update on my situation


New member
basically recap yall i deleted my post bc anxiety (i’m sorry to those who replied) to sum it up i had a late period, protected, safe consensual sex but doubts bc of the late period, but it’s bc of hormones. the date of my last period was september 6. it arrived TODAY!! october 26. 20 days later... feeling relieved and just know what to expect. i was sick so it was delayed (not covid). and stress after a breakup. i have a lot of mental health problems soo it. explains it. got my period today while starting my shift at work. who knew.

the fact it was this late is strange to me it’s never been that late but i’ll keep it in mind. it’s suspected i have PCOS and i’m on birth control daily pill with no placebo pills and i get v light periods so i’m surprised but happy for once. i felt no illness so i figured it wasn’t pregnancy as it would’ve been a month.

and if you’re wondering why i didn’t take a test sooner i had a gut feeling it was anxiety and again 0 symptoms and 0 condom break so i figured.

Read replies for more bc i didn’t want to overwhelm.
@treeofglory1 You should not expect to see bleeding at regular intervals if you are taking birth control continuously (with no break or no placebo pills).

In fact, many women purposefully skip the placebo pills for preciously this reason, to skip their "periods."

"Periods" is in quotes because bleeding while on hormonal birth control (with placebo pills) is not a real period, it's withdrawal bleeding. But again, with no placebo pills, it is more common to not bleed at all.

Talk to your doctor if this type of birth control is not working for you; you need to figure out a way to manage your anxiety so that you don't have this reaction every month. It is not reasonable for you to expect regular bleeding with your current birth control!
I went to the gyno awhile ago and that’s where i got the potential pcos diagnosis from. I was told i’m 2018 i have a cyst or two on my ovaries so they’re confused. Blood tests run but they’re still unsure. strange but maybe common. im 20, my ex partner and i broke up so i was nervous for the baby if there was
I’m sorry this post lacks punctuation. i’m tired and will fix it up later. I hope this eases some minds of a late period

EDIT: i also moved of my partners and now have a diff diet and that could’ve changed a factor environmentally. any questions of your own, reply!