Ultrasound clarity?


New member
Hi! I so far have only had vaginal ultrasounds because I’m early (7 weeks) at my fertility specialist. I was reading abdominal ultrasounds are often impacted by being overweight. I’m 5’4”, 265lbs, and I guess just hoping someone could reassure me I’d still be able to see baby via abdominal ultrasound? Were you able to get clear pictures?
@allieso Of course! I know there’s a lot of unknowns being plus size and pregnant so I’m happy to help :) if you ever wanna see more photos at different gestations, I’ve had a lot of ultrasounds 😅🖤 best of luck to you on your pregnancy journey, friend!
@allieso Same height and am sitting at 240. They did vaginal ultrasounds up until my 12 week, where they did both. The abdominal wasn't as clear and they sort of pushed my stomach up to make the area above my public bone flatter, but they were able to see baby. I'm sure as baby gets bugger it'll be easier
@ocifferpls Thank you! My fertility specialist only does vaginal, and for 4 scans until you graduate to the regular OB. I wonder if they’ll do the same with the combination for my first. Good to know that may happen!
@allieso My only vag ultrasounds were 5 and 7 weeks. Next ultrasound was 11 weeks at a boutique and they did abdominal with no issues. I’m 5’5 and was 300lb at that time. At my anatomy scan, they used the transvag ultrasound to measure my cervix length, but every ultrasound of the baby since my 7 week scan has been abdominal.
@allieso I’m 306 lbs as of my weigh-in yesterday, started my pregnancy closer to 280-something. My 8-week ultrasound was transvaginal, but every one after that has been abdominal, and we’ve had zero problems with seeing our baby. It’s been clear and perfect every time. The only time they’ve had to press down to see properly was when they wanted to look at my cervix during the US, but no problems seeing baby at all.

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