling. Baby B wasn't gaining enough weight as well. As soon as I switched to formula, he started gaining at a steady rate. If I were to have twins again, I wouldn't spend those first few weeks killing myself about breast feeding. Formula will be my choice from day 1. Heck, I might even introduce a few bottles of formula to my next singleton! Our mental health as moms is way more important!
@djseb That was an incredibly kind response on your part. Hopefully this will be a learning experience for her and will prevent pain for future clients. I hope you get a sincere apology and she's able to better respect that boundary.
@djseb Holy sh*t, I can't believe a therapist said that to you! How unbelievably ignorant!! Good for you. Formula saves lives!!!!!! I say that as a formula fed baby, who had three formula fed babies! 🥰

Also ... Everything we eat and drink is cHeMiCaLs 🙄🙄🤦‍♀️ I hope you found a new therapist lol